jen2607 Member


  • This isn't always true. Three years ago, I started really paying attention to what I was eating as well as adhering to a daily workout schedule. Yes, it did help to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle...for a little while. However, hormonal circumstances changed and a year later I found myself experiencing anxiety…
  • This isn't always true. Three years ago, I started really paying attention to what I was eating as well as adhering to a daily workout schedule. Yes, it did help to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle...for a little while. However, hormonal circumstances changed and a year later I found myself experiencing anxiety…
  • Pretty eyes and cheekbones :)
  • I'm from Waycross!
  • FANTASTIC results! I am just getting back into things. I'm finishing up college and will be done in August. That, coupled with working full-time is stressful and my health has suffered. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • Athens. It's hot. Gym it is.
  • Thank you! I always thought protein was supposed to be after .. but I guess it couldn't hurt to do before. I have problems with sugar and carbs making me sleepy ... but I'm sure I'll find the right balance.
  • lol, thanks.
  • There are a lot of nutrients in the egg yolks that you don't get in the whites alone. I feel it's worth it to eat the whole egg, cholesterol and all. Also, organic eggs have less "bad stuff" and more "good stuff" than non-organic. It's worth the few cents difference to me.
  • Today I just went and ran for a while.. stretched all the muscles out. I feel a lot better.
  • Congrats.. that's pretty awesome. My gym just added 30 min ab classes... so I'm going to try that out. I'll have to try your way sometime :)
  • Oh yea, I also left out I'm lactose intolerant . :/ Chocolate milk sounds like a tasty recovery treat .. but it isn't really an option :(
  • I'm pretty sure this is the only time I've ever been home alone. First 3 years of my adult life I was in a relationship. The following 2 years I was with friends at a bar or a party. This year I've been more reclusive and insanely busy. So while friends are out of town or at the bars and my ex is off with his new…
  • True life facts. This is why MFP is so awesome!
  • I didn't know that drink had a name. loveeee 100 proof schapps and hot chocolate. I haven't had it since I was snowed in last year, but so good!
  • I thought so :) I love cheesy stuff like that.
    in :D:D Comment by jen2607 December 2011
  • Blue Moon -sans orange :)
  • Thank you! I try to "count carbs" but unfortunately my schedule is so sporadic it is hard to do. Lucky for me, since I generally chose to eat things lower in sugar I don't have too terrible of cravings. I love my veggies :). It's good to hear that you have had success. I've lost a pretty good bit in the past month, but I…
  • lies! lol. I have a Flovent inhaler I am supposed to use daily now, but I don't. I mean of course one medication can't explain it all... but it definitely caused me to swell up like a chipmunk and killed any progress I had made. The crazy thing is that the medication made me feel so sick that I hardly ate, but alas...
  • "(908): it went kinda like vodka, childhood memories, screaming/cursing, fist fight, tears, broken ****, passing out. in that order. tis the season." lol. Seriously thought, my family doesn't drink. So if I drink anything it'll probably be beer or wine smuggled with my little brother in solo cups . Ha.
  • What did you do to lose the weight and manage the symptoms. I'm not taking Metformin, but I've tried to eat lower carb. I've lost some weight, but any pointers/guidelines would be nice.
  • Thanks guys, I'm getting it worked out. I've rested and worked out today. I just have to shake the anxiety. I do have friends and I am not alone. Things usually do work out eventually ... I guess I'm just tired of struggling because it seems like I have been for a while.
  • That game is addictive, but begrudgingly I admit it's fun. I had an ex cheat on me with someone he met on there. Took me 3 years to find out , but it is what it is. Anyways.. that just reminded me of this : But seriously, congrats to everyone for putting themselves out there and finding…
  • I think the embarrassment would come into play because they are people I know... like best friends with my roommate and other random connections... but not close with me. So I feel like they would talk about me to the mutual people. IDK. It's dumb. I guess I should just put myself out there.
  • I've had it happen a lot.. mostly during stressful times. I have asthma and one time I went through an episode where I woke up on my back. I could hear my roommates' entire conversation in the living room but I couldn't move. I would then slip back into an unconscious state where I told myself I needed to grab my phone to…
  • LMAO. Maybe it's just been too long. Recent conversation while talking to my friend's dad. In reference to his new TV : "When you told me how big it was, I didn't realize it was going to be this big. I thought I had seen pretty big TV's before, but this is ridiculous. Maybe it's just been a while since I've seen a big one,…
  • ahh.. the alarm thing. Drives me insane! I'm the type of person that once I'm woken up, I'm up. I had an ex who would sleep through the alarm..and then when did finally hear it he would hit snooze. I would eventually be the one to get him up, which sucks when I worked nights. Glad that babysitting duty is over!
  • Thanks ! lmao. I have earplugs so we will just see. My first thought when I moved in was that maybe floors are just cheap (they are my upstairs neighbors). I know my roommates and I are the quietest, I have a dog that likes to run laps up the hallway and I can be clumsy first thing in the morning. I asked my downstairs…