Baregravity Member


  • to answer the question, on whether you are burning that many calories. i would venture to say yes specifically because of the heart rate. it is just an energy problem... it is like stepping on the gas pedal in your car, pedal to the medal, burns more fuel. now, the suggestion i wonder about is do you want to lower your…
  • i have a real good answer for you. i wrote a blog that relates to this describing the two fuels we have in our body, sugar and fat. if you want to read it feel free, i think you may really enjoy reading it. but in short, if you have a bodyfat % of more than let's just say 10%, then no you don't have to eat the extra…
  • hi there, i feel for your frustration in not seeing the weight come off faster. i am assuming here that since you put this post up on the bulletin boards you wanted some helpful responses. i notice you are doing the p90x. so i wonder if you are not only weighing yourself but also taking measurements, bodyfat and inches. i…
  • when is yours scheduled? here in pheonix arizona, we had over 5000 sign up so they made up a 2nd day. i am super excited to play in the mud and run through the fire... Good Luck!
  • there are several schools of thought on this subject. but what it really boils down to is what your overall objective is. whew, i personally try to follow the advice of Dr. P Maffetone, which has me keep my heart rate under 180-age. for me it is 180-38=142, but i am wanting to become a long distance runner so i want to be…
  • hmm heart rate is a tricky subject. it truly depends on what your objective is. I have learned a lot about the heart rate in the past few months. currently, i am following Dr Maffetone's 180-age Heart Rate. this rate is his theory on the threshold between aerobic and anaerobic activity. which by the charts typically seen…
  • two things for ya. 1. me personally i have always been able to lose weight 3x30lbs or more. problem: keeping it off. so when i say i can lose weight trust me. but what i found out this time, tracking food, is weigh(pun intended) more important than i had ever thought. examples include calorie distribution by tracking, what…
  • if you are interested in joining up with me and carguy we are trying to meet up about once a month to do activities as a kind of morale boost. we are planning to do a hike on feb 13th. right now we are both at the beginning stages but both aspire to much more as our endurance improve. my goal is also to run a triathlon and…
  • Obviously, you realize having a HRM would be beneficial. I personally have noticed that I have to reduce my MFP minutes to correspond to my HRM minutes. Thus, my conclusion is consistent with your assessment.