

  • Hi I'm following the Scarsdale diet, and today recorded a total of 15lbs loss in 2 weeks. I've a further 20 to go. I also do body pump at the gym, so hopefully converting some of my fat into muscle whilst loosing the flab. xx Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hi Your story is amazing, and shows what can be acheived. My daughter is 300lbs+ and is trying to diet. She has tried all kinds of diets in the past, she also needs to exercise but is too embarrassed to go to a gym. I am very concerned for her health. Would you be prepared to send me details of your diet and exercise plan…
  • I weighed myself today, day 8 of my diet. I estimated my start weight at 160, so I've lost almost 5 lbs this week. Only another 25 to go! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hi I live in Surrey although originally from Leeds. I've managed my weight pretty well throughout my life, having been very overweight in my teens. I'm now 53 and the last 18 months has seen me put on about 30lbs. I spent the whole of 2010 dieting in one way or another - but ended up heavier in Dec 2010 than I was in Dec…
  • Hi, I am wondering if you feel like passing out if you are eating enough food? There is a great article on this site by David Greenwalt on this topic which is very enlightening. You might want to try the Scarsdale diet, you can loose up to 1lb a day - eating really healthy fresh (and easy to prepare) foods. You can also…
  • Hi Dhorie I'm with you. I tried loosing weight all last year with one diet or another and ended up weighing more in Dec '10 than I did in Dec'09. Decided to do the Scarsdale as it worked really well for me years ago. I also like it because it's really precise, I know what I'm supposed to be eating at each meal. It's lots…
    in Hello Comment by Danzicle January 2011