Wheat Belly "Diet"



  • AmyMS86
    AmyMS86 Posts: 30 Member

    @neandermagnon I forgot I loved choco weetabix, thanks...! I don't like laban but I do have an unhealthy love affair with labneh. I shall miss that when I eventually leave the desert.

    labneh is greek yoghurt... full fat or half fat versions of greek yoghurt taste really similar to the Arab brand of labneh that I buy (Almarai low fat... I also like the full fat one when I'm bulking although full fat and low fat don't taste that different)

    I'm currently researching to find out if there are any western equivalents to laban as I'm moving back to the UK soon and will miss it very very very very very much.... the English word is buttermilk but I've never seen it on sale anywhere, only referenced in fiction from nearly a century ago. And also I don't know if buttermilk is exactly like laban or if it's just the nearest western equivalent. So, more research is needed.... Danone sells laban in the Gulf, so I'm also wondering if they sell it in the west under a different name...

    Actimel? Is Actimel by Danone also? Is there a plain actimel in the uk that might be similar? I know there are strawberry ones in Saudi...

    Now see, i don't think i really like greek yoghurt, labneh i adore. It's like philadelphia but 10x better... best served in a fresh hot arabic BREAD (sorry Dr Wheat Belly). I'm hungry.

    Buttermilk sounds like something my great grandmother might have churned... I've never seen it either.

    Buttermilk is thicker than regular milk and tastes sour. I think it's mainly used in the southern US for biscuit making and baking. I think I've heard of it as a chicken marinade, also.
  • Wouldn't it be better to detox from wheat and any other foods that could cause a sensitivity.. then reintroduce them slowly to see if you are indeed allergic or sensitive to them?....I was on the Candida Diet and instead of feeling better I got sick from vitamin and mineral deficiencies...I also went crazy from lack of variety and feeling deprived when everyone else was eating something I couldn't...when I stopped the insanity and started eating sensible....small...frequent meals and exercise....I lost 30+ lbs in 4 months time...this site is perfect for keeping track of your foods... then you can see if you are having adverse reactions to anything...I now ask myself.."Is this something I can do for the rest of my life?".. more importantly... "Is it healthy?" ..BTW I only lost 8lbs in the 3 months I was on the Candida Diet
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I personally have found that I function much better without grains in my diet. I didn't even realize that I had a reaction to them until I cut them out as I didn't have any major issues like IBS, celiac, etc.

    I imagine this is sadly common for many people. I wish I were one of the people that tolerated grains well as they are super tasty, but I'm glad to have learned that they aren't for me and adjusted accordingly.
  • mlt2908
    mlt2908 Posts: 123 Member
    I bought and read the book upon recommendation of a friend - not sure why, as I do not have any health issues at all and no gluten type issues either. There is no way I could stick to something like that long-term...it is really complex and seems like a lot of work. I'd likely have a different opinion if my health depended on it, but for me - no way. I would prefer to just eat anything/everything in moderation and luckily, I feel great.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Wheat. The newest boogie man food.

    I always wondered what he ate.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Looking it up it appears that Laban is a form of yoghurt drink. I had never heard of it but did a bit of a search on Google and found references to it - albeit only after I added 'dairy' and then 'drink' to the search parameters!

    yeah that's kind of what it is... it tastes a lot like yoghurt, though not exactly the same.

    <--- is hoping that western dairy companies are reading this and now planning to introduce it to western markets....

    Is kefir similar to what you're looking for?
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I have a coworker who is on this diet. I know because it is a daily topic of conversation. Closing the door to my office won't hinder it. It's a constant.
    Me: I got a little sun burned this weeked.
    Him: Since I started low carb, I don't get sunburn.

    Him: How much weight have you lost?
    Me: 10lbs
    Him: I eat 5000 calories a day and I've lost more. You shouldn't eat carbs. You can eat as many calories as you want as long as you don't eat carbs. Carbs gave me asthma.

    Lordy. I just love work on Mondays.

    hahahaha this hits SO close to home.

