I have been using the TRX at the gym and have been liking it. I looked online for an less expensive alternative for at home. I purchased a "equalizer suspension trainer" which was $40. I received it two days after I ordered it and I am pleased with it. Seems to be a good quality especially for the price! :)
I bought a Ninja Master Prep Pro at Sams Club for $50 and I love it! You can crush ice down to snow. It has four different containers (three differnet sizes). The small one is great for herbs, onions, garlic, etc. It's good for non-healthy things also like margaritas! :D
Hey there! I just started my juice fast today. I watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead last week and felt inspired. Not sure how long I am going to try and do ... 7-10 days for sure; maybe a month if it goes well. I did three days last week as kind of a test run ... I actually wasn't hungry and felt good. I'm not an expert by…