I keep failing

Everyday i say to myself..yes this is it..i'm going to get a great body by august! It hasn't happened. Every morning i get a bowl of oatmeal with banana, blueberries etc and i feel amazing! I eat an apple at break and i'm fine...but when it comes to lunch..i eat my lunch and then i'll go to the cafeteria and buy a cookie. I get free school meals so its not my OWN money! Then when i get home i just eat again, and i'll have dinner, and then i'll eat again. I feel like from 1pm everyday i start to go downhill. Does anyone have any advice or some serious motivation that can help me? I keep eating junk and not exercising! I just need some help...
I'm starting to count calories however everyday i feel so ashamed with myself that i cant record them..




  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Yes, never eat fruit, cookies, sweets, or even sweet vegetables by themselves - the sugar in it will make your blood sugar spike and then drop and you'll feel hungry. Eat it alongside some fat and protein, some nuts, a tbs of nut butter, a piece of ham, or whatever suits you, that will even out the blood sugar swings.
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    Pretty much either you want to do it or you don't. Be more mentally strong and don't eat those foods. The sooner you do it the quicker you will reach your goal. Think how far you could have been if you just stuck with it.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    4 words, eat more lean protein.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Yup, you gotta get more protein and healthy fats into your breakfast, morning snack and maybe even lunch (you didn't say what you had so hard to tell for sure). This is something I had to learn too. A bowl of cereal with milk and a banana was great but it only lasted a couple hours and I'd be hungry again - even good hearty cereals with whole grains. So now I save my cereal or oatmeal for afternoon snack and try to have eggs and/or a protein bar in the morning. At the very least, add some nuts, a spoonful of peanut butter and/or seeds to your oatmeal. Have some greek yogurt for your mid morning snack. You can google for more ideas on high protein foods and snacks.

    You'll notice foods higher in protein and with fats are higher in calories but they're worth those calories because they stick with you longer. Foods higher in carbs, without protein/fat, will spike your blood sugar and once the body burns through that spike, you'll be hungry again and likely craving something sugary (like that cookie) to replenish. Complex carbs are better but will still have that affect if not paired with protein/fat.
  • catestevam
    catestevam Posts: 27 Member
    It sounds like you are eating because of habit, and it may not be triggered by actual hunger.

    You have to start asking yourself why you are going to the cafe for that cookie. Is it a social thing, is it a break from your desk, is it a treat/reward or are you actually really hungry. Once you figure out the why part, you can find an alternate solution. If you really are hungry, then maybe you need to eat a bigger lunch to hold you over.

    I know what you mean about everything going downhill at some point during the day. For me, it usually happens because I ate that piece of birthday cake at noon, and now I feel like I messed up the day's calories. The difficult part is to mentally let it go, and continue on track.

    Good luck, I know you can do it!
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    You need to KISS!

    Keep It Simple Stupid!

    1) Understand what is a good and safe calorie deficit for you. Use the calculators online as a guide. This can take some time. Also, weigh everything before it goes in your mouth. By honest and accurarte with your logging.

    2) Understand the macros you need. Make sure to meet or surpass your goal for protein and fats. The rest can go to carbs (no they are not bad unless you have a medical issue). Also, meet your fiber goal and try to get as many micronutrients from food as possible.

    3) Include a good weight lifting regimen in your exercise routine. YOU....WILL....NOT....GET....BULKY.

    4) Treat yourself every once in a while. One cookie is not going to do anything especially if it doesn't put you over your calories for the day. If you are at a party, have some cake. If you are at a bar with a good friend, have a cold one. Enjoy your life!

    5) Have a routine. This helps keep you on track.
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    Don't feel ashamed - no one here is going to judge you for what you log in your diary. Actually, people might judge you, but they are losers with zero self esteem who like to torture other's so they feel better about their lives so they really don't matter! If you are ashamed then keep your diary private for a while, just log everything, review it at the end of the day, and really look at what you ate. Hold yourself accountable. And don't beat yourself up - I do the same thing and its always like "well, now that ive eaten one brownie Im a total failure and this day is gone so why not eat 10 more and start over tomorrow?" (I actually kinda did this Sunday....). Tomorrow is a new day, but every minute of everyday is new too - so if you make a "poor" choice just log it, live with it, don't punish yourself and move on.

