nikiml Member


  • **Update** It has been over a year since I posted and I think I found out what my issue was. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos about 10 months after my last post. The tricky thing since then has been my attempts to find the best medication levels. I was diagnosed in December of 2014. We had move across country in June so I…
  • "You are not special. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else." I'm just surprised on one went there yet. But really, I agree with this post: I was having the same problem, eating 1200 calories a day and exercising 5 to 6 days a week and not loosing. I got…
  • No problem Sam. Like you saw, I just adjusted it, hopefully that helps. It seems counterproductive to eat more to loose more but I understand the reasoning behind it so I will try it. Although I think if I have been going over because of not weighing I may have been eating close to what I should have been anyway except I…
  • I read the above post and most of the links within it and have adjusted my goals based on what it says. I had my calorie goal at 1200 but I have upped it to 1305. Actually 1377 would be a 30% deficit from my TDEE, so I have…
  • I just purchased a scale, it will be at my house on Wednesday. Can anyone give me any other pointers? Other than maybe my portion sizes being off because I was not weighing does what I am eating look ok? Should I be eating more or less assuming my diary has the correct calorie count? Are my ratios of carbs/protien/fat…
  • I will get a scale and start doing weighing. It is very frustrating because when I lost 30 lbs in about 6 months it was from just running 3 days a week and eating lean cuisine every day pretty much every meal. That was only a few years ago. I am trying to do it better this time by eating less pre packaged and processed…
  • The missing days I just wasn't able to log for one reason or another but I haven't had a day where I have had a splurge since I started I don't think, at least nothing major. I don't eat chips but there were days when I had pretzel thins that I guess I could have weighed. I probably should weigh the fruit I eat as well,…
  • When I say measure, I mean measure for recipes, not weigh. I don't have a scale so I don't weigh things. I will do that and see if it helps but I am not sure that is the whole problem. I can't be going over 1200 a day by that much just because I don't weigh my meat. I have gone over in carbs quite a few days so I am trying…
  • I see what you mean about measuring although most of what I eat I measure and put into the recipe tool to calculate calories. The one place it may be off is the calories of maybe the chicken breast since I don't weigh them individually. Every thing else tends to be measured. As far as exercise, I just find what is closest…
  • Thanks for this group. I am at what I feel like is a high weight for my frame right now but for taller people it is perfectly normal. I am 140 lbs now and at my heaviest I was 156. That was very large for me and put me in a size 11 pants, which I was not comfortable with. In high school I was on a high kick team and pretty…