wwinn18 Member


  • Hey! First off, I want to say, that depression is something you should take seriously...so if it gets too bad, pleassseee talk to someone. Anyone. I have suffered from depression since I was 18--I am about to turn 22 now. It was on and off for the first two years...and I gained most of my weight in those two years. Nothing…
  • Just a few more months until I'm 21! And before that...my trip to Costa Rica. My goal is to finish losing the rest of this weight by then so I can look awesome in my bikinis! haha. I gained wayyy too much weight last year and I am doing pretty good at losing it. However, the closest people to me don't think I need to lose…
  • how unusual. i do not think i would be able to do that...it's weird. becoming obesse on purpose is def NOT somehting i want to do...and imagine how hard it would be to get out of that? to be eating all of that food and not exercising for 6 months just to switch it around and exercise like crazy and give up all those…
  • You deff don't need the gym. It is helpful, but not necessary. However, if there is one in your area, Fitness 19 is only $10 a month.
  • you're doing great! don't let one crappy day ruin what you've accomplished! you've done so well and i know you can accomplish your goals!!
  • This year I've gained a lottt of weight. I have never been classified as "overweight," but I am now under that classification. I noticed it all year, but kind of ignored it. I felt really self conscious during swim-suite season and I kinda wanted to do something about it. I started a diet in July...but didn't stick with…
  • don't even sweat it! you've done an amazing job and you look fantastic!! who cares if you didn't reach 100lbs?? you still did great and i know i'd feel great if I had done that! keep going girl!
  • honestly, drinking all that coke is a very bad idea. trust me, i have an addiction to drpepper and i have trouble Not drinking it when i want to. but for the past week i have strictly had water. i feel so much better...so it's motivating me to continue not drinking it. the best thing to do when trying to do is start off by…
  • YUM (: i'll have to try!