Bertha63 Member


  • With the attitude you display, I've no doubt your recovery will be quick and you'll be running the stairs again! Scope on the left knee. I'm getting hyalgen injections in the right. Had my 4th shot today and reminded the doc that the right is fubar, too. She said, "can't do anything about it until we take car of the other…
  • That must be very frustrating, determined, to have to limit yourself to such tame workouts when you're used to so much more. I'll check out boxing-style workouts. I'm intrigued . . . I've always wanted to learn to punch somebod-- I mean, something.
  • Wow, Eloise, pushing hard is right! I did the first five minutes or so of Swan Arms and couldn't go any farther. I will keep trying, because I've got to work something while my lower half is out of commission. I can see how you're losing fat and building muscle with these workouts. Thanks for the tip!
  • I have a membership at Planet Fitness, and can ride a recumbent bike. I don't know how soon after surgery I'll be able to do that, but I plan to get to it as soon as PT says I can. I'm glad you can run again -- but be wary of running with pain. Be careful, hbortel.
  • I don't know, cheshire. I am huge. I have a couple of good bathing suits, but I'm still huge. I am embarrassed of my body, and as much as I know swimming would be so good for me (as I mentioned above, I think), I am quite leery of swimming among fit people. Besides, my swimming is just barely a level above dog paddling.…
  • Your hard work and success are a wonderful example to me, Sunglasses. Congratulations on overcoming illness; congratulations on thriving!
  • Cheshire, I'm sorry to hear of your troubles. I understand deep depression very well. Nope, no wallowing. I am working on weight loss. It's coming very slowly. Right now I'm trying to limit carbs (I'm diabetic, naturally). I'm working with a licensed dietitian, who is teaching me how to eat well and who encourages me like…
  • Azkunk, unfortunately, no pool. It's Planet Fitness. I chose it because of their policy of no intimidation. They have a strict dress code -- they don't allow tights, stuff that goes up the crack, muscle shirts, etc. I wear sweats and a t-shirt, and so does most everybody else. I'm *not* intimidated, and if I were, I…
  • Thanks, Reloader. That's my plan.
  • Thank you, Fuzzipeg. (I like your name.) :)
    in ANXIETY Comment by Bertha63 March 2014
  • I have thought for a very long time about giving up caffeine. I enjoy the ritual of coffee drinking as much as the coffee itself. It would be hard to give up, but I'm thinking about it. Thanks for the encouragement, very much.
    in ANXIETY Comment by Bertha63 March 2014
  • Yes, it does. Whattya know? Thanks for the tip.
    in ANXIETY Comment by Bertha63 March 2014
  • No, not obsessing on food (or anything else). The shake always fills me up: strawberries, banana, skim milk (usually; sometimes water) and whey powder. Distraction is good. Fortunately the start of the baseball season is Monday!
    in ANXIETY Comment by Bertha63 March 2014
  • Hypoglycemia could cause anxiety?
    in ANXIETY Comment by Bertha63 March 2014
  • It's called Body Fortress -- it just happened to be what they had at the grocery store. I don't know if it contains caffeine. But I have so much caffeine throughout the day, all day every day, that I doubt that caffeine in the protein powder would make a difference. Thanks for the thought, though. :)
    in ANXIETY Comment by Bertha63 March 2014
  • I didn't check those things. I will in future. Thanks.
    in ANXIETY Comment by Bertha63 March 2014
  • Not a bad idea, Yarwell, but I don't want to sell it. I'll give it away.