Diet soda



  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    What about Diet Soda with Splenda? I haven't had a "diet coke" this whole week and I really want one!!!
  • I love diet Mountain Dew! I need to cut back though, but I get headaches when I stop cold turkey!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I drink 1-2 a day.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I have 1 or 2 diet sodas a day. However when out to dinner, if I'm not drinking (I swear my wife cheats at rock-paper-scissors) I'll probably have like 2 or 3 diet sodas with my meal. Ask for a diet coke with a lime in it and it looks like you are drinking if you need to appear to do so plus it's yummy with a lime.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I don't have any scientific proof because I'm not doing the research HOWEVER, from watching documentries, and I will say it, Dr.Oz, it's not good for you.

    Apparently one teaspoon of aspertame can trigger wanting more sugar in your brain which will eventually cause overeating "toxic" foods (meaning junk food). If you have it in copious amounts, it could lead, eventually, to obesity. BUT, that's if you drink it all the time!

    I would agree with make sure you have your 8 glasses of water (I usually drink a lot more, my suggestion 1/2 your body weight in ounces is best) have ONE can MAX and that's it for the day. Unless you're out drinking of course ;) haha

    Either way, I have Coke Zero (the 222ml cans) once every 2 or 3 weeks if I'm craving sugar and it's late and I have no calories left. I also do diet coke with alcohol if I'm out. That way I'm only paying for the price of the liquor and not the pop - I'm canadian, it's pop :)
  • faster_than_flash
    faster_than_flash Posts: 114 Member
    Just because people aren't aware of things - doesn't change the fact that things still happen.

    As of now - we are at a point where we are unsure on the effects of drinking diet soda. So simply put, do what makes you happy.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I mostly gave it up other than as a mixer with alcohol once in a while. I was drinking a few glasses a day of it before that. I'm sure I eat or drink other things that aren't ideal though. It was just something I decided to mostly give up. Not sure if it was hindering weightloss or not since I gave it up right when I started losing weight.

    oh and I drink seltzer now for the bubbles. I don't crave diet soda anymore though. Once you stop drinking it for a few weeks, the craving goes away.
  • YogaNikki
    YogaNikki Posts: 284 Member

  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    I gave up diet soda and I don't miss it. I used to drink 3-4 cans of diet soda everyday. I actually found that when I gave it up, my tastebuds really came alive. Everything tasted better and not "deadened". I also found that I still like to have a little bubbly so I got a soda stream and just make my own soda water with a bit of lemon/lime in it. That seems to satisfy my bubbly craving just fine.

    Whether Aspartame is bad for you or not, I found that I lost more weight when I was off the diet colas only because my taste became so enhanced that I felt satisfied with my food more. I could really taste nuances in flavors that I had never tasted before.
  • YogaNikki
    YogaNikki Posts: 284 Member
    I don't have any scientific proof because I'm not doing the research HOWEVER, from watching documentries, and I will say it, Dr.Oz, it's not good for you.

    Apparently one teaspoon of aspertame can trigger wanting more sugar in your brain which will eventually cause overeating "toxic" foods (meaning junk food). If you have it in copious amounts, it could lead, eventually, to obesity. BUT, that's if you drink it all the time!

    I would agree with make sure you have your 8 glasses of water (I usually drink a lot more, my suggestion 1/2 your body weight in ounces is best) have ONE can MAX and that's it for the day. Unless you're out drinking of course ;) haha

    Either way, I have Coke Zero (the 222ml cans) once every 2 or 3 weeks if I'm craving sugar and it's late and I have no calories left. I also do diet coke with alcohol if I'm out. That way I'm only paying for the price of the liquor and not the pop - I'm canadian, it's pop :)

    Oh you are BRAVE bringing Dr. Oz into the conversation, lol! Good luck!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Dr Oz is a quack..

    Anything that is not from nature is bad for you.
    diet soda does nothing but add chemicals to your body that you don't need.
    diet soda does not quench your thirst either.
    all that sodium makes it harder to lose weight.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Dr Oz is a quack..

    That part is true.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    In moderation, I can't see that it's harmful, unless you have problems with GERD. If you have reflux, carbonated beverages make it worse.

    If you're drinking a lot of commercially made sodas per day, you are taking in a lot of sodium.
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    I gave it up as a New Year's Resolution. Mostly because I feel bloated when I drink any type of soda, and I think it makes me crave sweets even more. And I have concerns about aspartame. But mostly the other reasons.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I gave it up. Switched from diet to lacroix, after a few months stopped drinking carbonated beverages except on rare occasions (1x a month with pizza) and I get the full sugar version.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    What is everybodies feeling on diet soda. i am addicted but am reading that even the diet stuff may be bad. Any thoughts?

    Here's the cliffs since I don't know if I can type out my aspartame rant again:

    If you don't get headaches from it, if you don't have PKU (medical condition), and if you don't consume freakin' stupid amounts of it daily, then enjoy.

    It isn't great for your teeth, but that's about the only legitimate concern IMO.
  • jrhodo
    jrhodo Posts: 43 Member
    I second sparkling water, cheaper and less harmful to the environment with a Sodastream. A little juice in it once in a while.
  • Personally I'm not a huge soda person. But the diet stuff with aspartame is the worst offender. They have done actual studies where it has had negative health effects. If you crave any kind of soda try flavored seltzer water its supposed to be just as tasty so I am told. Here is the link to the negative effects of aspartame.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Not a fan but then again I was never really a big soda drinker. The only time I crave a diet soda is if it's really hot out and I'm dehydrated and even then I typically go for setlzer
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I think it is bad but I drink it :drinker: I do try to avoid drinking it every day though. If I am feeling especially good I drink plain sparkling water with a little lemon