losing belly and back fat

No matter what kind of shape i'm in, i can never seem to lose stubborn belly and back fat (right under the bra)

I eat a 'clean' diet (hardly any processed foods or refined sugar). i cook everything from scratch and i think i eat a pretty balanced diet of fat, carbs and protein. I at a naturally low carb and low sodium diet. I'm on 1200 calories and satisfied, I usually eat more than that though with added exercise.

I do a combo of cardio and strength training.

So, I think i'm doing everything right. But, this fat never seems to shift. It diminishes, but never goes away.

I'm hypothyroid (on meds) and have endometriosis so I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

Any ideas as to why I can't seem to get rid of this fat ? any tips on how i can lose it? I'm particularly worried about the fat around my belly as I know that this is very unhealthy


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    How are you logging your food - weighing everything?

    What kind of strength training are you doing?

    Are you continually losing weight? How far until you hit goal? What is your goal set to?

    Is your thyroid condition well medicated - do your bloods show it's under control
  • FabianMommy
    FabianMommy Posts: 78 Member
    To add to the above, are you at goal weight or close to it? If you aren't then it could be you need to lose a bit more before these areas will go, or you might need to reevaluate your goal if you are there as it could be you will be happier a bit lighter so these areas improve.
  • mistressmozart
    mistressmozart Posts: 44 Member
    thanks for your reply! I'm not at my goal weight yet. I'm just trying to pre-empt this because in the past when I've lost weight, I've pretty much reached my goal but just still have this fat hanging around even though i've lost it everywhere else and have toned up all over. I guess i'm trying to figure out what to do differently this time.

    i'm logging food by counting calories and measuring carefully
    strength training with free weights, weight machines, and resistance bands

    I still have to lose 8 more kg to get to my current goal.

    Thyroid is controlled i guess, when i mention to my dr that it's still really hard to lose weight, she just shrugs and says it's part of the territory and meds don't always fix that
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member

    When you say measuring please throw out any cups and spoons and use a scale - it makes a difference

    When you say free weights are you following a decent progressive programme

    Machines have their place but for a beginner barbell programmes and full compound lifts are excellent - there are a number free online - Stronglifts5x5, Starting Strength, Ice Cream Fitness (worth a google)
    Or books - NROLFW (new one is called Stronger) but I prefer Bret Contreras Strong Curves

    It does matter that you are bearing heavy weights and progressing weekly

    Some areas of the body just lose the weight last - for many that's stomach - for you it's your torso - you may not lose it until you're at goal, or you may need to adjust goal

    Or possibly you need a better bra fitting ;)
  • stepea83
    stepea83 Posts: 161 Member
    In the same boat as you diet and workout wise. when i hit goal im still left with the midriff fat. going to follow this post to see if any useful info pops up.

    ive recently added general circuit training using own body weight and some light hand weights with blast of cardio inbetween. seen some positive results in the last month.
  • frangrace
    frangrace Posts: 6 Member
    Have you tried yoga? I've found it's particularly good for changing the shape of my back and belly as it's so focused on core strength. Technically you can't target specific areas of fat, but I've found a real noticeable change in my shape from it. My lower belly (which had a fold and was hanging over my thighs when I sat down) has zipped in and the fold has disappeared. There's also a lot less back boob going on! I do hot yoga, so that might be the extra push, but the change in shape was noticeable very quickly.
  • mistressmozart
    mistressmozart Posts: 44 Member
    yes i forgot to mention that I do yoga as well at least one 90 minute class a week. like i say, it does reduce but i'm always left with this podge

    rabbitjb thanks for the tips on lifting programmes, i'll check them out!

  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    Weight lifting?
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    As long as sugar is present (carbs), you will not burn fat. Keeping carbs low (under 100 grams/day) should help.

  • weightlossissues
    weightlossissues Posts: 28 Member
    I also have issues with the back fat and stomach. Around 2008 I had a surgery that cut me from my belly button all the way down. I do not know what to do. My stomach looks like a second butt. (I know the discretion is not lady like but true) I am so helpless. What is a person to do without having surgery to remove the extra fat.

  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    My trainer says that to lose fat you need to do all over cardio such as a rowing machine. We also do tons squats, push ups, pull ups, ropes, and sled. The sled really is the best because it is really pushing the limits while using all of your muscles.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    My trainer says that to lose fat you need to do all over cardio such as a rowing machine. We also do tons squats, push ups, pull ups, ropes, and sled. The sled really is the best because it is really pushing the limits while using all of your muscles.

    Cardio is good for your heart, but doing cardio doesn't make you lose fat. Fat loss comes from eating at a calorie deficit.
  • Denajo17
    Denajo17 Posts: 2 Member
    thanks to everyone I will try them all... I have the same problem.
  • gwayby
    gwayby Posts: 42 Member
    Agreeing with the posters that say to tighten up your calorie logging and be patient. Fat distribution is a matter of genetics, so it may just be that this area is the last to shrink for you. I don't lost my back fat until I get below about 130, and that has been the case every time I've gained and lost weight. Just how I'm built. It sucks, but short of surgery there's no way to spot reduce.