More than a month only lost one pound



  • justmyself34
    justmyself34 Posts: 3 Member
    I have purchased a body media arm band. It seems to work well - when I use it. :/ Anyways, it might worth looking into; however, I got it since my husband couldn't wear it (he's allergic to nickel).
  • PDarrall
    PDarrall Posts: 114 Member
    It looks like you have made some progress against the measurements. Might be worth opening up your diary so people can have a look.
  • nikiml
    nikiml Posts: 11 Member
    **Update** It has been over a year since I posted and I think I found out what my issue was. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos about 10 months after my last post. The tricky thing since then has been my attempts to find the best medication levels. I was diagnosed in December of 2014. We had move across country in June so I stopped exercising but maintained my 140 lbs weight. When I was diagnosed in December I was at 142 lbs. Once I started taking Levothyroxine in January I gained 20 lbs in about 3 months with no change in diet and doing some exercise. It has been a battle to find a doctor who did not just think I was over eating or being lazy. I finally started seeing a Naturopath who tested me for a ton of stuff. In addition to my thyroid levels being off my estrogen, iron, vitamin D and leptin levels were not right. I have started taking iron and vitamin D supplements and have made some dietary and lifestyle changes for the leptin and estrogen. I picked up a prescription for Naturethroid today and will start weening off levothyroxine and onto the new medication tomorrow. I am hoping with all these changes I will start seeing some of that 20 lbs come off and then even more. It has been hard to exercise with the extra weight, I am having to take it slow, I get winded easily and my joints hurt. Plus it was discouraging when I was exercising and still gaining weight. I would like to get back to the level of exercising I was doing early last year and see if with the new medication and other changes if I can break the plateau that I had hit when I originally posted. But first I have to loose everything I gained when I started the levothyroxine. I know in theory thyroid meds should not make you gain weight, but in the past few months I have learned a lot and I think if you are not on the right medication or right level that it can. I am not looking for a magic pill that will make me loose weight even when I do nothing, just something to even the odds. Has anyone had experience with anything like this?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    nikiml wrote: »
    I know in theory thyroid meds should not make you gain weight, but in the past few months I have learned a lot and I think if you are not on the right medication or right level that it can.

    I am not looking for a magic pill that will make me lose weight even when I do nothing, just something to even the odds. Has anyone had experience with anything like this?

    Open your diary for personalized advice, but you gained weight by eating more calories than you burned.

    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease), and learning to log everything I eat & drink accurately and honestly was a huge wake-up call.

    I lost the weight & have maintained for a year by following the advice in the Sexypants post: