

  • Hi I've lost 44lbs since being on the mirena, even though it has hormones it is the lowest dose of all the bc containing hormones. That's why I decided to have it x
  • Thanks for all your replies. I have asics running shoes, I find these good for me.
  • they have changed the style to christmas ones but they are still the same shape, I find they don't give you a wedgie and I have a BIG bum so everything gives me a wedgie!
  • My most comfortable are my betty boop ones I will try and find a link
  • Hi, I know how you feel and I think gradual changes that you can keep up forever are more important than sudden massive changes that are not sustainable. I would also say 1200calories is too low for you. I am 28 and currently 12st 4lbs and I have 1450calories a day and I started on 1520 calories when I was 13st 8lbs. I…
  • I snack on carrots, almonds, dried apricots, apples, bananas and chocolate milk is my treat every 2 or 3 days
  • I think it's defiantly good you are logging everything. At the moment I can have 1450 calories a day so I'm thinking I should be having roughly 350 for breakfast, 400 for lunch, 500 for dinner and 2 100 cal snacks. If on any off your meals you are going massively over then try to look for lower calorie recipes. Also once I…
  • I think you set your lifestyle for whatever it's like without the exercise then you add the exercise in. So if you are sitting most of the time you are not exercising them set it to sedentary. What are you doing when you are not exercising?
  • I'm 28 I need to loose a total of 64lbs but I have also just had 2 10lb babies close together while being obeset so my stomach was very stretched it was llike I was having twins and my stomach, hips and thighs are covered in stretch marks. I have lost 15lb of the weight so far but it's difficult to tell. I think I would be…