helenbeee Member


  • OOH this looks like what I need to do lns is my weakness.....its half way through but Ill start now anyway :) 13/01: me = 1 LNS = 0
  • Hi after a long hiatus Im back to give mfp another crack. Im looking for the support Ill need as an emotional craver to kick the habit of medicating with food and enjoy a healthier life. :)
  • Hi I understand your frustration but is your weight loss a desire for a better and healthier lifestyle? or is it something else? It sounds like there is a defined beginning and end to your weight loss expectation and since it is widely believed by the medical profession that stress can impact your ability to lose weight it…
  • Im not weighing myself this time I have a pair of jeans and a top I try these on every couple of weeks. The fit is getting better, I concentrate on my food diary and exercise meeting the targets and not going over. For me the worry of the scale no longer haunts me. Im just getting on with the job of improving by health by…
  • FANTASTIC!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Leftovers are good and make a nice change from sandwiches and salads. So when Im cooking spaghetti or a casserole I buy extra ingredients (you have to be disciplined here and not buy too much but calculate the right amounts) and when I serve up the dinner I dish out 2 portions (one for my husband and one for me) into take…
  • Youre eating way to few calories for starters which will explain the symptoms you are experiencing. I think it would be good for you to actually research (and you can do this here in the forums) and educate yourself on eating healthy. IT would be good for you to add some oats into your diet as your carb intake rather than…
  • whole frozen blueberries and blackberries eat them like lollies. Ill have half a cup and eat them one by one they are better than lollies actually :)
  • you need to get a slow cooker not only can you cook multiple meals in one go and freeze them cuts costs in itself but it uses cheaper cuts of meat and is a healthy way to cook. You just have to be prepared I cook on a Sunday and feeze the xtra meals.
  • This post was like reading me. I know exactly what you are going through I am almost 3 weeks into my fourth attempt to get back into using MFP and my quest to lose weight. The first time was easy and I lost a noticeable amount of weight which I went on to sabotage. I gained all the weight back. What transpired was 2 more…
  • wow you look fantastic well done!
  • Brilliant You look absolutely amazing. Well Done you! :)
  • youve just discovered that brussel sprouts are delicious because they are!!!!! :)
  • half a cup of frozen blueberries eaten one by one (natures answer to lollies!) banana icecream (frozen banana pieces whipped in a blender its like softserve) 2 tablespoons of low fat taramasalata (caviar dip) with carrot sticks homemade bran, banana and blueberry muffin (100 Calories) These ensure that I dont go over my…
  • the best transformation for me is your expression! You are doing an amazing job congratulations and keep up the good work can wait for the face splitting grin at the end. :)
  • why dont you try an oat based cereal like oatflakes they are delicious and crunchy. I tend to have my standard oats soaked with water overnight with blueberries, about 4 almonds chopped (they go further!), cinnamon, skim milk and a tablespoon of greek yogurt honestly is the most delicious breakfast and keeps me going for…
  • in regards to adding in some cocoa powder... ooohhhhh nice variation Im trying that one tomorrow night. I swear its better than ice cream it just taste fresher or maybe the fact that its actually good for you. Tonight I had one of my favs which is raspberries (frozen) banana teaspoon of sweetner and 2 tablespoons of…
  • Hey the BELLY BANDIT looks like a great product wish it was around when i had my daughter! and its an Australian product too. :smile:
  • Dont worry for now just enjoy your baby what you can do is get the routine and feeding baby right for the first few weeks try to get some sort of routine happening (can be hard to do with a difficult baby) In a couple of weeks you can think about going for walks and there are some exercises you can do which are good for…
  • Hey I forgot to mention time is irrelevant this is and should be a lifestyle shift there is no beginning or end its just a shift in attitude and action. So try to not to see events as time based meaning dont get hung up on how many days/weeks/months its going to take you to lose the weight again its irrelevant to the…
  • its sucks I know when this happens but I found that if you set some deadlines for things to happen to get you back on track and plan out what you need to do (write it down and put it up on the fridge bathroom mirror) it should help. I lost 13lbs was at the stage where I was running on the treadmill going to the gym then…
  • okay your friends are acting like jerks even though you know they are not like that all the time. Look dont get hung up on this because essentially when they ask you if you want some crappy junk food they are about to eat YOU KNOW you arent going to eat any of it already dont you? so they are just words that are coming out…
  • Dont celebrate Valentines Day had a glass of champagne the day before tho and it was delicious ;)
  • Got messed up eating habits as a child also. I came from a big family and had 3 brothers who were always hungry and you had to wolf down your food otherwise they would take it off your plate and eat it! Not maliciously just because they had stomachs like bottomless pits. So I got territorial and anxious about meal times…
  • ditto on the exercise there has been only a few times I have been able to stick to an exercise regime for a good length of time one was when I joined a fitness club that had a creche and a really friendly group of women who became my buddies. We would meet a few mornings during the week after the school run and pop the…
  • It shouldnt be a set rule that you just unconsciously just eat your exercise calories in food just because they are there. Listen to your body if you feel genuinely hungry and you have those extra calories have something to eat it doesnt have to be all of them just enough till you feel satiated. If you are eating out or…
  • Some people are so shallow they judge any situation on what the people involved looked like (sad isnt it? ) Iagree with you you should be able to go to the gym and workout without feeling creeped out by someone elses behaviour lets face it its not about gender its creepy if any person does that. His behaviour is not…
  • very bad but extremely hilarious the mental picture was almost as good as the real thing! :laugh: seriously what I would have said was "if you think you are being discreet you need to go home and practice because if you dont stop oggling me Im going to complain to staff. Im here to work not pick up." Plain and simple in…
  • 48 but thinking of my 50's even though I still feel 20! :happy: