

  • Great point, rarely should food be thought of as a reward. Our perspective on food determines a great deal of our outcome.
  • Don't fret the second first week. I think it actually helps to do a few of the workouts 3-4 times the first week and then really commit. I'm on month 2, second week now and it really gets addictive if you commit to it. I wasn't seeing the scale move much at first but after realizing I've dropped 3 inches off my waste, the…
  • One thing to add for those like me that didn't read the manual: THE BATTERY WILL DIE OR NOT TRANSMIT CORRECTLY in a couple days if you do not unsnap the transmitter from the chest piece as soon as you are done. It took a lot or cursing and the third battery before I realized you have to do that. About every third day I…
  • After a few days or a week you will know if you need to update your intake because the energy level won't be there. I am on recovery week now and I adjust my intake to meet demand. There were days when I was eating only 1300-1500 cals and I needed to up it. Adding more protein seemed to help me more than anything with…
  • I like fruit smoothies for a desert but it didn't take me long to realize they don't fill me up at all. Like most have said, a high protien breakfast like egg whites or egg beaters with low fat cheese with the side of your choice fills me up much better. Oatmeal is another, though second choice for me with some fruit…
  • A lot of it depends on your weight and average heart rate during the program. For your rough estimate numbers per the hr monitor I burn 540-580 on the plyo circuit, 490-540 on the pure cardio, and in the 500-530 range on cardio power circuit. On the recovery day I've been in the 190-210 range. I finished week three today,…
  • I log the recovery workout as Yoga. To me that seems like the most accurate description. A heart rate monitor would likely give the most precise caloric measurement but I really don't like wearing them.