

  • You are doing a great job!!!!!! i think we all make nutrition mistakes sometimes. you can't expect that you will always be "good". Just jump back on that wagon and enjoy the ride.
  • Congratulations on your healthier lifestyle commitment! I say keep talking about it, but also have a discussion with your daughter about why she is upset that you are getting fit and losing weight. For me starting was the worst but once I got into it it's not bad at all. I can eat whatever I want just not over eat. Good…
  • I weigh everyday and record it. I know your weight varies daily but it really helps keep me motivated.
  • OMG!!!!!!! tears were rolling down my face. I love it
  • I always anounce the number of sticks of butter I have lost to my friends and family...................72 sticks so far! It really keeps me motivated.
  • Snapple Diet Teas rock..........they have a great taste. The peach is my favorite. I don't care for "Diet " drinks but this one doesn't seem to have that bad aftertaste, very refreshing
  • You can do it!..........remember, it's only food and you can have a small portion of anything you want. Always log your food even if you feel it's out of control. it's makes a difference to see it in print. this site has really made a difference for me. Good luck!
  • They say if you don't consume all of your calories ( including thoes earned from exercise) that your body will move into starvation mode and slow your metabolism and your weight loss. You need to eat more. Maybe a bigger breakfast.
  • For me it's Pepsi and I could drink 2-3 24oz bottles a day. I don't like the taste of Diet Pepsi but other diet drinks (ie: diet A and W root beer, diet 7-up) seem to be ok for me and i don't drink nearly as much of them as I did of Pepsi.