Wheat Belly "Diet"



  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Looks like a low carb eating plan. I don't see the issue. Lots of people lose weight eating low carb. Hell, that's how I FINALLY lost 30 lbs. Low carb isn't for everyone. However, since I constantly see low-carb bashing, this post doesn't surprise me in the least.
  • JoeyFrappuccino
    JoeyFrappuccino Posts: 88 Member
    Looks like a low carb eating plan. I don't see the issue. Lots of people lose weight eating low carb. Hell, that's how I FINALLY lost 30 lbs. Low carb isn't for everyone. However, since I constantly see low-carb bashing, this post doesn't surprise me in the least.

    Low-carb is one thing, endless fountains of mayonnaise are another.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    OMG, thank you so much for this. I knew the 8g of organic no sugar added strawberry jam that I put on my PB&J would be my undoing.

    Wow you really aren't taking your health seriously, did you even soak the bread in sesame oil and mayonnaise?

    No. :cry: I used the high protein bread but I forgot to soak it. I don't have sesame oil and I hate mayo. I do have some olive oil, that's healthy, right? And I have gluten free coconut flour, maybe I can mix that with the olive oil, make a paste, and cover the bread in that, then add the peanut butter. The jam is now going straight back to the bowels of hell where it belongs, I can tell you that much.


    You'll never claim me as your victim, evil jam!
  • carinthea
    carinthea Posts: 97 Member
    Looking it up it appears that Laban is a form of yoghurt drink. I had never heard of it but did a bit of a search on Google and found references to it - albeit only after I added 'dairy' and then 'drink' to the search parameters!
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I am rage posting here! If I see Wheat Belly Diet...I expect it to tell me that I am required to consume MASS QUANTITIES OF BEER!!! Roar!!!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I would be excommunicated from that wheat belly group! I make my own bread and eat plenty of it. :bigsmile:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I am rage posting here! If I see Wheat Belly Diet...I expect it to tell me that I am required to consume MASS QUANTITIES OF BEER!!! Roar!!!
    :laugh: :laugh:
  • jeanstudies
    jeanstudies Posts: 81 Member
    Bump. Too much information to digest (haha) on a Monday morning, will google later. Yeah, what is laban??

    Thanks so much!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Looks like a low carb eating plan. I don't see the issue. Lots of people lose weight eating low carb. Hell, that's how I FINALLY lost 30 lbs. Low carb isn't for everyone. However, since I constantly see low-carb bashing, this post doesn't surprise me in the least.

    Low-carb is one thing, endless fountains of mayonnaise are another.

    Yea, that would hurt me. However, I do make my own high fat and low carb dressing with mayo. Not a whole jar mind you, but a cup's worth.
  • JoeyFrappuccino
    JoeyFrappuccino Posts: 88 Member
    OMG, thank you so much for this. I knew the 8g of organic no sugar added strawberry jam that I put on my PB&J would be my undoing.

    Wow you really aren't taking your health seriously, did you even soak the bread in sesame oil and mayonnaise?

    No. :cry: I used the high protein bread but I forgot to soak it. I don't have sesame oil and I hate mayo. I do have some olive oil, that's healthy, right? And I have gluten free coconut flour, maybe I can mix that with the olive oil, make a paste, and cover the bread in that, then add the peanut butter. The jam is now going straight back to the bowels of hell where it belongs, I can tell you that much.


    You'll never claim me as your victim, evil jam!

    Frankly I just don't see how you expect to lose weight without an insatiable appetite for mayonnaise. We may have to get Dr William Davis to set up an IV drip, I just hope the jam hasn't yet worked its way into your brain. And peanut butter?! That has polyunsaturated fat which is strictly forbidden! In fact everything in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is off limits so it may be too late for you now if this is how you've been eating! Take two shots of olive oil and purchase copies of Wheat Belly by Dr William Davis for all your friends and family so they can avoid the same fate!
  • JoeyFrappuccino
    JoeyFrappuccino Posts: 88 Member
    Looks like a low carb eating plan. I don't see the issue. Lots of people lose weight eating low carb. Hell, that's how I FINALLY lost 30 lbs. Low carb isn't for everyone. However, since I constantly see low-carb bashing, this post doesn't surprise me in the least.

    Low-carb is one thing, endless fountains of mayonnaise are another.

    Yea, that would hurt me. However, I do make my own high fat and low carb dressing with mayo. Not a whole jar mind you, but a cup's worth.

    For sure, there's nothing wrong with mayo but it can get away from you quickly if you think there's no upper limit.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    To many rules. No thanks.

    Just another fad diet designed to sell books and to make someone rich.

    If you don't have celiac disease its a total waste of time and money.

