Stomach fat, "love handles"



  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    Hey along with this y dont u giv Jillian Michaels 30 days shred a Try :happy:
    i would highly recommend its worth a try
  • sharmaineclement
    WOW!!! So I just read all of your feedback, and THANK YOU SO MUCH! Clearly my list sucks, I think I just need some training. Moderation is a big word that i kept reading a lot. I cut carbs and beer because I was intaking a lot. So maybe just cutting beer to once a week. I still eat natural sugar, like fruit etc. No candy, a bad sugar.

    How do i do that 40/40/30 or what not a few of you were talking about? Can people give me ideas of what you are eating for dinner etc?

    I dont have loads of fat, I have a lot of muscle already, I just really want to work on my core. Can anyone recommend or show me vidoes of what your taking about for the core exercises I should be doing....

    Again all your comments are greatly appreciated. :)
  • sharmaineclement
    Hi, congrats on your weight loss. I also do cardio and weights but what I have found extremely effective on my abs is ZUMBA! I started Zumba a few months ago and lost 6 inches off my waist without changing my diet.

    Good luck and keep up the good work! :smile:

    Do you take a class or at home?
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    How do i do that 40/40/30 or what not a few of you were talking about? Can people give me ideas of what you are eating for dinner etc?
    You can eat anything you want and still lose weight as long as you mantain a caloric deficit.
    For body composition(which is what most people should go for, imo), definitely lift weights and eat enough protein to help you keep as much of your muscle mass as possible while burning fat.
    Foods that are staples for me, and have lots of protein: chicken breast, tuna, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, lean beef, tilapia.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Your list makes me sad. It's really not necessary.

    ^this. Your fat deposits are genetically determined. You being female have gynoid fat deposting. You will just need to lose weight, and eventually, it will shrink away proportionally. Now, you can totally exercise and tone the muscles that are underlying your fat. That way, when they do begin to show, they will be well developed and toned. Just go with a calorie deficit, and lose it healthily. How you get to a calorie deficit... Eat less than you burn. So looking at the two variables you have to work with, you can decrease your daily intake (diet, just be healthy and smart about it), and increase your metabolic demand (exercise, increase your lean muscle mass).

    That's basically it in a nutshell.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    No Carbs?!?! How are you still alive? (Just joking)

    But really, carbs are not bad. This whole "carbs are bad" trend that started in the 90s is mostly B S. Carbs are awesome actually! Just try to eat more healthy complex carbs such as brown rice, quinoa, couscous, whole wheat breads, pastas and crackers. The key is to stay away from highly processed carbs like Tasty Cakes. (Yees, you can still lose weight eating Tasty Cakes, but I like to promote overall healthy eating and living.) Whole fruits are good as well.

    As far as losing the belly, join the club. The belly and love handles are the last to go. The only real way to get rid of them is to be consistent in tracking your calories in and exercising. Also, lifting weights can help a little too. There is no magic pill!
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I am glad you asked this one cuz my stomach area is my hardest area to lose weight also. I am doing the Billy Blanks Bootcamp-Ab Bootcamp and the Billy Blanks Jr Dance Party Bootcamp and I have lost some inches off my waist and dropped 2 pant sizes but I still have some of that extra from when I had kids. I am gonna try a kettlebell workout also to see if that helps in addition to that. thankful you asked this though cuz I was looking for some of the same advice.
  • skylardevenney
    skylardevenney Posts: 49 Member
    Jillian michaels has a killer ab DVD & it's amazing! It has different levels to move up in as your ready!!
  • sharmaineclement
    No Carbs?!?! How are you still alive? (Just joking)

    But really, carbs are not bad. This whole "carbs are bad" trend that started in the 90s is mostly B S. Carbs are awesome actually! Just try to eat more healthy complex carbs such as brown rice, quinoa, couscous, whole wheat breads, pastas and crackers. The key is to stay away from highly processed carbs like Tasty Cakes. (Yees, you can still lose weight eating Tasty Cakes, but I like to promote overall healthy eating and living.) Whole fruits are good as well.

    As far as losing the belly, join the club. The belly and love handles are the last to go. The only real way to get rid of them is to be consistent in tracking your calories in and exercising. Also, lifting weights can help a little too. There is no magic pill!

    I am still alive, I actually did that for 5 weeks, and I still feel like I had a lot of energy but thats just me I guess! I am taking everyones advice, and just going by the calorie counter. 1200 a day, I usually never meet it, because of exercising etc. I already eat tons of protein etc. But I think the main key is just staying motivated and positive. I hit the gym pretty much every day!

    Thanks a bunch! :)
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    I think most people lose their fat in the opposite order they gained it. Not an exact science or anything but just a general observation. Just stick to what you've got going, it seems to be working. I would suggest though to work on your whole core. Your core muscles can act like a girdle to make your abdomen appear slimmer when the muscles are in shape and fit, even while relaxed. When people talk about gravity catching up to them it is usually because they're not maintaining their muscle and your core is one of the most noticeable.
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
    Not sure why everyone is hatin' on your list of 'no-no' foods! I have a very similar list myself and it is totally working.

    Honestly, I'm the same as you! I want the FASTEST way to get the weight off! But really, it is all about patience and perseverance. Keep up the good work, 10 lbs is so awesome!! Drink lots of water, eat your protein, get some exercise, and it'll happen.

    Good luck girl! Stay the course :)
  • amygruner
    Just found this great video you should watch based off of your list!

    The second half starts talking about buying a membership but the first half is really awesome!

    Also I take Body Pump classes which have absolutely been awesome to my core and abs! You should definitely look into it!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    No Carbs?!?! How are you still alive? (Just joking)

    But really, carbs are not bad. This whole "carbs are bad" trend that started in the 90s is mostly B S. Carbs are awesome actually! Just try to eat more healthy complex carbs such as brown rice, quinoa, couscous, whole wheat breads, pastas and crackers. The key is to stay away from highly processed carbs like Tasty Cakes. (Yees, you can still lose weight eating Tasty Cakes, but I like to promote overall healthy eating and living.) Whole fruits are good as well.

    As far as losing the belly, join the club. The belly and love handles are the last to go. The only real way to get rid of them is to be consistent in tracking your calories in and exercising. Also, lifting weights can help a little too. There is no magic pill!

    I am still alive, I actually did that for 5 weeks, and I still feel like I had a lot of energy but thats just me I guess! I am taking everyones advice, and just going by the calorie counter. 1200 a day, I usually never meet it, because of exercising etc. I already eat tons of protein etc. But I think the main key is just staying motivated and positive. I hit the gym pretty much every day!

    Thanks a bunch! :)

    1200 calories a day is going to be too low for an active young girl. Too large of a deficit and you will increase the chances of muscle loss which will make getting definition harder. Based on the site, that would be 1200 net. So you are supposed to eat back your exercise calories. Also, what the site doesn't tell you is the deficit you can aim for. With very little to lose, you should be aiming for 1/2 - 1 lb per week max.

    And it's pretty easy to eat more, add more calorie dense foods such as nuts, avocado, cooking meat in EVOO, protein shakes, protein bars, adding cheese to things, etc.. You need enough calories to fuel the muscles so you only burn fat. The less muscle you end up with, the less the chance you will have to have definition. But I can tell you, I rarely see really fit people around here eating 1200 calories. Most women I know are eating 1700-2100.