Thanks for the advice... I will rest it for a couple of days then try again! I am exercising my arms with free weights (light) and my resistance cable! :)
Thank you all so much for your input... I will be looking into what you all have said and modify from there! Excited to try something new...
Thank you so much for your input! Will be looking into that asap!!!
I tend to go to the restaurant's website and sometimes they will have the nutritional facts on there. If not just like the others say... take that pic of the food and the name of what you ordered (meaning the dish) and log it to a similar one! Good Luck.
My efforts are in the dieting and exercising... as I stated before, I was just curious as to what all the hoopla was about since I keep hearing and seeing them everywhere! Thanks for all the responds.
Thanks for the responses Ladies. No I am not trying to do this modification however I was curious since I have been seeing it all over, so i wanted to know what it was about. :)
Thanks for all the replies everyone, that helped a lot!!!
Worst Thing.... I had lost touch maybe a month or so with one of my bff and one night she came to mind so I called her. No answer... I check her FB page and I started to see all these RIP messages and it got me up on the bed, so I keep looking and find out that she had taken Her life bc of her relationship. I was…
I totally agree... I was told by them one time that I couldn't wear a bandanna I had on my head, and I laughed and said watch me keep it on. Never had another issue after that!
No there is not more to the story bc I live here very close to the gym she was going to and I have a membership at Planet Fitness as well and they do have a bunch of rules however I have seen MUCH worst at the gym and what she was wearing wasn't bad at all.
LOL... I see that, geez. That is crazy, it will be out of my sight! Thanks again!
I did the measuring and I lost a total of 9.3 inches... so happy about it!
******UPDATE.... UPDATE****** I just measured myself per all of your advice and I am happy to say that I have lost a total of 9.3 inches since July.. 9 months!!!! Yup.. I feel so much better so the scale will be stored away and I will just go by what clothes/sizes and measurements. Thanks a ton everyone!!!!!
Thank you Thank you... I will be putting it away somewhere where i won't see it instead seeing it every morning in my bathroom. I am going to do some measuring and hopefully will notice some changes there. :) Thanks....
I am running to get the scale this weekend.... That seems to be the common denominator here!
Girl I shop at the same stores as everyone... The Gap, The Limited, Express (the jeans from this store are usually very small and I am fitting their 10's I used to fit 4 yrs ago...) The issue is that we are all shaped differently.
Wow... that was a great example, to actually see it in a picture it makes total sense. Thanks
Go spam somewhere else... Geez Not even on here we are safe.
Uff...bad moods are an understatement, and I am sore and tired ALL the time. I think I will adjust that as well.
That is not my calorie intake.... I intake 1360 and that is w/o the calories I workout.
Your comments are harsh but funny. Yes i will set it now to custom and will buy a scale (scared but it is necessary. I do like lifting heavy that is why i was wondering if I should stop that.
I am cracking up in here... well I am a Latina woman so all of my weight was Butt and hips, now that that is under control I can fit my size 10's, however I am jealous of both your CW...that is my goal! :(
Wow.... and i never thought of doing that. I might have to try that. That is a great idea.
Lots of valid points.... I thin i have to really invest in measuring what I eat but I still don't go crazy with it. I haven't had soda or anything like that in forever, it is water for me or Crystal Light. and as of Protein i actually go above what I am "supposed" to eating. I am though making myself drink LOTS of water bc…
I do like the idea of taking a quick break and EAT... lol, I won't go overboard but maybe that is what I need and the same with my exercising. I like your input.
I think I have it set to 2 lbs per week... maybe I am expecting too much. I will just keep working out like crazy and go from there. I know I can prob do a bit more than what I am pushing myself to (barely more...) but I will try it.
Thanks.. when I do read it and see it like you just said it is nice to see it. So I will just have to keep at it. Maybe get a Heart monitor thingy so I can actually see the actual calories I am burning. Thanks
Hmm... sounds really fancy snacy... lol! I think I will be getting one of those so I can see exactly what I am burning! Thanks to both of you :)
Thanks I will try that.... yeah I am the only one seeing the scale but doesn't technically by numbers being 5'4" and 176 lbs. is like I am still obese...well, you know what I mean. I am going to take a good evaluation as to what i am doing after the last 3 wks of my school semester and go hard in the summer since I will…