catestevam Member


  • Ok aside from Stranger things, which was awesome, Black mirror (kind of like the twilight zone, but in today's world), Hart of Dixie (really cute/light watch), House of Cards, Star trek-The next generation, Cheers, and Peaky Blinders (alert-there's a good amount of violence in this one)...that's all I can think of at the…
  • My baby is 13 months today...which I guess is considered a toddler now. He's still a baby to me :) I'm trying to lose 30 pounds to start, and it has not been easy so far. I know it sounds like an excuse, but there seems to be no time left in the day for exercise. I got up extra early this morning thinking, okay I'm going…
  • I'll take that challenge!!
  • Fruit is a good filler, and most are easy to carry around with you if need be. My favorites are banana (although higher calorie/sugar, it's the easiest to eat on the fly), blueberries, apple, clementines, and/or a sprig of grapes. I keep a container of quick oats in my cube with a 1/2 cup measuring cup. If I'm really…
  • I don't have a set weekly diet, but I try to make simple things in large quantities and add variety to it during the week. For example, I'll make a big batch of rice, chicken breast, and usually some kind of vegetable on Sunday. Then I mix it up by adding different spices/soy sauce/buffalo sauce/etc, so I don't get bored.…
  • Yuck!! Hate sweet pickles...dill only please!
  • Completely Agree!
  • I also dislike excercise, but I find some more tolerable than others. Have you tried yoga? It's challenging, but much more enjoyable (in my opinion) than walking on a treadmill for 45 minutes.
  • It sounds like you are making some good choices for your life. As someone who worked at Dunkin Donuts years ago, it is tough being surrounded by food all day (and coffee in my case!) . I might recommend that you get familiar with the calories in the taco bell foods. Find out if there are options for you when your hungry,…
  • ^This. Also, you will mess up, just don't let it be the reason you give up. Get back on the wagon!
  • I'm also 27, and started at about 186 as well (I'm also 5' 2"). I'm down to about 174 in 4 weeks with a big drop in the beggining, and now it's between 1 and 1.5 pounds a week. So I'd say you are definitely doing something right if you're already down to 169!. Consistency is key, so keep doing what you're doing and you…
  • HI! I'm a gamer and a trekkie...does that qualify me as nerd? ADD ME! I have about 40 pounds to lose, so the more friends to motivate me the better! :) Cat
  • hard boiled eggs Muller greek yogurt (honeyed apricot is my fav) Apple and some oatmeal
  • Pick your splurges! If you really want to have those margaritas, maybe skip the chips and dip. Or, vice versa. Also, if you know you can't stick to your 12-1400 calorie limit, up it to maintanence to give yourself a little wiggle room without getting discouraged. At least at maintanence you know you won't gain due to a…
  • It sounds like you are eating because of habit, and it may not be triggered by actual hunger. You have to start asking yourself why you are going to the cafe for that cookie. Is it a social thing, is it a break from your desk, is it a treat/reward or are you actually really hungry. Once you figure out the why part, you can…
  • Don't give up if you fall off the wagon for a day/weekend/week. It might be discouraging to not lose for that week or two, but its a lot more frustrating to gain. Also, be honest in your food/excercise diary.
  • Hi Everyone! I'm Cat, and I'm currently 183. I'm a terrible yo-yo dieter. I reached 138 a few years ago, and let it all creep back on. I'd like to get back to the 130s because I was pretty happy at that size. I'm making it my mission to stick to 1200 calories every day for one week (this being week 1). I'm going to try and…
    in Hi! Comment by catestevam April 2014
  • Muller Corner Greek Yogurt- Honeyed Apricot is delicious! Caramelized Almonds is a close second.
  • I hear you. Social situations can be tough as far as drinking is concerned. If you're trying to get the best bang for your buck, have you considered doing diet soda/liquor drinks. My favorite is gin and diet tonic with a lime, or diet sprite/ grape vodka (scary good). If your looking for a buzz without the calorie price,…
  • Thanks everyone for all the advise/encouragement! After this, I feel like I should rethink a few choices, and see how it goes. Keep you posted!! :happy:
  • Probably between 1400-1600 per day, which probably isn't great. I figured with all the working out though that somehow that would make up for it.
  • I'm thinking that this is a temporary solution because I totally agree on the sodium being too high for everyday consumption. I was going out to lunch almost everyday before, so I've never really made my own lunch. I'm still not making my own, but my main focus is breaking my old habits. I also want to try and get use to…
  • I think I was a little nervous at first to try weight lifting because I wasn't sure on how to use the equipment and that seemed to be where the men congregated. So, 1. unsure of myself, 2. being watched and critiqued by the muscley guys. Although the more I do it, the more confident I feel about it. So I definitely think…