If you have PCOS or are on Metformin come in!!

kgibbz Posts: 102 Member
Ok, I'll just lay it on the line. I've been on Metformin for 4 weeks, for insulin resistance. I suspect PCOS but have had no confirmation. I have NO sex drive, zero. I havent for a few years. I was hoping that the new meds would help since my hormones are so whacky. Does anyone have any experience with PCOS/Metformin-Sex Drive correlations?


  • I took Metformin for my supposed insulin resistance about 3 years ago. I took it for three months. My last straw was not being able to eat anything but a little milk for three days. I was sick all the time. I threw up at work, I threw up at the gym, I carried the mop bucket around home with me. I threw up or went loopy if I had any caffeine. I became sick with chills and confusion and diarrhea because I forgot canned green teas have caffeine in them (duh) and drank five of them and no water while fishing. I cut the pills into quarters and took 1 quarter twice daily (it was already the lowest dose -- I wish I remembered the amount) and still felt sick. I started on the medicines-to-fix-hormones because I noticed some male-pattern baldness starting and was sick of acne. I'd rather wear a wig than take that crud again. If you can tolerate it, that's great. Have you noticed any positive results? The only one I had was not being hungry all the time

    Birth control didn't fix anything.

    Spironolactone didn't fix anything.

    My doctor said that a woman's sex drive can suffer if the estrogen level falls below the testosterone level. I know when I had high T and high estrogen I was horny all the time. Getting hormone levels checked as soon as I can. I am skeptical, but I'm not the doctor. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17. I'm hoping exercise will help stabilize my hormones. I actually should refraise that: I just want to be strong and horny again. They can be out of whack in whatever way they want as long as I get those two things back.

    Good luck! I was happy to see someone else with the same problem.
  • kgibbz
    kgibbz Posts: 102 Member
    Thankfully I have had no vomiting. I've had some diarrhea, but nothing embarrassing. I'm taking 3 (500mg) pills daily with dinner. I've lost about six pounds, my appetite had definitely decreased
  • gcbma
    gcbma Posts: 112 Member
    PCOS and metformin. 0 sex drive. Poor hubby.
  • jenniferv38
    jenniferv38 Posts: 44 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 17 (I'm 38). I've dealt with every PCOS symptom and I've been on Metformin (Glucophage) probably 5 or 6 times over the last 12 years. I do not tolerate it well. The worst side effect is what I like to call "liquid fire" aka diarrhea. It was so bad I was afraid to leave my house because it would come on so sudden and urgent that I was worried I would totally embarrass myself. Once piece of advice I have...never eat salad while taking Metformin, never. I didn't have any other side effects. I kept going back on it over the years at the urging of my doctors and the belief that if I just stuck with it, it would be my "miracle cure." For me, I've been more successful with weight loss with out the Metformin. PCOS makes weight loss tricky but it can be done. I've been most successful by cutting out the refined sugar and exercising every day. PCOS is a viscous cycle. The heavier you are, the more symptoms you have which then causes you to gain more weight. I've noticed that when I lose weight, my symptoms decrease. This is not only motivation to continue losing weight but, for me, when the symptoms decrease, it gets easier to lose weight. Good luck with your weight loss...I know its not easy. PCOS is cruel and frustrating.
  • I have been on Metformin since 3/17/14 and I have lose a total of 63 pounds as of today. 500 mg 3 times a day. Before taking the pills it was impossible to lose weight. I take the pills with food. No tummy issues , thank God!
  • kgibbz
    kgibbz Posts: 102 Member
    I have been on Metformin since 3/17/14 and I have lose a total of 63 pounds as of today. 500 mg 3 times a day. Before taking the pills it was impossible to lose weight. I take the pills with food. No tummy issues , thank God!

    Are you doing low-carb? are you on a birth control as well?
  • sharriso371
    sharriso371 Posts: 8 Member
    PCOS and Hypothyroid, here, managed to lose roughly 10 lbs without much beyond MFP -logging and advice. It was sloooow going (took about eight months) and my endocrinologist was not happy with my progress at all. I was more carb-concious, but he had me try to trim down my carbs to less than 80g a day and my progress stalled. I started ignoring him, increase my carbs (mainly through fruit-and-veggie smoothies in the morning) and lost another 4 lbs.

    Endo was still not happy (with 4 lbs in 2 months? Compared to my previous results, I thought that was great), so he put me on Glumetza (extended release, 500mg x2) to help lose the weight. Lost two pounds the first week (because I was sick like a dog). Now on week two, and, while the stomach issues aren't so bad, I gained back the 2 lbs. Ah, well.