    Give yourself weekends free to start - try cutting out junkfood and sweets during the week only - if you can, just DONT go to the cafeteria - I mean - are those cookies really that good? Wouldnt yuo rather whip up your own batch on the weekend, eat a couple, then give the rest away to friends and family in cute little bags with ribbons to brighten their day and see the smiles on their faces? Wouldnt THAT feel awesome? Better than the cookie from the lunch ladies?

    Try sugary fruit to get your fix - bring pre-cut pinaple and shove that in your face every time you get a craving (word usage chosen because thats literally what i do - shove it in!).

    Also if you don't live with your parents get the "bad" food out of the house - just don't buy it! Don't buy cookies and snacks and ice cream - if you live with your folks ask them to stop - or better yet, ask them if hey can buy the ingredients to make the stuff yourself, instead of the pre-packaged stuff, then see my previous item.

    Also drink, drink, drink, drink - just keep drinking water - drink water until the thought of a cookie makes you want to explode because there's no way you could fit it in!

    I agree with the protein talk too, but my suspision is your like me - you arent actually hungry, you just want some cake. Like, at any mooment of any day.

    Good luck feel free to add me!
  • sarahrachel90
    sarahrachel90 Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you so so much! I will make cookies this weekend :) way better than the lunch ladies ones you're right! I suppose i just do it out of habit...and because i can. I'm going to start taking a little pot of fruit salad to have after my lunch, therefore i wont need the cookies. Thank you again! :D
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    The thing is this...it doesn't matter if you eat the cookies as long as you stay in a deficit, which you don't know because you don't log.

    start logging consistently and see what you are eating...if the cookie fits eat it.

    I eat treats everyday...and I mean everyday...I couldn't stick to this if chocolate etc was totally off limits...
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Be aware of the bad food choices you are making. substitute these bad choices with nutrient dense foods you do like to eat. Logging foods to help because you become even more self aware of exactly what you are putting in your body. You do not need exercise to lose weight. It just makes it a lot easier. Exercise is way more beneficial then just loss of calories for me.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    If this was your eating pattern for a long time, it is going to take several trials and errors periods before you get it right. There isn’t any need to beat yourself up because not many of us have gotten it right the first time. I have lost track of the number of times I started and stopped. The most important thing you need to do is make a solid and firm commitment and not give up. This doesn’t mean you won’t have off days and weeks. This means recommitting yourself over and over until you get it right. Junk foods and cookies are not the problem. Over eating any food is the problem because constant overeating will result in becoming overweight. If you are tracking in MFP then make sure your profile is set correctly and eat back at least half of your exercise calories. Since you only have 25 lbs. to lose, a weekly weight loss goal of .05-1 lb. a week is very reasonable. Here is a great place to start:

  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    The thing is this...it doesn't matter if you eat the cookies as long as you stay in a deficit, which you don't know because you don't log.

    start logging consistently and see what you are eating...if the cookie fits eat it.

    I eat treats everyday...and I mean everyday...I couldn't stick to this if chocolate etc was totally off limits...

  • anewdesign
    anewdesign Posts: 187 Member
    Don't feel ashamed - no one here is going to judge you for what you log in your diary. Actually, people might judge you, but they are losers with zero self esteem who like to torture other's so they feel better about their lives so they really don't matter! If you are ashamed then keep your diary private for a while, just log everything, review it at the end of the day, and really look at what you ate. Hold yourself accountable. And don't beat yourself up - I do the same thing and its always like "well, now that ive eaten one brownie Im a total failure and this day is gone so why not eat 10 more and start over tomorrow?" (I actually kinda did this Sunday....). Tomorrow is a new day, but every minute of everyday is new too - so if you make a "poor" choice just log it, live with it, don't punish yourself and move on.

    Give yourself weekends free to start - try cutting out junkfood and sweets during the week only - if you can, just DONT go to the cafeteria - I mean - are those cookies really that good? Wouldnt yuo rather whip up your own batch on the weekend, eat a couple, then give the rest away to friends and family in cute little bags with ribbons to brighten their day and see the smiles on their faces? Wouldnt THAT feel awesome? Better than the cookie from the lunch ladies?

