5'7" goal weight?



  • goodnamegone
    5'7" & my goal weight is somewhere between 115-118. Right now I'm 124 with more muscle than I used to have when I ~was~ in the 118 range, so my size is okay. At 130, I definitely looked...uh....let's say NOT as good as I could, haha. So it's definitely your build, where you carry weight, etc.

    That's about what I weighed when I had anorexia in my early 20's. 115 pounds is less than what catwalk models in Europe weigh.

    People make comments about how we carry our weight but when I weighed 115 I got facial hair and stopped menstruating, I am 5 foot 7.

    Also when we get older (a dietician told me this) we weigh more on the scales because of changes in our bodies, something to do with our tissues I don't remember her exact reason but she said that I ought not to try to weigh the same as when I was a younger woman. So to aim for a higher goal weight would look just as good as aiming to weigh what I did in my 20's.

    No doubt this comment will annoy some people but oh well...

    You had anorexia at 115, okay. That doesn't mean it's an "skeletal" weight for me. I've been losing weight in a healthy manner, & will continue to do so.

    I've been building muscle, so I understand that the number itself could be elusive for me now, which is fine. The post was asking about "goal weight" though. If you're against the concept (which it seems you are, judging by your some of your other posts....& also no, 155 is not ALWAYS the perfect weight for women who are 5'7"---bodies are different!) ...then don't come onto a thread like this?

    I mean, sorry to be harsh in response, but we all were being super civil & agreeing that people carry their weight differently, & then you had to come cause a stir...

    Did not find your response harsh but I do think a goal of 115 is not healthy. That said, go for it, you're an adult so be as thin as you like!!! :-)
  • Fabfitgirl5
    Fabfitgirl5 Posts: 91 Member
    I meant to add in my last post that according to calculations, I would be around 22% body fat around 152-154 lbs. So again, it all depends on your body structure, muscle mass and how and where you carry your weight.
  • Fabfitgirl5
    Fabfitgirl5 Posts: 91 Member
    Oh, and for everyone saying small framed and large framed... what does this even mean? I've heard people blame being overweight on being big-boned, and I honestly don't really get that either. How can I tell if I'm small or large framed??

    This is a lie/rationalization people tell themselves. Its nonsense.

    Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. People will pick a number and tell themselves "this is my goal weight" which they still would be at a pretty high bodyfat percentage because they just don't want to admit how far they really have to go. Its probably some form of mental self-preservation/defense mechanism.

    No you are lying to yourself. There are different body types and different body structures. I will never be a size 2 or 4 and I never have been but my body has rocked at various stages in my life and I was always ALWAYS a size 8 or higher.
    I could never wear my sisters clothes growing up or now because she is built exactly like my mom, small bird like. I take after my fathers family and I am bigger than her bone structure wise, widder shoulder larger frame overall. Two of my father's sister were both over 5'10 and had very broad shoulders, hips etc. while their mother, my granmother, was 4'10 and about as big as a puppy soaking wet!

    SO GTFOOH talking about a subject you know nothing about. Now with that said, this does not mean that a person should not take care of themselves and be healthy and avoid excess or exterme body fat percentages, but yes, how large a persons general frame is is a factor in their weight.

  • MAS91578
    I am 5'7, currently 149. I would like to get down to 140 but may have to readjust as the scale hasnt been budging. I am in a size 6, and a few 4's.
  • mominstands
    mominstands Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my GW right now is 170. If I get too far below that, I'm not sure I would look healthy.

    This is exactly what I was going to say...........I would be happy @ 180 myself.
  • OCxDoll
    I'm 5'7, currently 159, I'm trying to watch my portions and eat healthier but I don't work out...the only like activity I get is cleaning the house and chasing my baby girls around. So I think 135 is a little heavy for me because I don't have as much muscle as I did in High School (when 130 looked great on me). Now my UGW is 115-120.
  • blackhawks25
    blackhawks25 Posts: 8 Member
    I don't know if large frame/small frame is fact or fiction but I FEEL like I'm built like a line backer so my goal weight of 150 for my height (5'8") is a good jumping off point.
  • blackhawks25
    blackhawks25 Posts: 8 Member
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member
    I'm also 5'7'' and 41 yrs old.
    I've weighed around 147 -150 from age 16 to age 36 (and had 3 kids too). Then I put on around 20 pounds in couple of years.
    My goal weight is 147 and I don't want to go much lower than that, I don't think it would look good on me OR feel good.

    I also can't imagine my whole life will be revolving around food in / calories out for the next 20 years or more so finding a comfortable but EASILY SUSTAINABLE maintenance weight is very important for me.
    And that weight would be 143-153 for me.
  • MGilby21
    same height! my goal is also 135.

    SW: 162
    CW: 150-152 (it fluctuates of course, I'm waiting for it to settle down)
    GW: 135

    I could go as low as 125 and then start bulking to add back 10 pounds of muscle be at 135 but with a totally different body.

