kimie1012 Member


  • Really anyone looking to keep each other in check and motivated is welcome to friend me. :)
  • I did a Warrior Dash in 2011. There were people of all sizes and shapes there. Yes, there were your marathon runners who were running their hearts out, but then there was me.... someone who was over weight and had never in her life ran anything, lol. And there were others just like me. Everyone is nice and helpful, they…
  • Its best to weight yourself at the same time each day. Your weight will fluculate throughout the day, its natural - eating, drinking, blood pumping, bathroom uses, etc. Many people like to weigh in the morning b/c your body was just at rest, you are starting the day fresh and you don't have anything in your tummy. So…
  • I did the Dash in 2011. Unfortunatly I had injured myself about a month prior - pulled tendon in my foot. But even still I decided to do the race, but walked the whole thing. I was able to do all the obstacles but one - the wall. It was a painful trek, BUT I finished! I would suggest an early run. The later in the day you…
  • I fell ya! I'm single and cooking for one is hard one me. But i'm learning. My goal when cooking is to cook for two..... Dinner now, Lunch tomorrow. 2 birds, 1 stone. For instance, pasta. I never ever fix a whole box. I fixabout 1/3 a box at a time and put the rest in a baggie and put it away. then i load with with veggies…
  • I make this too but I add black beans, corn and peppers. Great without a tortilla too!!