Feeling disheartened

I have been doing my treadmill for the last 6 weeks along with a healthy diet ...at least 4 times a week for 45 minutes ...I really push myself and mix it up going fast slow incline jogging etc...but I am feeling totally dismayed to find I have no lost a single pound or dropped any inches anywhere ..feel like the last weeks have been a waste of time what's the point if it doesn't make a single bit of differance ...anyone have any ideas ? What was your experience with the treadmill should I just give up ?


  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    weight loss is very dependent on what you're eating. have you been eating at a deficit? you cannot outrun or out train a bad diet.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    You haven't filled out your food diary so if you aren't tracking it someplace else, perhaps you are taking in more calories than you realize. I know that it's really hard to estimate accurately. Heck, it can be hard to stay accurate even with using a food scale (hint, weigh everything that isn't a liquid even if it is per-packaged).

    A lot of people that aren't tracking their food, eat more when they exercise more.

    Also, something to think about, were you gaining weight before or at a steady weight? How much are you trying to lose? Are you working hard enough to have sore muscles (which means water retention). How much of a calorie deficit are you shooting for?

    eta: Also, if you weigh your foods, use grams instead of ounces.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    Cardio is never a waste of time. You have received health benefits even if you haven't lost weight. I have felt the same way on many occasions. I read an article from a trainer who said a common reason no weight loss occurs is because we underestimate how many calories we are eating--- make sure you log absolutely EVERYTHING you eat. and we overestimate how many calories we burn for exercise. Another reason she listed is because we actually don't need to lose weight. Maybe your expectations aren't matching with a healthy and/or comfortable weight....
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    I am 5 ft 2 and am about 8stone 9lbs ....I don't use the diary because I stick to the same things I know the calorie intake of everything because I used my fitness pal all the time in the past .
    ..but perhaps your right I need to go back and log dillegently incase I am over my calories without realising
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Fanny, are you counting calories (calories eaten and calories burned) in any way?

    (This was a cross-post with your previous reply).
  • I feel exactly the same. I lost 2.5 stone over the course of last year through diet and exercise a couple of times a week, but slipped a little backwards and have gained 0.5 stone. I'd like to lose another stone and have joined a local gym. I have been going for 6 weeks now and work out for 30-45 minutes 4 times per week and also run 3 evenings a week for 2-3 times.

    I eat as healthily as possible (I have an open diary).

    I have re-joined my fitness pal in the hope of seeing if somebody can help me know what I am doing wrong!!
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Your diary's closed.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I am 5 ft 2 and am about 8stone 9lbs ....I don't use the diary because I stick to the same things I know the calorie intake of everything because I used my fitness pal all the time in the past .
    ..but perhaps your right I need to go back and log dillegently incase I am over my calories without realising

    Just because you know the calorie breakdown of the things you eat, doesn't mean you're actually eating how much you say you are eating. You have a piece of toast every day for a week, let's say it's 100 calories (I eat gluten-free so I do not know how much regular bread is calorie-wise) for an average slice. And you assume you are eating a tsp of peanut butter on top of that every day, which is about 90-100 calories. But your tsp may actually be a tbsp, which means instead of 100 cals you're eating 300 cals. Underestimations like this throughout the day makes it very easy to over-eat. I personally weigh my food but as long as you're consistent, then measuring should be okay until you are close to your goals (at which time I'd recommend either weighing your food for a while to see if you start losing more/again or lower your calories a bit while still just measuring).

    Also, your calorie needs may not be what they used to be, either they are less or more based on your new activity levels and body weight. Recalculate and change your goals as needed. I prefer using the TDEE method myself, and I like scooby's calculator, exrx.net and health-calc.com's calculators. The last one gives the highest TDEE based on the same amount of activity inputted into exrx.net's but this is the one I've just switched to using as I'd like to see how an added 100 calories affects my mood, energy, and losses (been losing 1lb a week on average, maybe a bit more). I do a 20% deficit from the TDEE's given to me.