    Interested to hear other results.
  • RockStarlaa
    RockStarlaa Posts: 24 Member
    I was just diagnosed with PCOS (although I'm positive I've had it for many many years, just never sought it out). Started on Metformin about 3 weeks ago. Side effects not too bad so far but no weight loss - probably because I haven't been eating right at all (soooo need to get back on track!). Anyway, if anything it has decreased my sex drive :( Well of course it could be stress related too but I have had NO desire since starting met and that's not good for wanting to get pregnant ;) Good luck!
  • I was diagnosed at 17 (now 19) and I've been on metformin off and on since then. I always felt sick so i switched to metformin extended release hoping that would help but I still feel horribly sick sometimes. I'm not sure if it's the metformin or not that's doing in. I'm also on insulite and spironolactone. I eat 80%, 20% indulgent, usually, and do cardio/weights 3-5 days a week. I just feel like there's very little difference when I work out/eat healthy or not. I just don't know what to do...
  • The extended release Metformin works a lot better than regular Met. I took regular Metformin for a year and a half, the "liquid fire" never went away and I never lost weight. I couldn't go over 500 mg a day without disastrous results. They kept insisting that it couldn't be the Metformin doing this to me, so they did a colonoscopy and everything. I finally said screw it and stopped taking it. REAL cinnamon seems to be doing great at helping me keep my c-peptides low, along with GENERALLY eating low (very very very) low carb, and usually not having any sugar. I did this weekend because it was my son's 10th birthday. So, I was bad and had some cookie cake. Ahem. Metformin is wonderful for SOME people, but definitely not for everyone. If you still have the poop issue after a couple weeks, look into the extended release Met. Not that the ER Met helps everyone, but it is a good option.
  • PCOS sufferer here too. I am newly diagnosed, although, its highly suspected that I've had it for years, (im 26 now, and have never had a period that wasn't induced with provera) I Have not started Metformin as of yet, but hoping to start it as of the 26th when i see the new doctor. I am borderline diabetic now, so I see no reason why they wont start me on it.
    I have a few questions for the woman who've started taking the metformin already, how long until your periods/ovulation got back on track?
    I am trying to get pregnant, and without a period, or ovulation in a LONG time, its just impossible. I am PRAYING that the metformin will help with that, and aid in my weight loss goal.
    Just started LCing three days ago, other than the usual head aches and hating the world, and dreaming of bread topped with more bread, I feel good so far. *fingers crossed*
  • nicolemtracy
    nicolemtracy Posts: 301 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS two years ago after 3 1/2 years of my husband and I trying to get pregnant. It was a huge blow and I did not take it well. I should have assumed something was wrong since I rarely had a period, but I shrugged it off.
    I didn't realize this while it was happening, but A few months ago I just found myself happy and not worrying about babies and such. I was (and am) at a good place emotionally. I realized at that moment, that I had LITERALLY gone through the 5 stages of grief for my PCOS. O.o
    I'm happy now and it's finally time to put myself first and get healthy, because if not now, when? When I'm 50 and it's harder or when I'm 50 lbs heavier?
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I had textbook PCOS when my ovaries were looked at with an ultrasound. Each ovary had a circle of stimulated ovums and I had no ovulation. First I was put on birth control pills, and I think that'd helped get things under control. I bled for a month straight once I got on the pill. After a couple years, my insurance no longer covered Yasmin and I cannot tolerate the generic ocella. So, I stopped birth control.

    Metforim 2x a day morning/night with a morning vitex (chasteberry) supplement have really helped me. I have a regular menstrual cycle every month now for the first time since I was a very young teenager.

    However, I don't know about the low sex drive. Before my PCOS was treated my testosterone was high and I had major androgen production (and all the side effects that come with that). My sex drive was off the charts. Only now, that my symptoms are being controlled with metforim and spironolactone, do I feel more normal.

    Metforim will not work right away. Just like Spiro, you have to take it for about 6 months before you really have things adjusted. Get extended release if possible because it's easier on your digestive system. Without my hormones getting under control, my weight gain was out of control, and I could not lose weight due to hyperinsulinemia. Six months later though, the weight started to come off and things started evening out.

