lynnhardinbrown Member


  • I was just told on Jillian Michaels site that I was probably eating to much. OMG!! This is so frustrating. I feel as though we do not give ourselves all of the calories burned for our workout. Am I wrong? I feel that if we don't eat more than the 1200 cals given that we will hurt ourselves more than help. HELP!!!!!
  • Thank you 2 hobbit1. I just checked the first ingredients and everything looks good. And thanks for the heads up on making my own yogurt.
  • I see none of that in my yogurt. So does that mean it is okay? It does not say that it is organic but it does say that everything in it is natural. I have just started reading labels and find it to be a little frustrating. Lol
  • I just checked my slim fast it has 22.0 grams of sugar, 30.0 carbs, 240.0 mg of sodium and my yogurt has 19.0 grams of sugar, 65 mg of sodium 20.0 carbs. Is this not good???
  • I just checked my yogurt and you are right it has 20 carbs and 19 sugars. Eeeeek!! I never thought to look because it is suppose to be so good for you. I am going back into my diary now checking everything. Thank you.
  • I usually drink diet sodas and even quit them at the beginning of the year. I have not had any sugar in my tea or any sweets except for the fiber one and Kellogg's snacks which were very low in sugars. So it could be my fruits and vegetables. I had no idea. Thank you so much. I will be more diligent on watching the sugars…
  • Could it be my fruit? I have a handful of blueberries and strawberries with my yogurt. And maybe a couple of apples this week. My peanut butter is Organic natural. Very low on sugars but pretty high in fat.
  • I have no idea what it is that is giving me all of the sugars. I calculate everything and nothing that I take in has that many sugars. : ( I have had no sweets except for my snacks which is Greek Chobabi yogurt and Fiber One snack brownies which only has 8 grams of sugar. I have been grilling everything that I eat chicken,…