Lack of motivation

Hi I am Matt from North Carolina, I always start out very strong then lack the motivation, of always get the negative thoughts in the back of my mind telling me NO I can't do it... How do you keep yourself strong and keep going... Plus I think it helps to have support in some form. Myself I don't have any support here at home, very much would like to have some friends to help each other keep going..


  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    Start telling yourself YES you can do it. Use post-its to jot down your goals and the changes you want to make, put them around the house to help keep you focused on the positive things. I never let myself think that I couldn't do this. I didn't know for sure that I could but I knew it couldn't hurt to try. Once I realized how small, simple changes could have a big impact it gave me motivation to continue. Good luck!
  • care_jako
    care_jako Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Matt, I hear what you are saying. I feel the same way. I am hoping to meet some good friends on here, that will talk me off the ledge when I am about put those sweets in my Kind of like AA
  • ailiei
    ailiei Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Matt, if you don't doubt your ability to do it, that's the first step. Regarding support from home, rely on your own inner strength that
    has gotten you successfully to this point. Realize that this will be a process over a long time and not a quick fix diet to lose a few pounds and then go back to the comfort eating. If you fall off the horse, get back up and don't beat yourself up.
    Sometimes people don't support others because they don't like CHANGE, they might not be comfortable with you suddenly becoming a new person. With that comes confidence and opportunity and not everyone is comfortable with that.
    I am only eating healthily for the past week and already I feel more energized and enthused. Feel free to pat yourself on the back and accept some praise for doing it. Well done and asking for support is a big thing. :smile:
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I hear ya! I have similar doubts. I know I can lose weight, I've done it before but I worry about keeping it off. What will be different this time? We just need to push ourselves and each other!

    Feel free to add me!
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    I keep logging on to MFP even if I had a crappy day.

    Get some supportive friends who on here who will encourage you and kick your butt when you need it.
  • arbogak52
    arbogak52 Posts: 16 Member
    I just try to remember the depression I suffered when I was at my heaviest....and how much happier I am with the little bit of weightloss I have had. 35 pounds to date between weight watchers and myfitnesspal. Its a start of a long journey. And it will be long. The weight didn't go on overnight...and it won't come off over night. But every small victory adds up. You will get there. Just remember not to let the bad days ruin the good ones....just keep going! Feel free to add me.
  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    Hi Matt! This site is awesome I been using it for the last few months and have lost 46 pounds it def makes you more aware of everything you put in your mouth. I know its hard to keep to keep yourself motivated at times trust me I know. I use to weigh 350 lbs and now I am 166 lbs. So it is still a fight to be healthy and fit. The encouragement and the motivation from everyone on here keeps you pushing. If you need an extra buddy feel free to add me :)

  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    In the end, I think I just started ignoring that voice and doing stuff anyway. In the end, that part of you realises that actually, you can do stuff, because you are doing it. Working on turning negative thinking into positive thinking definitely helps, but I've found no better confidence boost than actually doing things that I never thought I could.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    The first step is to stop telling yourself what you can and can't do and start telling yourself what you WILL do. Don't make it optional. Don't make it dependent on how you feel or your level of motivation. Motivation waxes and wanes. Commitment is what carries you through.
  • ShyGuy1981
    Thanks everyone who has replied. I sent the ones who said I could friend them a friend request. Appreciate all input.. I really do need to stop saying I can't and start saying I can and I WILL.
  • auntiebauntie
    Matt, I am on a long journey of losing weight myself. In the past my biggest downfall was my sweet tooth. This time around I have learned to trick my sweet tooth and so far it has worked. When I get cravings for something sweet to eat I just grab some fruit or a yogurt. I have lost a total of 40 pounds since August and the cravings for something sweet is now far and few between. Another thing I have learned in life is never say I can't do something. The word I can't will automatically put up a barrier to limit yourself. If you find yourself struggling just make your goals smaller with your larger goal in mind. This way it won't be so overwhelming. Just think of obstacles as challenges and challenges are what keeps us on our toes. It helps us think of ways to think of solutions to solve the challenge and keep motivated. For example I am currently challenged right now by trying to figure out what kind of exercise routine I can do that is not going to tax my back too much. I have severe back issues that prevent me from doing lots of things even the simple things like walking any kind of distance. Before I used to be able to walk 4-5 mile a day just for pleasure today I can only walk about 40-50 yards and that is with a cane. Yeah no fun. But that doesn't deter me from my goal. I just have to figure things out. I did post on here for some help but not one person responded. Oh well back to the drawing board for me I guess. Just keep positive thoughts and ignore the negative ones. :)
  • EveryNameWasTaken
    I always start out strong and start to fizzle out, I am hoping to gain some friend and support from here to push me past the times when i want to give up, feel free to add me I will take and give all the help i can
    Good Luck!