

  • Good question. I am taking a contraceptive, "Implinon (however you spell it)" and I haven't had my menstrual in about 17 months (3 kids- 3 C-sections - youngest kid is 17months). I kind of love the fact that I don't get a menstrual, just minor cramping. Is there a possibility that I will get my menstrual after the gastric…
  • Hi everybody! I'm Roma. I actually just got approved for the gastric sleeve through my insurance. Thus far, I went to the initial orientation to meet the surgeon, nutritionist/dietitian and another physician. Today, I had my cardiology appointment where I got the EKG done. My sleep study appointment is on the 12th and my…
  • Hi everybody! I'm Roma. I actually just got approved for the gastric sleeve through my insurance. Thus far, I went to the initial orientation to meet the surgeon, nutritionist/dietitian and another physician. Today, I had my cardiology appointment where I got the EKG done. My sleep study appointment is on the 12th and my…
  • I am a married mother of three, college student and nurse. Due to birth control I gained 40lbs which puts my current weight at 272lbs. Im GOING to lose 80lbs. I just began my journey on 3/7/13 by lowering my calorie intake and working out for 45mins 5 days a week. My first weigh in will be on 4/7/13. Follow me! Everything…