The Past 56 Days

I don't know about all of you but I'm going to hold my breath until weigh-in tomorrow morning. I've worked so hard the past 56 days. I've lost 7 pounds and several inches so far.

During the week I get up at 4, get my P90X on, get ready for work, get the kids up and ready for school, eat breakfast, fix lunch and get to school by 7:30. On the weekends I'll "sleep in" until 6 or 7 and do the same basic routine (workout, shower, breakfast).

I've been under in calories all but a small handful of days. I've made not just good but excellent food choices. It's hard to do when your family doesn't like the kind of foods you do. Although my MIL and SIL and a few friends are in this with me, so the close support is great.

My clothes are fitting much better. Some things are a little baggy! I'm out of my 14's and in 12's which are loose. I'm in the in between stage when my pants are a bit too big but I haven't lost enough to get new pants.

That being said, I'm still disappointed when I don't see a 2 pound weight loss each week. My impatience does not bode well for something that is supposed to take a while, such as this. I am fully expecting to NOT reach my first mini goal of a 12 pound total weight loss by tomorrow morning. Which means I can't get my PCD workout video. Doh!

I will begrudgingly (sp?) continue with this madness but must say this: "Hey fat, you can leave now. You've been a part of my life for quite sometime but your time has passed. I'm working hard to get rid of you but let's both make this easier and you take a hike. Go on...git!


  • lwyz_smln
    You CAN do this, you have proven as much! You have made excellent food choices and stayed on track with your fitness routine. I know that doesn't always feel like it should be enough to show how great you're doing and how motivated you obviously are, but the fact of the matter is that you are doing an amazing job and you ALWAYS have to keep in mind that we are in this to get "healthy" and while our goal is to "lose weight" our true goal is to "get fit" and I do mean that! We don't like to hear it, but muscle plays a part in this cycle and we may not lose 1-2 lbs. every week. We need to remember not to let that get us down and be happy with our progress and continue on our journey together. You've proven you are goal driven and that is a great thing, so just keep it up and once you do get to your goal, even if it isn't on the exact day you imagined... get yourself that workout dvd, because you deserve it!! ^_^
  • johnporcaro
    johnporcaro Posts: 76 Member
    I found a similar pattern when I did my first round of P90X. No weight loss, or at least minimal, during the "regular" 30 days. Then I'd all of the sudden lose 4 or 5 pounds during recovery week. I think a lot of it is that you're building up muscle while you lose fat, and if you're keeping up with your protein goals (50% of your calories month one, then 40% month two), you'll be building muscle with all those pull ups, push ups, and weight lifting. I also find that when I'm really consistent about watching my salt intake, I can lose a pound or two of water weight in a day.

    Best thing of all is that you're getting fit, you're getting heathy, and your clothes are fitting different--proof you're losing weight in all the most important places!
  • socialite51
    I understand your frustration about the 2 pound weight loss, because I'm at that point now. But from what I'm reading you have been doing a great job and you've been successful. I'm on the sideline cheerleading that your goal will be met on your weigh-in tomorrow. Your story has definitely been an inspiratiion for me. I thought I was the only one not losing the 2 pound a week like I'm hearing, but I'm SOOOOOO Thankful for the 4 pounds that I've lost thus far. Keep up the good work~!!:flowerforyou:
  • Baregravity
    Baregravity Posts: 11 Member
    hi there, i feel for your frustration in not seeing the weight come off faster. i am assuming here that since you put this post up on the bulletin boards you wanted some helpful responses. i notice you are doing the p90x. so i wonder if you are not only weighing yourself but also taking measurements, bodyfat and inches. i would wager that you are losing the fat but probably gaining the muscle and with that being the case muscle weighs more than the fat does. so keep that in mind.
    I personally have chosen to stay on an a pretty much aerobic routine diet. that means i do mostly walking although now my body is adjusting which is causing me to have to slowly jog to keep my same heart rate pace. i have stayed away from strength training or anaerobic routines specifically because i want to lose only the fat and not gain muscle yet. so far i have been very successful in that i have lost 25 lbs since the new year.
  • johnporcaro
    johnporcaro Posts: 76 Member
    Saw your "Warrior Dash" goal in your sig. I signed up for the Seattle Warrior Dash, mid-July. Oughtta be fun!
  • leelee03
    leelee03 Posts: 67 Member
    You do awesome! You're very dedicated, and an inspiration! Don't get yourself down if you don't reach your weight goal, it is very likely that you have gained muscle from your workouts and that weighs more than that fat you're telling to go away! Inches and clothes are a better way to measure your progress, and it seems like you are doing very good at that! Keep up the good work!