    I have a good friend (decades old friendship) who is like that. She read "Wheat Belly" and subscribes to a lot of other (IMO) paranoid theories about food, and when we go to a coffee shop I always get black coffee and a crème horn pastry and she gets a mocha or latte and then starts whispering to me about wheat and how all of the cancer we have in the world now is because of the wheat and sugar we eat. And I'm over there going nom nom MAN I love this crème horn...
  • blondiebabe92
    blondiebabe92 Posts: 132 Member
    The book delves into a lot of issues. It is not just about eating a certain diet. I have actually read the book "Wheat Belly". The book main talk is how the wheat of today is not the same wheat our ancestors ate, the tall stalks creating a field you can get lost in. It s short and has a thick stalk to support the heavy heads. It is a hybrid and has been genetically modified. It was done to help with world hunger but no studies were ever done of what Dr. Davis calls frankenwheat in the 80's.
    This book contains a lot of research into the effects that have followed since the change of the wheat in the health of people. It deals a lot with diabetics, prediabetics, people with IBS, heart disease and more. It is a fascinating read that focuses on a lot of health and science.
    Well the book does contain guidelines for changing eating habits and there is a cookbook you can buy additionally. There is more to it then just that. Definitly worth a read even if you refuse to change your diet.
  • Quarkles
    Quarkles Posts: 69 Member
    The book delves into a lot of issues. It is not just about eating a certain diet. I have actually read the book "Wheat Belly". The book main talk is how the wheat of today is not the same wheat our ancestors ate, the tall stalks creating a field you can get lost in. It s short and has a thick stalk to support the heavy heads. It is a hybrid and has been genetically modified. It was done to help with world hunger but no studies were ever done of what Dr. Davis calls frankenwheat in the 80's.

    ...except that Dr. Davis himself has said that GMO wheat doesn't exist.
    Blaming GMO wheat for all these health problems is like blaming vampires for anemia. Vampires don't exist, and neither does GMO wheat.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Dr William Davis says it, so it must be true.

    As former followers of Dr. Oz will tell you, that just ain't so.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    A preview of his up coming book-lol. A calorie is a calorie whether it comes from carrots or cookies, protein, carbs or fat.
  • Quarkles
    Quarkles Posts: 69 Member
    Dr William Davis says it, so it must be true.

    As former followers of Dr. Oz will tell you, that just ain't so.

    Oh no, they still follow him. I was looking at his Facebook page, and according to his fans, Monsanto and Big Pharma are to blame for him being in trouble. 'Cause, y'know, they made him make all these claims that aren't backed up by science.
  • I am not gonna say "wheat belly" works or does not work, but my MILS "boyfriend" has lost a lot of weight using that "diet"
    He does however, gain it back EVERY WINTER, and as far as I know, "yoyoing" is more harmful for your health than just being fat.
  • nicolemtracy
    nicolemtracy Posts: 301 Member
    Anyone else in the mood to eat an entire wheel of full fat cheddar? MmmM!

    Lifestyle Change=Good.

    You have to eat in a way that you can maintain your entire life, that's why diets are awful. Cabbage Soup Diet comes to mind.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    The book delves into a lot of issues. It is not just about eating a certain diet. I have actually read the book "Wheat Belly". The book main talk is how the wheat of today is not the same wheat our ancestors ate, the tall stalks creating a field you can get lost in. It s short and has a thick stalk to support the heavy heads. It is a hybrid and has been genetically modified. It was done to help with world hunger but no studies were ever done of what Dr. Davis calls frankenwheat in the 80's.
    This book contains a lot of research into the effects that have followed since the change of the wheat in the health of people. It deals a lot with diabetics, prediabetics, people with IBS, heart disease and more. It is a fascinating read that focuses on a lot of health and science.
    Well the book does contain guidelines for changing eating habits and there is a cookbook you can buy additionally. There is more to it then just that. Definitly worth a read even if you refuse to change your diet.

    You forgot about the part where he manipulates scientific studies and leaves out parts of study results which do not support his 'diet'. Takes away a lot of credibility IMO.
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    I recall Jared Fogel (that Subway dude) lost about 240 lbs in a year eating 18 inches of wheat sandwich bread daily, along with some veggies and turkey. Seems the main caloric food in his meals was bread, but he was in calorie deficit daily. YMMV.
  • Nonya81
    Nonya81 Posts: 145 Member
    No chocolate? Im out!
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I'm not sure if Wheat Belly is right or not, but I do find some of the studies discussed and cited very interesting. There has been a huge increase in obesity, especially in children, in the last 30-40 years. Also, over 40% of US adults have insulin resistance at diabetic or prediabetic levels. That's TERRIFYING and seems to fit the definition of "epidemic" to me.

    I doubt that there is a sole cause, but I imagine there are quite a few factors, and it's not hard to believe that this shift in wheat may be one of them.