    Oh my gosh this is like an exact description of me! I started at 163 and I keep wandering between 149 and 152. Goal is 135, but at this point I would be happy just to get past 150!! Same height as well.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I would be happy at 140, and I'm 5'7". I'm very curvy, have broad shoulders and muscular legs. The only time I've gotten below 140 was when I was being very strict with my diet and working out a lot, and it was miserable for me. For my body type, the only realistic way I'm going to be below 140 without obsessing is if I get a breast reduction and possibly cut off a leg. I'm looking to get to a sustainable weight and focus on other fitness goals.
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    Oh, and for everyone saying small framed and large framed... what does this even mean? I've heard people blame being overweight on being big-boned, and I honestly don't really get that either. How can I tell if I'm small or large framed??

    This is a lie/rationalization people tell themselves. Its nonsense.

    Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. People will pick a number and tell themselves "this is my goal weight" which they still would be at a pretty high bodyfat percentage because they just don't want to admit how far they really have to go. Its probably some form of mental self-preservation/defense mechanism.

    No you are lying to yourself. There are different body types and different body structures. I will never be a size 2 or 4 and I never have been but my body has rocked at various stages in my life and I was always ALWAYS a size 8 or higher.
    I could never wear my sisters clothes growing up or now because she is built exactly like my mom, small bird like. I take after my fathers family and I am bigger than her bone structure wise, widder shoulder larger frame overall. Two of my father's sister were both over 5'10 and had very broad shoulders, hips etc. while their mother, my granmother, was 4'10 and about as big as a puppy soaking wet!

    SO GTFOOH talking about a subject you know nothing about. Now with that said, this does not mean that a person should not take care of themselves and be healthy and avoid excess or exterme body fat percentages, but yes, how large a persons general frame is is a factor in their weight.


    "Get the fuhck out of here"?

    Wow, you are one classy lady. Do you kiss your children with that mouth?

    I NEVER said ANYTHING about "sizes" I only spoke of bodyfat percentage. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

    Projecting much?
  • nelwerr
    I'm a 5'7 , I've had my ups and downs, I found 155 to be perfect, skinny is not sexy
  • DeonnPaul
    DeonnPaul Posts: 50 Member
    Oh, and for everyone saying small framed and large framed... what does this even mean? I've heard people blame being overweight on being big-boned, and I honestly don't really get that either. How can I tell if I'm small or large framed??

    This is a lie/rationalization people tell themselves. Its nonsense.

    Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. People will pick a number and tell themselves "this is my goal weight" which they still would be at a pretty high bodyfat percentage because they just don't want to admit how far they really have to go. Its probably some form of mental self-preservation/defense mechanism.

    No you are lying to yourself. There are different body types and different body structures. I will never be a size 2 or 4 and I never have been but my body has rocked at various stages in my life and I was always ALWAYS a size 8 or higher.
    I could never wear my sisters clothes growing up or now because she is built exactly like my mom, small bird like. I take after my fathers family and I am bigger than her bone structure wise, widder shoulder larger frame overall. Two of my father's sister were both over 5'10 and had very broad shoulders, hips etc. while their mother, my granmother, was 4'10 and about as big as a puppy soaking wet!

    SO GTFOOH talking about a subject you know nothing about. Now with that said, this does not mean that a person should not take care of themselves and be healthy and avoid excess or exterme body fat percentages, but yes, how large a persons general frame is is a factor in their weight.


    "Get the fuhck out of here"?

    Wow, you are one classy lady. Do you kiss your children with that mouth?

    I NEVER said ANYTHING about "sizes" I only spoke of bodyfat percentage. I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

    Projecting much?

    That escalated quickly. :)

    SteveStedge1, I do agree that the way people use the term "big boned" is mostly nonsense. Yes, usually when somebody says "big boned" they are using the term to replace the word "fat." Having a large bone structure does not automatically mean that you have to be overweight or morbidly obese. However, people DO have different builds and frames. The width of every man and woman's shoulders, hips, etc. is different. A woman who is 5'7" with narrow shoulders, narrow hips, and a small bust who is a healthy weight will be very different in appearance (and weight) from a woman who is 5'7" with broad shoulders, wide hips, and a large bust who is a healthy weight.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'm 5'7" with broad shoulders. I reached my goal weight of 140 and found it to be satisfying, even though I've been as low as 135. My husband preferred me at 140, but I really couldn't see a difference in the 5 pounds. My current pic is of me at 142 lbs.
  • Danimri84
    Danimri84 Posts: 262 Member
    I'm 5'7". At 200 pounds I wear a 12 or 14 depending on the brand. My goal is 160-165ish, depending on how I feel when I get there. I have a large chest and an overall curvy frame. At one point in my life I was 140 and looked incredibly ill. It all depends on your build, as so many have already said. Focus on being happy in your body, and forget the numbers :)
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I'm 5'7", and my happy weight is 122 +/- 2 pounds.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I'm a 5'7 , I've had my ups and downs, I found 155 to be perfect, skinny is not sexy

    Just goes to show how different we are. I was so miserable at 155 (my heaviest weight ever) that prompted me to get with it an lose it forever.
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    I was 132 before kids and looking back I think it was a little to little for me. Aiming for 145-150 and toned this time, see how that does
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    we all carry it differently. Right now I hang around 170 and you can see in my picture I have shape, a flat stomach, etc, but I'd like to be about 150 ideally. It's all a matter of genetics, and personal preference. No one ever believes I weigh what I do.