    ETA: Healthy does not mean you can eat whatever you want in whatever amounts you want. I could easily eat a meal's worth (calorie-wise) of cherries in one sitting, on top of a regular amount of calories that I'd need to eat to maintain my weight.
  • mistressmozart
    mistressmozart Posts: 44 Member
    argh! i know how you feel. This week i've worked my *kitten* off, eaten very clean and healthy , always finishing under my calorie goal, exercised every day and yet i've gained 1kg?!! I don't get it
  • michikade
    michikade Posts: 313 Member
    you may not actually see results as quickly simply because of your current weight, since you're within the normal weight range for your height. Cardio is super important and never a waste of time but at this point have you considered doing some weight training as well? May help with inches and body shape in the mirror a little quicker than the treadmill will. :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    weih, measure and log EVERYTHING, you're probably eating more than you think.

    also, given that your're already a healthy weight for your height, i would look in to some resistance/strength training instead of just cardio all the time if you want to 'tone up'.
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    Very true but if anything I am convinced that I am under I ate a one egg omelette yesterday no oil in the pan .... Lunch was a piece of salmon oven cooked no oil again or butter and last night I had smoked haddock oven baked again and some oven baked tomatoes ...a small pot of low fat 0 per cent Greek yogurt ...this is the kind of diet I have on a health kick surely that can't be over 1200 calls it wasn't when I used to log ?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Very true but if anything I am convinced that I am under I ate a one egg omelette yesterday no oil in the pan .... Lunch was a piece of salmon oven cooked no oil again or butter and last night I had smoked haddock oven baked again and some oven baked tomatoes ...a small pot of low fat 0 per cent Greek yogurt ...this is the kind of diet I have on a health kick surely that can't be over 1200 calls it wasn't when I used to log ?

    if you're only eting so little food, you would be losing weight.

    though my next question, why eat so little!? no fruit or veg, very little fat, thats not 'healthy' at all.
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    I honestly truly struggle to lose weight and I've no idea why ....when I am on a health kick I tend to take it to the extreme believing I will see quick results but I never do ....I haven't got a clue either...I seem to stay at this weight give or take a pound I swing between 8st 9 and 8st 6 but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get below that weight ...am almost t the point of accepting this is how I am ...I am a uk size 8 and I know that isn't bad but would love to be 8 st
  • minhy
    minhy Posts: 5
    If you're not losing weight you have to either:
    1. Decrease calories (recommend about 100) and stick to it for at least a 3-4 weeks. If you have to decrease below a healthy amount of daily calories, you have a different problem. I doubt this is your problem though.
    2. Increase intensity, reduce volume. It seems like you're doing some type of High Intensity Interval Training on the treadmeal. Increase intensity of your short bursts with rest intervals in between where you walk/jog and decrease workout times. It is widely accepted now that high intensity low volume cardio induces fat loss more than drawn out endurance cardio. If that doesn't work, introduce different types of intense training. Resistance, plyometrics, anything that gets the heartbeating. Jump on the stationary bike or something, there's only so much running can do for your body and your motivation.
    3. INCREASE your calories. This is especially relevant if you're on your last few pounds of fat which are the hardest to burn off. Being on a 1200 calorie diet for a period of time can screw up your metabolism. Basically, your body gets use to what you're feeding it and it no longer feeds on the excess fat around your waist. You need to eat MORE for 2-3 days to get it back to normal conditions. You may or may not gain a bit of weight after these 'refeed' days, but going back on your diet afterwards will do wonders for fat loss. You may have one or two of these high calorie days every few weeks.
    3. Look at your diet; the specific foods you're eating, or not eating. Looking from the meals you stated in your post, there are a few things that may be lacking. Vegetables, fruits, and FATS. Without sufficient vegies and fruit in your diet, you're ridding yourself of important micronutrients and vitamins your body needs to function effectively. These are low calorie so it shouldn't affect your diet much. I might even munch on a whole bowl of steamed veggies as a snack and not count it in my calories because its almost irrelevant. This goes the same with FATS. Your body also needs fats to function effectively. Low-fat diets are actually more harmful to bodily functions than low-carb diets. You said no oil in any of your meals. Olive oil is a very healthy fat so you shouldn't be scared of a table spoon a day. Salmon also has healthy fats, along with almonds and avocado. Add some of these into your diet.

