5'7" goal weight?



  • sokkache
    sokkache Posts: 220 Member
    My goal weight is between 130-140 depending on how much I exercise/how much muscle I have. I am currently around 153 which is my starting weight. I lost 10 lbs from when I started over the summer. I was 157 and hated it and I was playing volleyball competitively so I was 144-145 by the end of the season but I gained it all back and am at 153 now again. I am currently in the tennis mode so I am hoping to finally get down to around 135. I don't necessarily look overweight at 153 but I am definitely not skinny at all, overall I'm average, but I would like to lose as much fat as possibly within the next few months.
  • hannaawh
    hannaawh Posts: 51
    I'm exactly 5'7'' and around 154 pounds, which is still considered "normal" but close to being overweight. So generally speaking, if your goal weight is anything in between 150-120lbs you should be fine. And remember, 150lbs with muscles can be way fitter and healthier than a 120 without any. :) Weight is not everything.
  • michellewong699
    michellewong699 Posts: 98 Member
    I am almost 5'7" and I am about 118 lb right now.
    My goal weight is 115 lb.
    However, I am delicately framed and I model, so I aim to be on the more slender side (:
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 391 Member
    Hi-haven't read all the comments but I went to a link mentioned in the forums yesterday that has "tools" to calculate things like your BMI, BMR, Body Fat estimate, and Goal Weight:


    I used the highest percentage in my age/goal range to calculate where I should be pound-wise. Then I used the lowest range. I figure I will reach the top range, see how I feel and look, then adjust from there. I still have a long way to go, but now feel that I have a better "guess" where I should aim at. Good luck!
  • I am 5'7.5" and I weigh 156 lbs. I'm 24 years old and wear a size 8 jeans comfortably. I became obsessed with numbers for a while and at my lowest was at 143...I looked SO skinny. And let me tell you , it wasn't worth it! That weight for me was just too low to maintain. It wasn't reasonable . I am so happy with my life right now when I'm not obsessing over food- and my fiancé and friends all tell me I look very healthy. It definitely depends on how you carry your weight. Most people guess 10 lbs lighter than I actually am. Don't let society tell you you're fat! If you are 5'7" and built more muscular...anywhere from 140-160 is a great weight. I've found the best thing I've done is change my lifestyle. I don't eat fast food anymore at all and I just try to make healthy choices. I pack a lunch every day for work instead of going out and I don't deprive myself of things. I just do everything in moderation. If I eat ice cream one day I just make sure it doesn't become a habit, but remains a treat once in a while .
    Focus on what makes you feel good- not on what society tells you you should weigh :)
  • marie3221
    marie3221 Posts: 77 Member
    I have a female friend who would be 18% BF @153lbs and she also is 5'7". Dont get hung up on the 135 number. Depends how much lean mass you have. Ultimately your goal weight would be determined by looking in the mirror and seeing if you like what you see assuming you dont have access to a bodyfat measuring tool. Women get hung up on numbers when it comes to weight.

    I agree. When I was 150 pounds I was in a size 4, and had 19.2% body fat. Do not let the number on the scale be the only number you look at. Measure yourself and buy a bady fat checker. They are like 40$ on amazon....Omron bodyfat handheld checker. They are not 100% correct, but it will give you a good idea of where you are.
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I've been approximately the size of Texas for about 5 years but recently lost a bunch of weight. I'm convinced that looking "average" is attainable now! So, I'm just wondering what weight looks good on a 5'7", 20-something female!?

    SW: 215lbs
    CW: 172lbs
    GW: 135lbs???

    I used to have my heart set on 125 but as I slowly recomp I realize I will be happy with 140
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I've been approximately the size of Texas for about 5 years but recently lost a bunch of weight. I'm convinced that looking "average" is attainable now! So, I'm just wondering what weight looks good on a 5'7", 20-something female!?

    SW: 215lbs
    CW: 172lbs
    GW: 135lbs???

    I used to have my heart set on 125 but as I slowly recomp I realize I will be happy with 140

    Ditto. And I'm there. Now I've gained a couple, but it's ok, because my body fat has decreased. I don't really care what the number on the scale is anymore, as long as the body fat stays lower, and my clothes fit well.
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 494 Member
    I agree, 135lbs is good for this height. I'm between 5'7"-5'9" and have gotten down to 150 and still was feeling like I could have lost more, but then babies happened and 13 years later here I am again. LOL Now my babies are getting older so I'm working on it again. Good luck to you and congrats on the weight you have lost so far, congrats!:flowerforyou:
  • VitaminAmy
    VitaminAmy Posts: 130 Member
    5'7" and my goal is 125... I have a small frame and a short torso so fat tends to hang out in my tummy and love handles.
  • funfang
    funfang Posts: 200 Member
    I've been approximately the size of Texas for about 5 years but recently lost a bunch of weight. I'm convinced that looking "average" is attainable now! So, I'm just wondering what weight looks good on a 5'7", 20-something female!?

    SW: 215lbs
    CW: 172lbs
    GW: 135lbs???

