

  • Thanks everyone, I'm challenging myself and i feel better already. =)
  • I would try doing one or the other for about 2 weeks or so then maybe switch it up. Good luck!
  • I agree, you don't need the vitamin if you just eat a proper diet. :happy:
  • Good to know. Thanks all for your help. I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with it lol but I'll keep an eye on it. Tuner, if you like tortilla wraps or quesadillas Ole Mexican Foods makes a product called Xtreme Wellness high fiber tortillas. They're actually really good and each one has only 71 calories and 12 grams fiber. I get…
  • I did have Mirena in for 1 year several years ago and had to have it removed. It wasn't agreeing with me either. MY husband and I don't want any children and I thought it would be a good way to ensure that instead of taking the pill everyday. I was really bummed when complications arose and I had to have it removed. =(
  • Bro Science lol, thats funny :laugh:
  • Two Words: Chocolate Cheerios. One more word...delicious =)
    in cereal??? Comment by katybecker May 2011
  • LOVE Cardio Trainer app! I use it for jogging and walking. From what I can tell, it's pretty accurate.
  • The mobile app makes it extremely easy to enter your foods. I find pretty much everything on here. And the app has a bar code scanner too so you can just scan it and find it. Super easy. I've read that logging your food intake is very important while dieting. I always hated it until I came across this program. It's…
  • I've worked my way down almost 30 lbs. I do want it bad and the fact that this app has helped me do is really pushing me to keep going. Well, that and the thought of wearing a bikini. :-)