    You have to get blood work to see what's going on and pictures of your ovaries if you suspect PCOS. PCOS can affect women differently, for me, treatment made me feel like I was in control of myself again emotionally and physically. It made my sex drive, what I would deem, 'manageable'. Without treatment, it felt like non-stop PMS. The only way you'll know what's wrong is to work with your doctor to find the source of your symptoms.

    Sex drive can also be an emotional issue.
  • drdolphin
    drdolphin Posts: 1 Member
    One thing to keep in mind with PCOS - not all women have cystic ovaries. Between 25-33% of women who are symptomatic do not have cystic ovaries...
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS just over 3 years ago and have been on Metformin for 10 weeks, I'm 18Ibs down with 6Ibs to go for fertility treatment. The side effects where killer for the first 6 weeks. I still have the odd 'bad tummy day' on the tablets, but all in all I've settled into them now. The best thing is for the first time in my life, I have regular cylces!! Metformin is working for me. To anyone who is just starting out on these drugs and going through what I went through (mood swings, spots, coldsores, dihorea, nausea, fatigue, more dihorea!), if you can get through it, it's worth it! I wish someone had told me that 2 weeks in!

    Just a tip, avoid pizza like the plague, it's my worst offender for stomach upsets, also coffee and ice cream.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I'm on Metformin for borderline insulin resistance. I take 500 twice a day. I do have the hot soup poop - which sucks but I can deal. I don't feel like it's suppressed my appetite at all, but maybe it has. I've lost 28 pounds in two months.

    I'm also on Yaz for PMDD and it does seem to be negatively impacting my sex drive - but it's only my first month so I'm hoping that stuff stops soon.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I've not noticed a problem with my sex drive.

    I took it for a little over 3 years (for diabetes), switched to insulin because we're trying to get pregnant, now I'm taking both to get my A1C under a certain number and to help with ovulation. I've had more times of throwing up and general stomach discomfort than I did the first time.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I've been on metformin for 10 years for the PCOS. I had a lot of the sick feelings everyone is describing in the begining. Now the medication doesn't bother me at all. I used to be on it 3 times a day, but now I'm on the 1 pill a day extended release.

    I do have the cystic ovaries sadly. I am also on birth control. Strangely though I'm on the bc for pain relief.

    Sorry I can't answer your sex question though.

    Since my sex drive has always been high.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I recommend everyone here join the PCOSis group - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/3070-p-c-o-sis - great group of ladies and tons of helpful information.

    I've been on Metformin this time around for about a year now (on ER now, was on the regular stuff about five years ago for about six months). It's helped me lose 25lbs so far, but I'm still struggling with keeping my insulin levels down, even though my dose is maxed out (a total of 2000mg a day). I've found a low carb/high fat diet in addition to the Metformin to be the most effective thing.

    To the ones who asked about periods on Metformin -- whether and when you'll get them back depends entirely on the rest of your hormones. Metformin does one thing and one thing only -- increases the insulin sensitivity of the liver (which in turn decreases your serum insulin levels). Therefore, if your problems are caused or taken over the tipping point by elevated insulin, then the time until your periods start again is simply how long it takes your insulin to get from where it was before Metformin, to below your threshold for "too much" insulin. How long that takes will depend on your dose, your carbohydrate and protein intake, where you started, and what your "too much" threshold is (hint - it's not always what the lab company says is considered "high").

    Not everyone with PCOS has issues because of insulin resistance. The lack of periods is ultimately the result of imbalanced sex hormones. Usually not enough progesterone compared to estrogen, and too much testosterone. For those with insulin resistance, the elevated insulin prompts excess testosterone production and throws that balance off. For others, though, it may be due to insufficient progesterone production, or too much estrogen production. In other words, Metformin may not help you, and you may need something like either Spiro (an androgen reducer) or supplemental progesterone.

    Also, most birth controls only mask the symptoms and don't actually fix anything. In fact, they may make matters worse. This is because they're usually estrogen-based. Since we generally have too much estrogen anyway, it just actually exacerbates the issue (the Pill's "periods" are actually withdrawal bleeds). Yaz/Yasmin is unique, because it's progesterone-based and has minor androgyne reducing effects, which actually helps balance out our hormones.
  • abs0830
    abs0830 Posts: 319 Member
    I have Insulin Resistant PCOS. I can relate. My docs wanted to put me on Metformin, but I was able to get some things under control and got my cycle back. Still not regular, but I didn't have to go on the medication. My doc was surprised. Dedication and hard work (I know that this won't work for everyone and am happy to share my many logs and findings if interested, friend request me and send me a message).