

  • Thanks for posting this question, I was wondering about this as well. I like the responses you got, helpful to know it could cause a plateau, and I too don't always trust the calculations. I think a critical question is, do you feel hungry? I am doing paleo and when i am done with my calculations sometimes it is under 1200…
  • Thanks for the input. I think I'm going to take that approach that a lot of you suggest, and see what happens. Last time I did this (did the Whole 30) I just ate and didn't keep track and felt fantastic. This time I am just curious about the numbers.
  • Hello! I am also in grad school, working full time and a mom so diet and exercise crashed out the window my first year in school. I can totally relate to your situation! It started catching up with me and I had no energy to do anything and I was addicted to energy drinks. At my last check up my glucose was high, so I am…