    1. Increase your calories for a couple of days every few weeks (around 100-300).
    2. Research on High Intensity Interval Training. Do that instead of your 45min treadmill sessions, you're body isn't being pushed hard enough. Try different workouts and incorporate some otehr forms of 'exercise'. Mix it up, this will keep you motivated as well and keep it fun.
    3. Eat more vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I honestly truly struggle to lose weight and I've no idea why ....when I am on a health kick I tend to take it to the extreme believing I will see quick results but I never do ....I haven't got a clue either...I seem to stay at this weight give or take a pound I swing between 8st 9 and 8st 6 but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get below that weight ...am almost t the point of accepting this is how I am ...I am a uk size 8 and I know that isn't bad but would love to be 8 st

    why? what magically happens when you're 8 stone?
  • rcadams97
    rcadams97 Posts: 106
    I'm in the same boat as you. I do at least 30 minutes of varying cardio (HIIT, sustained low intensity...etc) 6 days a week along with heavy weight lifting 6 days a weeks as well. Only to see each week that my weight has stayed static or even increased, as was the case this past Saturday. I eat well below my daily calories, but still nothing.

    I know how badly is sucks to work so hard all week and see no progress at weigh in, but eventually there has to be some; at least I hope so. I have lost no inches, either. Every bit of clothing I own still fits exactly the same

    MFP has helped me lose weight in the past and I am doing nothing different this time, it's extremely frustting that I'm having so much trouble this time, but I have some faith that it will help me again.

    Stay at it and keep working hard.
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    Lol what magically happens at 8st is that I feel better and look better ....
  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    Is 8 stone 112 lbs?
  • It has not been for nothing! Think of the good you're doing for your health with exercise and good eating! Healthy lifestyle is it's own reward :)
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 947 Member
    Judging by your pictures and ticker you have nothing to lose and your body probably knows that!
  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    Maybe your at a platue
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Lol what magically happens at 8st is that I feel better and look better ....

    nope... eating what you're eating and doing a load of cardio wont make you look better... smaller maybe, but still squidgy and soft.
  • minhy
    minhy Posts: 5
    Also to add, you will still lose weight if you keep at it with how you're going. You may even reach your goal weight, but it will take a long time, and there's a high chance you won't look healthy at all. And once you reach your goal weight, and you return to a maintenance normal diet, guess what happens. You're body doesn't know what to the with the extra calories you're given it because it's been surviving on 1200 calories a day and it'll store it as fat, and you have to do it all over again.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Are you eating at a calorie deficit? I can't see anything logged...
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    Fanny, I am 5ft2 as well and you are actually at my goal weigth.
    I attained it 2 years ago, and it was the weight when people (apart from each other), were starting to show concern about my weight loss.
    However, even at that weight, I was still showing a belly. And that was true, even in my twenties, before having kids, and weighing less than your goal of 8 stones.

    This time around, I want to reach that weight again, as it is my all-time feelgood weight, no matter what anyone says, but I will need to get into body recomposition when I do, so that I actually look the part.

    I have a feeling our overall goals are similar, but perhaps for you as well, at this weight, a further decrease on the scale should not be your goal, but a tightening of your body.

    You will find lots of threads with very wise people here, and with valuable advise on how to go about it.
    Also, you have a PT, he will know what to do.

    Good luck, and please keep your fingers crossed that I am where you are now, by the end of this year!