

  • I am not gonna say "wheat belly" works or does not work, but my MILS "boyfriend" has lost a lot of weight using that "diet" He does however, gain it back EVERY WINTER, and as far as I know, "yoyoing" is more harmful for your health than just being fat.
  • I have NEVER had a "cycle" Everytime Ive had a period, it was induced using provera, I managed (a pure FLUKE) to get pregnant and carry full term once after not having a period for years, and I miscarried in July of last year after not having a period in a year. I know its possible, but I just wish I knew HOW.... either…
  • PCOS sufferer here too. I am newly diagnosed, although, its highly suspected that I've had it for years, (im 26 now, and have never had a period that wasn't induced with provera) I Have not started Metformin as of yet, but hoping to start it as of the 26th when i see the new doctor. I am borderline diabetic now, so I see…
  • Im technically eating more carbs than 20- I take all the carbs Ive eaten in one day, than subtract the amount of fiber ive consumed to get a net carb total. I'm hoping I dont zombiefie myself, but this was the "diet plan" provided to me by the doctor. :/ now I'm freaked out a little.
  • I wish I was that lucky! I LOVE carbs. Lol but i think this will really be better for me, carbs in general tend to make me very sick feeling, and because I LOVE them so, I choose to feel sick and eat them, than to just to let it go. Hopefully this helps me both feel better, and conceive.