    My grocery store has a gluten free section where you can buy items sold in other parts of the store with gluten...but at double the cost.
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    Wheat Belly diet is mostly for ppl who are messed up by GMO wheat. It can make ppl who do not have celiac very sick, bloats them horribly, and constipates them. If wheat doesnt bother you no reason not to eat it
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Yay! I placed Wheat Belly on hold as well as the cookbook at my local library!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

    @neandermagnon I forgot I loved choco weetabix, thanks...! I don't like laban but I do have an unhealthy love affair with labneh. I shall miss that when I eventually leave the desert.

    labneh is greek yoghurt... full fat or half fat versions of greek yoghurt taste really similar to the Arab brand of labneh that I buy (Almarai low fat... I also like the full fat one when I'm bulking although full fat and low fat don't taste that different)

    I'm currently researching to find out if there are any western equivalents to laban as I'm moving back to the UK soon and will miss it very very very very very much.... the English word is buttermilk but I've never seen it on sale anywhere, only referenced in fiction from nearly a century ago. And also I don't know if buttermilk is exactly like laban or if it's just the nearest western equivalent. So, more research is needed.... Danone sells laban in the Gulf, so I'm also wondering if they sell it in the west under a different name...
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member

    ^^^ the daily mail song. It's funny.

    Also I love my weetabix way too much (and no it doesn't make me ill or prevent me from losing fat) to take wheat belly seriously. Especially choco mini weetabix... (with laban... *shock horror! a dairy product!* and berries)

    Forgive me, but what's laban? With a brief search I only came up with the name of a biblical figure.

    it looks like milk and it tastes a bit like yoghurt, it's also a bit thicker than milk, more like the consistency of the cream of the milk (you know back in the olden days when the cream sat at the top of the milk bottle and you could pour it off if you didn't shake the bottle) - but the macros are much better than cream. And it's more delicious. It's an Arabic word and it's not well known in the west (like hummus) so that's probably why the search function didn't help... but I think it should be imported to the west because it's so delicious...
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Looking it up it appears that Laban is a form of yoghurt drink. I had never heard of it but did a bit of a search on Google and found references to it - albeit only after I added 'dairy' and then 'drink' to the search parameters!

    yeah that's kind of what it is... it tastes a lot like yoghurt, though not exactly the same.

    <--- is hoping that western dairy companies are reading this and now planning to introduce it to western markets....
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member

    ‘Wheat Belly’: Cut the gluten

    In the bestselling book “Wheat Belly,” cardiologist William Davis writes that modern, genetically modified strains of wheat are the cause of most Americans’ health problems, including expanding waistlines, arthritis and hypertension. He blames gluten, a protein found in wheat and related grains, such as barley and rye, that can cause an autoimmune response in people with celiac disease.

    According to Davis, all people fare poorly on gluten, whether they have celiac disease or not, and swapping gluten-loaded breads and pastas for vegetables, meats and other wheat-free foods will lead to weight loss and better overall health.

    The problem with this premise is that there’s little evidence to support it, says Lawrence Cheskin, director of the Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center and associate professor of health, behavior and society at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

    “It’s really a small group of people who have a pathological response to gluten,” Cheskin says. “And for them it’s absolutely essential to eat a gluten-free diet. Everyone else may be limiting their choices unnecessarily.”

    Limiting those choices may not always be a bad thing, however, Katz says. “If you cut out crackers and cookies and cakes, you’re taking in a lot fewer calories, and you may lose weight,” he says, “but it has nothing to do with the gluten.”

    Katz urges readers to approach Davis’s popular anti-wheat polemic with caution, and not trade one set of unhealthful habits for another. “It’s entirely possible to eat gluten-free junk food, too,” he says. “Now that it’s caught on, there’s a proliferation of highly processed gluten-free foods. You can definitely cut gluten and still get fatter and sicker.”
  • DesertStar86
    DesertStar86 Posts: 41 Member

    @neandermagnon I forgot I loved choco weetabix, thanks...! I don't like laban but I do have an unhealthy love affair with labneh. I shall miss that when I eventually leave the desert.

    labneh is greek yoghurt... full fat or half fat versions of greek yoghurt taste really similar to the Arab brand of labneh that I buy (Almarai low fat... I also like the full fat one when I'm bulking although full fat and low fat don't taste that different)

    I'm currently researching to find out if there are any western equivalents to laban as I'm moving back to the UK soon and will miss it very very very very very much.... the English word is buttermilk but I've never seen it on sale anywhere, only referenced in fiction from nearly a century ago. And also I don't know if buttermilk is exactly like laban or if it's just the nearest western equivalent. So, more research is needed.... Danone sells laban in the Gulf, so I'm also wondering if they sell it in the west under a different name...

    Actimel? Is Actimel by Danone also? Is there a plain actimel in the uk that might be similar? I know there are strawberry ones in Saudi...

    Now see, i don't think i really like greek yoghurt, labneh i adore. It's like philadelphia but 10x better... best served in a fresh hot arabic BREAD (sorry Dr Wheat Belly). I'm hungry.

    Buttermilk sounds like something my great grandmother might have churned... I've never seen it either.
  • Quinnstinct
    Quinnstinct Posts: 274 Member
    I can't believe so many people need a book to tell them to not eat an entire jar of mayo!! Is there no common sense when it comes to eating? Nuts are calorie and fat dense but good for you, just eat them as needed, the same goes for other foods. Does someone have to print and publish that it's not a good idea to consume 4 large family sized pizzas to keep you from eating that as well?