

  • I also have 5 kids. 4 girls and 1 boy their ages are 36, 32, 30, 22, and 13. I know that's a big jump but the last two are family members that I adopted due to certain circumstances. My son is 13 he has Asperger's syndrome which is a mild form of Autism and when he was younger he was definitely a handful but now he seems…
  • Personally I'm not a huge soda person. But the diet stuff with aspartame is the worst offender. They have done actual studies where it has had negative health effects. If you crave any kind of soda try flavored seltzer water its supposed to be just as tasty so I am told. Here is the link to the negative effects of…
  • Matt, I am on a long journey of losing weight myself. In the past my biggest downfall was my sweet tooth. This time around I have learned to trick my sweet tooth and so far it has worked. When I get cravings for something sweet to eat I just grab some fruit or a yogurt. I have lost a total of 40 pounds since August and the…
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