    I used to have my heart set on 125 but as I slowly recomp I realize I will be happy with 140

    Ditto. And I'm there. Now I've gained a couple, but it's ok, because my body fat has decreased. I don't really care what the number on the scale is anymore, as long as the body fat stays lower, and my clothes fit well.

    same here, I am 5'7.5, my goal weight was set 120 because that's how much I used to weight before I had kids, but now I am more focus on body fat. I just started weight lifting and trying to bulk up a little.
  • SeptemberLondon
    SeptemberLondon Posts: 151 Member
    I'm 5'7 and am happy anywhere in the 150s. 155 is a nice weight, but the 140s would be perfection. I have no desire to be what *for me* would be "too skinny" I wear a size 10/11 in the 150s and a size 8/9 in the 140s; size 12/13 in the 170s....currently a size 14/15 at 190 :( Can't wait to even be in the 160s again!

    First, I want to say this is a very interesting thread & best of luck to you on your journey!

    According to medical charts, I think everyone is on target by saying the goal for a 5'7" woman is in the 135-145 range. HOWEVER, I'm currently 217 and a size 12/14 (see above - I'm 45 lbs heavier than the quoted poster, which I included for comparison).

    My weight goal is probably 185-190 (the current weight of the above post). At that weight, I'm a size 8 and I look sickly if I'm any smaller than that.

    I say all of this to say that my REAL goal is to be healthy, strong, and comfortable in my skin.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    Hi-haven't read all the comments but I went to a link mentioned in the forums yesterday that has "tools" to calculate things like your BMI, BMR, Body Fat estimate, and Goal Weight:


    I used the highest percentage in my age/goal range to calculate where I should be pound-wise. Then I used the lowest range. I figure I will reach the top range, see how I feel and look, then adjust from there. I still have a long way to go, but now feel that I have a better "guess" where I should aim at. Good luck!

    I've tried a lot of calculators but I like this one - has anyone else used it or put it to the test?

    My info:
    I'm 5'4.5, 32 years old, 149 lbs, approx. 24% BF

    If I wanted to get down to 20% BF, it says I should work towards a goal weight of 141 lbs.
    If I wanted to get down to 18% BF, it says I should work towards a goal weight of 138 lbs.

    I have been as low as 135 lbs previously but I think focusing on a BF % goal is healthier for me, especially since I'm going to start lifting again.
  • Joanjett88
    Joanjett88 Posts: 87 Member
    Same here. 5'7", age 26, aiming for 135

    SW: 175
    CW: 146
    GW: 135

    Once I get there I will reevaluate how my body feels. Currently trying to tone as well as eating at a deficit. Be there soon enough :)
  • Fitness4ev
    Fitness4ev Posts: 8 Member
    I think it 100% depends on your body composition.
    Don't focus on scale weight. Just keep going.

    When I was in high school, age 16, I weighed 165, and probably 30% body fat. Size 14.
    Currently, at 19% body fat, weighing between 159 -162 but I am WAY more fit and in clothes 3 sizes smaller than when in high school... (even though I'm 34!) Size 8 or Size 10.

  • jsmommy1999
    jsmommy1999 Posts: 35 Member
    I think it is individual. I am 5'6" and about 112. According to the charts I am supposed to weight about 130. Well when I am 130 I am a size 10!! I have such a small boned pear shaped body that I don't carry weight well. My good friend is 5'6" and 130 and looks like a supermodel but doesn't work out so it isn't muscle. I say see where you feel best and look best and can maintain without killing yourself. Not a big fan of BMI's and such!!
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    I'm 5'7 and am happy anywhere in the 150s. 155 is a nice weight, but the 140s would be perfection. I have no desire to be what *for me* would be "too skinny" I wear a size 10/11 in the 150s and a size 8/9 in the 140s; size 12/13 in the 170s....currently a size 14/15 at 190 :( Can't wait to even be in the 160s again!

    First, I want to say this is a very interesting thread & best of luck to you on your journey!

    According to medical charts, I think everyone is on target by saying the goal for a 5'7" woman is in the 135-145 range. HOWEVER, I'm currently 217 and a size 12/14 (see above - I'm 45 lbs heavier than the quoted poster, which I included for comparison).

    My weight goal is probably 185-190 (the current weight of the above post). At that weight, I'm a size 8 and I look sickly if I'm any smaller than that.

    I say all of this to say that my REAL goal is to be healthy, strong, and comfortable in my skin.

    I was the same as you... when I was at my highest 210 lbs I was in a 12/14 pant and large shirt. Now at 145-150 I am a size 6 and small shirt. Going anywhere below 145 and I begin to look sickly skinny.

    Its all in your body composition. I hold my weight all over so it always looks like I weigh less than I do even. When I was over 200 lbs it didn't look that way. Most people were shocked when they found out how much I weighed.
  • Personally I think you should aim to get a body fat % of between 16-18% as this is a true measure of how your body is composed. That way you will be feeling lean and not be losing muscle in the process.

    Great work and keep it up!

    Kyle Bonsor PT
    Bonza Fitness
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I am 26, 5'7"

    SW - 268
    CW - 226
    GW - 150
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Personally I think you should aim to get a body fat % of between 16-18% as this is a true measure of how your body is composed. That way you will be feeling lean and not be losing muscle in the process.

    Great work and keep it up!

    Kyle Bonsor PT
    Bonza Fitness

    That's pretty low BF for a woman - bad advice MR PT

    Bad bad advice. :noway:

    EDIT: to clarify this is achievable - but for most who just want to lose some weight and get to a healthy weight it is a low BF % I do wonder if he was getting confused with male BF %
