dll2013 Member


  • I've been on for a couple of months but have just recently started adding some friends. Add me if you would like.
  • I have been on MFP since the first of January but have not really pursued any friends, but I think I need some encouragement. I haven't lost anything in the past month and am really going to have to up my game if I want to get this weight off. Please feel free to add me.
  • Looking good is a big part of it but think more about your health. Think of the benefits for your insides. Your heart and lungs won't have to work so hard to keep your body going. And your joints, they are going to thank you the older you get. Keep going and don't get discouraged. You are doing the right thing.
  • I'm in. I try to walk on my treadmill at least 4 days a week. This will help me to stay motivated too. Have been slacking the last week on my food intake and it is showing on the scales. Time to get busy again. Good Luck everyone.
  • Love to see that there are a few over 50's on here. Most everyone seemed to be younger. I have battled my weight all my life and it is harder the older I get. Bad thyroid, slower metabolism and post menopause all contribute. I have had 2 real wake up calls in the past few years with both of my parents dying of cancer at…
  • Hi Christi from another Texas native. You can do this. I wish I had kept off all the weight I have lost through the years. It will affect your health later on if you don't get it off. Good luck, you got this.
  • How is your back now? I have 2 herniated disk and am trying to lose weight also to avoid surgery.
  • Hi! I'm new to MFP too. My daughter in law got me to join. I am really liking the food diary. It helps to keep me on track. Good luck to everyone. We got this.
  • Do you like sweet or salty? I love the Fiber 1 Brownies and Chocolate Chip Cookies. Also fruit with fat free cool whip is one of my favorites. For salty try low fat string cheese, cottage cheese or baked chips since nuts don't do the trick. Carrots with no fat sour cream dip or celery with peanut butter is also good. Night…
    in SNACKS Comment by dll2013 January 2013