mistressmozart Member


  • i want to look hot in clothes and naked. i want to be admired for the muscle definition i have, especially my arms and shoulders :)
  • thanks everyone for your advice and input! I checked out bodybuilding.com and all of the other recommendations and I've started lifting :D Now i'm just trying to get a handle on the macros thing and I should be set :) I'm really excited about starting my transformation!
  • thanks everyone for your advice! I had a terrible bout of the flu (aggravated my asthma too) so I'm just coming back. I checked out bodybuilding.com but it's all a bit overwhelming. Luckily my gym is having a special on personal training so i'll be starting with her on monday. I'll also check out the books that everyone…
  • yes i forgot to mention that I do yoga as well at least one 90 minute class a week. like i say, it does reduce but i'm always left with this podge rabbitjb thanks for the tips on lifting programmes, i'll check them out!
  • thanks for your reply! I'm not at my goal weight yet. I'm just trying to pre-empt this because in the past when I've lost weight, I've pretty much reached my goal but just still have this fat hanging around even though i've lost it everywhere else and have toned up all over. I guess i'm trying to figure out what to do…
  • Andrew, that's a good idea but honestly I find the men at my gym intimidating (also i live in a foreign country and my language isn't fluent yet) and I don't see women lifting to talk to. girlinahat thanks for the recommendations! i'll check out those programmes
  • thanks for the feedback all! yes it's the only time I've seen this message so that's why i wondered about it. Certainly I don't eat like that every day, I think ti was just a coincidence give the type of foods that I ate (they were all healthy and wholesome) plus the extra calories earned by my exercise.
  • thanks, everyone! that makes me feel better. I got a bit nervous there... :)
  • yesterday I did finish under the goal with 986 calories. But, as I said, i was full and i couldn't eat any more. I didn't want to eat just for the sake of calories or because i 'could'. these are the bad habits i'm trying to get away from (eating when i'm not hungry, etc). Anyway, it's probably not a big deal, i just…
  • congrats, you look great! I'm 207 now and my goal is about 165, that's when i feel the best. Thanks for sharing this, you're an inspiration :)
  • hmmm it's a good question...well the servings are small, and perhaps moisture from the peppers? but, i definitely get 10 servings out of it. each serving is one large ladle. i hope that helps! i usually eat this soup with something else, a salad or chicken breast and some veggies. it's more of a side dish but not a meal on…
  • i'll be your friend too :) i'm new here (again) and need all the encouragement and support i can get! would like to help others too
  • I'm starting over too! i was on here 3 years ago and lost a lot of weight. it's been creeping back and just before xmas i went through a really painful break up and i'm an emotional eater! anyway good luck to you! and add if you'd like to be friends to motivate each other :)
  • hi Paige, welcome and congrats on your progress so far! I'm an emotional eater as well. And when i go 'bad' I go really bad. I just went through (am still trying to deal with) a painful breakup before xmas so add that to the weight i'd been putting on the past year and here i am.... anyway good luck to you! friend me if…
  • I was here 3 years ago and lost a lot of weight. it's crept back on, plus some more. going through a painful breakup trying to move on and take charge of my health :) would love some support, and in return be a source of support to others !
  • starting on a new journey! would love to have some friends here :)
  • hey! i'm also a repeat offender (?). Was here 3 years ago and lost about 11kg. I think that's about 20 pounds. It crept back on, and recently went through a painful breakup and i went nuts with the emotional eating. so...here i am again!
  • I hope i'm doing this correctly... it's baked chicken breast stuffed with feta, roasted cauliflower, peppers, onions, mushrooms (roasted in herbs and greek yogurt) with sauteed green beans and arugula salad. So yummy and filling! 370 calories
  • celeste, i'm awful about cooking times! I think it should simmer about 20-30 minutes. I just cook it until they look mushy or test one. The lentil should be soft and not firm. The time would probably vary depending on what type of heat you're using as well. I'm cooking on gas. Sorry i'm not much more help about that!
  • argh! i know how you feel. This week i've worked my *kitten* off, eaten very clean and healthy , always finishing under my calorie goal, exercised every day and yet i've gained 1kg?!! I don't get it
  • I always pre log my exercise that way it forces me to do it!
  • yes, i hate it! it can ruin your life...i've suffered for a long time, but i finally got relief. I had surgery at the Center for Endometriosis Care in Atlanta. They truly understand this disease and don't just fob you off, or suggest birth control or having a baby, etc. Their surgical technique is the only thing that…
  • I'm sorry that you're suffering, I have very severe endometriosis as well. All i can recommend is, if you can, get yourself to the Center for Endometriosis Care in Atlanta. It was after their surgery that i got some relief! I'd had surgery before with laser, totally ineffective and was given the most awful medications.…
  • hello! here's a chicken dish i love to make: Ingredients: 1 boneless, skinless chicken breast 1 medium carrot, peeled and sliced 1 cup chopped cauliflower 10 slices of zucchini, with each slice cut into quarters 1/4 of an eggplant, sliced and cut into quarters 2 small shallots, sliced 1 tbsp whole grain mustard 2 tsp dijon…
  • here are 2 of my soup recipes : http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/845634-just-created-a-killer-soup-wanted-to-share-with-you http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/842725-roasted-red-pepper-soup-yum both very filling and low calorie!
  • thank you both for the info!! today was my first day with 6 week 6 pack. I found it tough but not too bad. I think i'm going to be pretty sore tomorrow though and we'll have to see how i feel in a week! you know how the first day can be, doesn't seem to bad but the next day....ouch!
  • yes, absolutely! better safe than sorry ;)
  • I'm new here too, not sure! You could input the ingredients into your recipe and then it will be saved. Or maybe if we're friends you can see my recipes. i'll add you :)
  • my pleasure, enjoy! and congrats on your weight loss!