    Try sugary fruit to get your fix - bring pre-cut pinaple and shove that in your face every time you get a craving (word usage chosen because thats literally what i do - shove it in!).

    Also if you don't live with your parents get the "bad" food out of the house - just don't buy it! Don't buy cookies and snacks and ice cream - if you live with your folks ask them to stop - or better yet, ask them if hey can buy the ingredients to make the stuff yourself, instead of the pre-packaged stuff, then see my previous item.

    Also drink, drink, drink, drink - just keep drinking water - drink water until the thought of a cookie makes you want to explode because there's no way you could fit it in!

    I agree with the protein talk too, but my suspision is your like me - you arent actually hungry, you just want some cake. Like, at any mooment of any day.

    Good luck feel free to add me!

    love the cookie idea!
    although i think BF would be fairly upset once they started being packaged up...
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    The thing is this...it doesn't matter if you eat the cookies as long as you stay in a deficit, which you don't know because you don't log.

    start logging consistently and see what you are eating...if the cookie fits eat it.

    I eat treats everyday...and I mean everyday...I couldn't stick to this if chocolate etc was totally off limits...

    ^This. And truthfully: when you really want it, it will happen. Good luck to you.
  • josiedahling
    Some things that help me are: plan your entire day in advance. Log all the meals you intend to eat in MFP and then eat your breakfast as planned and pack your lunch and snacks. Some good low calorie snacks are 100 calorie packs. I love the 100 calorie packs of almonds. They have all flavors. Don't eat it all at once. Space it out so you are eating every 2-3 hours. Don't let yourself get so ravenous that you want to eat ANYTHING right NOW.

    If you are a snackasaurus like me (and it sounds like you are), you need to replace that cookie with something else but something just as satisfying for you. You can't replace a cookie with an apple. I know everybody is saying to eat better foods, but when you want a cookie and you deny yourself that cookie, you will become obsessed with that cookie! Find a lower calorie version of what you already like. For me, I'm a candy fiend. Instead of eating chocolate and high calorie candy bars and things like that I will just eat a wonka fun dip or a small box of nerds. It satisfies my sweet tooth but it's only 50 calories. Hope that helps.
  • sarahcohen503645
    I'm similar to you and "fail" a lot, if that's what you want to call it. But I don't want to call it "failure." I lose weight, but slowly, and nothing's wrong with losing weight slowly. Gives me plenty of room to cheat. I'm going to cheat. I want to cheat. I'm happy cheating. So I accept that weight loss is low and plow away at my own rate. Frankly, not too many downsides this way.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I'm similar to you and "fail" a lot, if that's what you want to call it. But I don't want to call it "failure." I lose weight, but slowly, and nothing's wrong with losing weight slowly. Gives me plenty of room to cheat. I'm going to cheat. I want to cheat. I'm happy cheating. So I accept that weight loss is low and plow away at my own rate. Frankly, not too many downsides this way.

    If you plan to do it then it is not cheating. You change your eating habit to allow those foods.
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
  • kitticus15
    kitticus15 Posts: 152 Member
    I have been making small changes daily, now most of what I eat is made from scratch. First thing I ditched was cereal, I found I wanted to eat 2 or more bowls of cereal, now I have a fruit salad, varies depending on the fruit I have in and pro-biotic yoghurt for breakfast, I find that if I eat heavily processed food now it may taste good, but it really does make me feel quite ill.

    I am finding making the changes are easier to deal with than going for a big goal, that way I am not failing, if I fail as you put it, I just get on with it and start again, to me now I no longer fail, I learn what I can eat in moderation and what I can eat without feeling ill.

    I am no longer on automatic pilot going to the shop and buying sweets and chocolate anymore :-)
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    There is a lot of good advice already. I have a hard time with sugar as well. One thing that helps me, I let everyone at work know what I'm trying to do, lose weight.

    Tell the lunch lady you are trying not to eat cookies and such, she could help you find a better snack. Also, now that she knows you shouldn't eat that cookie it gives you a sense of accountability.

    The guys at my work will make remarks if I were to walk in with something I shouldn't have. It's still up to me, but I rather not get hassled.

    Ultimately it's up to you, but a little support probably won't hurt.