Fitness4ev Member


  • Coconut Oil and Coconut Flour are great for baking, but I've often found the blends of a couple different flours come out great, too. If you look at any all-purpose Gluten Free Flour, it's a combination of a couple types. Tho, this recipe from Silly Bus looks awesome!!!! Also, check out my friend's Blog. She's a PALEO…
  • First tat... Aiming for 1/2 or 3/4 sleeve
  • I think it 100% depends on your body composition. Don't focus on scale weight. Just keep going. When I was in high school, age 16, I weighed 165, and probably 30% body fat. Size 14. Currently, at 19% body fat, weighing between 159 -162 but I am WAY more fit and in clothes 3 sizes smaller than when in high school... (even…
  • I started at 277 ...and simply through clean eating, meal planning and ramping workouts (was already pretty active), I am down today to 164. 5'8. 20% body fat. Started with 38% body fat, possibly higher. Don't have a clue how to drop a picture in here. But, on my profile I have a couple befores/afters...
  • Awesome ! I'm the same ... ????
  • LOVE it ! I just went through closet and drawers again, today... Similar dilemmas. 117# gone. 3rd closet raid in 4 months... But, for me, hard to purge things I just bought couple months back...especially considering recently unemployed. Congrats to you! Keep moving fwd. Cheers !