Scared to do my first "Dirty 30"!

A friend of mine convinced me to drive to Mulhall, OK in May to do the Dirty 30. I'm super excited and scared to death! Will I be the only one that can't make it over the wall, climb a rope? Will there be other chubby chicks there, or are they all marathon runners?! We did an adventure race in August that consisted of about 10 miles, complete with small physical challenges, as well as intellectual challenges, all set in the downtown Topeka, KS area. It was a blast, but nowhere as physical as this will be. Any advice before May 11th rolls around from anyone who's done a Tough Mudder, Warrior Dash, or similar race?


  • kimie1012
    kimie1012 Posts: 7 Member
    I did a Warrior Dash in 2011. There were people of all sizes and shapes there. Yes, there were your marathon runners who were running their hearts out, but then there was me.... someone who was over weight and had never in her life ran anything, lol. And there were others just like me. Everyone is nice and helpful, they are all there to have a good time. If you get to an obstacle you can't do.... you can walk around it. Simple as that. When I did the dash, i actually had a pulled tendon in my foot and could only walk the course, and only had to walk around 1 obstacle. I was very nervous like you about being the only person who couldn't do something, but like I said there are a ton of people there who will be just like you. Don't put yourself against them... make a goal for yourself. My goal was to finish, and I did it in horribly slow time, but I was so stoked that I finished!