drgnfly4 Member


  • It's a fact that your body is an amazingly adaptive responsive organism that does change in response to food intake or lack thereof. The argument is in the variables and terminology. One rarely discussed but very important variable is micro-nutrients, like vitamin and minerals. If you are taking in an enormous amount of…
  • A lot of people find that Raw Whole Milk solves both lactose intolerance and milk alergies. The reasons are lengthy and complex, but I will suffice myself to simply explain, in summary, that homogenized milk has it's fats bonded to it's whey by the process which keeps the cream form separating and keeps our bodies from…
  • Very well done my friend! I appreciate your sharing this story with us, it makes a difference; just like it do for you. Way to pay it forward and celebrate your win! Nice job!
  • I researched this to death before I chose. I ended up going with the Body Media. It is an unobtrusive arm band that is well hidden under my shirt sleeves even with short sleeves on, however as a guy our short sleeves don't tend to be as short. Body Media actually takes five hundred scientific measurments about what your…
  • Just had all my questions answered in private messages, and I am on the GameMakers Team. I'm Very Excited, this will be FUN! Very much looking forward to the challenge the competition and the support.
  • Really love to be challenged to keep my head "In The Game" (pun-alert) I just finished 38 sessions training with Moses Kinikini of the Biggest Loser Season 11 (3-days a week for 90 days) and while I am supposed to be attending his circuit training classes, it's not as engaging as the one on one sessions, and work is…
  • Rich?! Hah! That's so funny! You'd be laughing yourself if you knew our story! I have not had a pay check in 8 or more months! I have had money struggles for the past 4-5 years! I do not collect unemployment, I do not accept outside help from church or government. I manage my resources and have been blessed! When it comes…
  • I grew up in an addicted family. Both parents were abused as young children and were obese using food and junk food to medicate hurt emotions. Dad had diabetes and still had hidden stashes of candy, which my mother would detect on his breath like alcohol, My mother had stashes of candy and would hide in her room reading…
  • Whole, raw, and grass fed! That's the way to go! Milk which is homogenized is a neural toxic poison, and milk which is pasteurized has dramatically reduced nutrients. Same for low or no fat milk which is nothing more than cow water. Grass fed dairy is high in CLA which is a fat that used to be in everyone's diet and due to…
  • That's funny! No, not a breastologist, not even sure if that's a word or a profession. I study health, science, nutrition, etc... My hobby is reading medical studies and studying the whys and wherefores of cause and effect when it comes to health. I put dozens of hours into the trivial questions and hundreds of hours into…
  • Creepiness not intended, my apologies for any offense! Scientific understanding passionately pursued always.
  • I had to look up the acronym POIDH. Learn something new every day. Regarding pictorial proof: I just did a yahoo image search for "native topless" and examined hundreds of images of topless natives, from papa new guinea to africa and the pacifc islands, and applied a little critical thinking. About 95% are completely perky…
  • That's funny; Thanks for the laugh! You are welcome. Wearing a bra is like using a wheel chair when you are capable of walking, will your legs get more fit or less? Breasts have connective tissues, ligaments, and underlying muscles which all gain health, strength and firmness when asked to do what they were designed to do,…
  • The Myth is that wearing a brazier will keep em perky. The opposite is true. Women who have NEVER worn a bra develop micro muscles, and stringer connective tissues that hold the gals aloft. They do not sag from age or lack of a bra, they sag from never having to develop natural loft, or fitness. It's an interesting topic,…
  • First, I'm a guy. So any ladies want to ignore what I have to say, you have that right. I'm certainly no expert. I was however, raised by a mother who was not only a Bradley Natural Childbirth Instructor, but a Le Leche League Leader of many years. On top of that foundation I research every topic I can very carefully, and…
  • Yes, Yes, Yes, black licorice, black jelly beans, good n plenty, anise, star anise, and fennel! All yummy, all similar flavorings. Nice thing about fennel is that it is a vegetable that makes really delicious foods with limited calories! Anise and Star Anise are common Indian spices and in the right curry are out of this…
  • I can almost never tell in the store, so I research the brands at home and then buy the ones from peanuts grown in New Mexico. There are several brands all produced by the same company using all natural and certified organic Valencia Peanuts grown in New Mexico, under different store brands, the mother company is called…
  • Okay, I did a ton of research on this topic for my own purposes some time back. 1st: Peanuts grown the South Eastern US (Peanut Capital of the World) due to the humidity and year round soil moisture do have a certain fungus spore (Mold) on them that can produce carcinogenic (Cancer Causing toxins) and frequently peanut…