New Year's Resolution! One Week Juice Cleanse 2012!



  • SimpleStepsHealthCoach
    I love juicing! i use the john forman (sp?) juicer! i usually juice 2 carrots, 1 apple . i wanna try juicing ginger but its really expensive over here

    Juicing two apples, 1/4 ginger, and then top off your glass with a little cinnamon - it's a fantastic treat!
  • verito
    verito Posts: 19 Member
    I saw the movie fat sick and nearly dead and it gave me tons of motivation for chanching my diet. I'm trying 15 days. Today is my first day and I did Apple Celery Juice for breakfast. 2 apples, 3 carrots and 2 celery stalks. Delicious!!!!
  • Humphrizzle
    Humphrizzle Posts: 60 Member
    That's what made me do this diet.

    So for my exercise, I decided to go bouldering with some friends of mine. Only went for about 1.5 hours but it was enough to get 4 obstacles completed.




    Had a juice for lunch.

    5 clementines
    1 apple
    4oz spinach leaves
    1/2 peeled cucumber
    3 carrots

    Tasted very good and I feel full!

    I'll probably do 4 oranges for 3rd and then mix a bunch of stuff together for 4 and maybe an apple juice for 5.
  • gominnesotawild
    gominnesotawild Posts: 5 Member
    Hey there! I just started my juice fast today. I watched Fat Sick and Nearly Dead last week and felt inspired. Not sure how long I am going to try and do ... 7-10 days for sure; maybe a month if it goes well. I did three days last week as kind of a test run ... I actually wasn't hungry and felt good.

    I'm not an expert by any means but have been searching online for info and recipes. One thing I have read is to be careful of too much fruit as it can be high in sugar. I've seen people say they try to eat 80% veggie and 20% fruit. I searched online and found a chart with the sugar content of fruit so I could compare. It was a good way to see what is what and choose wisely.

    One day I did a carrot, grapefruit, ginger, and spinach ... it was really yummy.

    Good luck on your fast ... I'll be following along. :)

  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    just ordered my juicer, can't wait to get it to start juicing! Good luck!
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    Bump. I'd like to follow this. I have a juicer and I've been doing about one juice a day so far. Not sure about starting a fast quite yet!
  • pamgreen1
    i loved fat sick and nearly dead! if anyone is in need of a good guide on the ins and outs of juicing, detoxing, how to go about cleansing, recipes, etc., check out the 3-day cleanse book written by the founders of blueprintcleanse. they specialize in detoxing and cleansing and offer a lot of nutritional insight on how to cleanse safely. i have made their recipes before too and they are delicious!:drinker: i am saving up my money to have one of their cleanse programs delivered to me this spring. i always see blueprint magazines and dr. oz recently gave them a great review. here is the link (it has the book info on there):