

  • I am still alive, I actually did that for 5 weeks, and I still feel like I had a lot of energy but thats just me I guess! I am taking everyones advice, and just going by the calorie counter. 1200 a day, I usually never meet it, because of exercising etc. I already eat tons of protein etc. But I think the main key is just…
  • Do you take a class or at home?
  • WOW!!! So I just read all of your feedback, and THANK YOU SO MUCH! Clearly my list sucks, I think I just need some training. Moderation is a big word that i kept reading a lot. I cut carbs and beer because I was intaking a lot. So maybe just cutting beer to once a week. I still eat natural sugar, like fruit etc. No candy,…
  • Ah, I mean I lift 15 lbs about the same amount a week, and its just toning, as long as your not lifting on top of fat, I think people think that doing crunches and lifiting is going to help you loose weight, cardio has really helped me slim down and now i lift etc.
  • I dont think its a cheat meal every day, its like a cheat day! So I usually pick one day a week, varies, to have something I am craving or want. Like pasta, or ice cream. It helps for your cravings and also is not going to ruin your weight/diet plan. I usually exercise that day as well.