I can fully understand why someone who has not experienced a true medical depression would not know the difference beewteen occasional sadness (feeling depressed) and depression. Having experienced both I can say there is a difference in how they effect you and how you can deal with them.
Please tell me it does! It is so expensive!!!
I'm on it with no weight gain.
My doctor suggested cutting down on carbs for my endometriosis. Not sure if I can do it! Maybe your expirament will motivate me!
You should talk to Tiana. she went to cosmotology school and still have a lot of friends in the business. She would probably know a lot!
What if it means the boy is going to propose on 11/11/11?!?!?!?
Too many "that guy"s here to count!!!!! That guy who used to be cool but threats everyone like poo now. That guy who always tells you yes, but never actually fixes anything. That guy who thinks he is way smarter than you and thinks you should be able to fix your own computer. That girl who refuses to take direction even…
I was a swimmer for a bit but have had joint problems my whole life. I actually worked with a personal trainer who specializes in kinesiology about a year ago and he worked with me on developing a weight training program to build the muscles around all my joints (sholders, hips, knees & ankles) and stretches to keep them…
Not overreacting!
P.S. Weight training would be a very good idea for you at this point. You would be creating lean muscle which has a higher metabolism. Also lifting causes you to burn calories even after you stop lifting because you are breaking down & then building up the muscle so you body is reparing and burning calories for hours after…
Everyone has already said what I was going to say, so eat more. Mmmmmmmmm! Food! I'm going to go get healthy snack right now.