

  • Thanks everybody So glad I wrote this post, I feel so much better and have a few good ideas for the next time I go out :)
  • As soon as the drinks are flowing all the willpower seems to go out the window lol I think your right, from now on if I'm going out I think I'll have to prepare a snack for coming home before I go out and just look forward to that :) Thanks guys, i just the feeling I've let myself down but I'm glad I'm not the only one…
  • Posted this in the wrong section :( sorry guys!
  • Thanks for all the comments :) I'm going to take my inches in the morning and hopefully see a difference there. This isn't the start of my weightloss (28lbs in 2 months) so the fact I can even get the dress on is a big achievement. I just hoped for two pounds this week as that would get me to one of my milestones. I just…
  • This really made me giggle. What a perfect description of the scales :)
  • I'm usually really good and only way on a Friday. But I felt a difference in my dress for work today so had a cheeky wee look won't happen again lol. And I like vodka, soda water and lime cordial :) could maybe just stick to that?
  • That's my dinner in the oven :) still have 800 cals to use and still a work out to do! I'm a terrible one for over thinking things. While I'm getting replies on here does anyone have any advice on the best alcohol to drink while dieting. I really like vodka and cranberry but I think the cranberry is full of calories and…
  • Yea reading that back I think I more or less answered my own question lol just needed some reassurance I think. :) Learned my lesson though. No more mid day weigh ins!! Thanks guys
  • Thanks for that :) I know I'm not going about this correctly and I honestly do plan on changing my eating habits it's going to take some time though but I will try. I don't know what happened there. I asked for help and got it then just couldn't admit publicly that I was wrong. Weight loss is just soooo difficult sometimes…
  • Thanks very much :) ill have a wee look into that podcast and let you know how I get on with it :) I might be overreacting a bit with the plateau for a week lol feel a bit silly now but we all like I see results :) x
  • I will take any advice given on board and am under no delusions that I have been doing things in a healthy way. I understand that I need to take a new approach to this. However, what I don't appreciate is people who feel the need to condescend. We are all here for the same reason and community is for support not to attack.…
  • Thanks very much for that :) was starting to feel slightly attacked on this. Thanks for the support :)
  • I know my methods are a bit controversial but I managed to maintain for four years which I'm really proud of. But after getting in a bad relationship the weight piled on and I'm back to square one. I don't even want to be skinny, I'm too tall for that I just want a bit of confidence back
  • Thanks DF. That's a really good way of upping calories without force feeding myself :) thanks for the advice
  • I'm not starving myself but I'm eating a crazy amount of fruit and veg. I lost 5 stone when I was 18 so I'm not new to a weightloss battle. I know what I should and shouldn't be eating and I know what my body can cope with. And as for my need to be skinny for Xmas I don't think 2.5 stone in four months is too extreme
  • I knew it would have to slow down eventually but I thought it would happen gradually rather than just stopping completely. :(
  • If I'm still at this point in 3-4 weeks I'm going to have a nervous breakdown lol why can't it just be easy to get in shape :(
  • Yea I know it's not healthy but I never go over 800 cals and never eat calories I've burned during exercise. It's not entirely threw choice I just don't have an appetite these days. Having a bit of a hard time in life in general.
  • Well I feel a bit silly now. I just know I'm working so hard and to stop seeing the results is driving me crazy!! I need to be skinny for Xmas :)
  • Well I've only been stuck at this plateau for a week. Do you reckon I'm just being really impatient? Lol
  • How do I make it public? There's two days missing from the weekend as I can't remember what I was drinking but I was defo under my calorie goal lol
  • 5'9, 204 lbs :( and 23. Usually exercise about 5 times a week. What do you suggest? :(
  • Hey I'm 23 and as all my friends are the type that can stuff their faces and not put on a pound (grrrr!) I could use as many friends that know what I'm going threw :) Please feel free to add me as a friend
  • Probably should say a little bit about myself :) My names Alana, and I've always struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember :( Just got out of a relationship and I've been left at my heaviest ever and with no confidence so I've never been more determined to get myself in shape. With Christmas only a few months…