

  • I also vote for taking the pills as a preventative measure. You may be able to reduce your BP with lifestyle changes and come off the meds but also keep in mind that for some people, it will be purely genetic. Either way, the longer your BP is high, you will be damaging your arteries and heart and putting yourself at…
  • I always found ebay was good in Australia so maybe you could try there? It's not so big here (UK), probably because online shopping in Australia is a bit lame which is weird since a lot of people live hundreds of miles away from any decent shops!! Good luck :)
  • Guilty. But I drink a whole cup of extra milk with it and it still doesn't keep me as full as the same calories worth of egg and toast :)
  • Women: shorts with stockings underneath or playsuits, yuck. Men: Agree skinny jeans is wrong also basketball style sleeveless tops, eww.
  • I totally agree! I have also noticed that if you tell people you are trying to lose weight, they are suddenly putting a lot of pressure on you to eat like a rabbit. People tend to have a lot of opinions on what is acceptable on a diet - how dare I include a small portion of pasta, a freddo or sausages in my diet and still…
  • There is no realistic way to accurately measure calories burnt. I personally would just use MFP and then eat as many of them as I decided to eat and adjust based on my results.
  • I think it would be on the website.
  • I think this is something you learn when you travel and more importantly, when you have motivation to see the world. Well, it certainly was for me. When I first came to the UK from sunny, relatively clean Australia, I thought London was disgusting. Went to Paris and thought it was worse (and funnily enough, therefore ended…
  • My favourites have been Oslo, Venice, Lisbon, Iceland, Nice, Berlin (well, and London but I live there so not sure it counts :P). I personally hated Greece but only went to Athens (which was scary IMO) but I think the islands would be better :) In a couple of weeks we are taking a summer Euro-trip:…
  • I totally get where you are coming from. 'Not around' and 'not diagnosed' are 2 entirely different things.
  • I think it depends entirely on what the rest of your diet is like. If you are only allowing yourself 1200kcal then unless you exercise, I don't think you have any room at all for junk. If your goal is higher, say 1800 or above or you exercise to make your total goal that then I don't see why you wouldn't be able to fit a…
  • I've just had a look as I hadn't realised they were now providing info. Makes you wonder where the 'info' in the database came from, I was always a bit sceptical of some of the low calorie counts entered for some of the dishes. Did they just make them up? The ramens look ok, 688kcal for a wagamama ramen and it's a huge…
  • Pizza express have their leggera pizzas with the salad in the middle for 500kcal and Strada, Zizzis and Cafe Rouge have some lighter options with calorie counts but I personally haven't enjoyed any of them :P I prefer to go to Wetherspoons or a non-chain restaurant and guess the cals based on alike foods (usually from…
  • Haha I so get that! The only reason I regret choosing to become a dietitian. I love my job though, so it's just a shame that all the drama has to come along with it!
  • I used to work out before breakfast all the time but I have noticed if I work out an hour or so after breakfast, I do have a lot more energy to put into my work out (maybe partly because I'm more awake!!). I can't work out right after I've had anything to eat or drink though and I try to limit water during my workout to…
  • I absolutely agree. I've been thinking a lot lately about how my parents barely know me which I think has a lot to do with them viewing me as a 'kid' and not a person! (even though I'm 29!) I also think my parent's attitude to weight affected my view of weight a lot - I was always top of my class, got into law (although…
  • Mine too :) Also, he always remembers every possible date we could celebrate and makes extra effort on those days... sometimes I get a gift because I moved to the UK on that day for example hehe
  • Just wanted to add... I think I might have a glass of milk right now :P
  • I think it's healthy. It's one of the most nutritionally dense foods!
  • I personally don't think anyone should cuss to or at children. That said, interestingly enough, I don't cuss at all because my parents did it A LOT and I always thought it was a really unattractive quality. So maybe it is good, who knows? haha!
  • The first time I lost a lot of weight (50kg), I wasn't ashamed at all to show before pics to new people and I don't think I was judged by them. I think they were all surprised and/or impressed. I will say though, that I don't think the people that knew me before I lost the weight EVER stopped seeing me as a fat person,…
  • If you can afford to, I say go for the new job even if it pays less. Of course if that were going to leave you homeless or starving then perhaps there would be more to consider.
  • I think that's quite normal. For some people, it will just be a case of less food = less bowel movement. For a lot of people, changing their diet to be healthier means a big increase in fibre and the body isn't used to it. The British Dietetic Association recommends adding a couple of tablespoons of linseeds each day to…
  • So true. The first time I lost 50kg it was easy peasy. One of the easiest things I've ever done actually. I was amazed how easy it was. I slowly gained 5kg then I lost 20kg, this time, it was hard work - I went to the gym several hours every day doing high intensity cardio and weight programs and maintained a strict…
  • Previously when I was very fit and had a lost a lot of weight, a couple of my good friends commented that I looked good but definitely shouldn't lose more weight. Now, in my head, I still wanted to lose 10kg but, even though I was in the healthy weight range, because of my workout regime I was already underweight in terms…
  • I agree. I also think that weight or body shape is not always a good indicator of how healthy an individual's lifestyle is.
  • I think you mean Timtam Slammer... and he totally did it wrong in the video - the whole point is that you only suck until you taste the hot drink then out the whole biscuit in your mouth where it dissolves into deliciousness. His just dissolved in the cup, what a waste :P Ps. wish I had a Timtam
  • Sometimes it will specify, but I agree the packages usually refer to uncooked. If you have a choice e.g. rice I would opt for uncooked weight because the cooking process will change the weight. For example, if I cook my rice for 5 minutes longer it will absorb more water and weigh more cooked but that weight would be…
  • Could it possibly be that she is trying to lose some weight (or is still in the contemplation stages of change) and therefore doesn't want to by new clothes at the moment and only has a few things that still fit? I've definitely been there!
  • I am married but I know people think I'm weird because I've been married a whole two years and don't have any kids. What's the rush? I'm told that now I'm in the phase after everyone asking when you are having kids. That is, the phase where people start to assume you are having problems conceiving and therefore don't ask.…