niiice Member


  • I think it is supposed to do it 5-6 times a week the level 1, 2 or both if you are a badass (as she says). I think we should incorporate level 2 in some of the days when we feel comfortable instead of level1, and then do just level 2. How much weight/inches did you loose?
  • Great ! I've tried that one too and I hurt my wrist on the first time :( but it's very intense, oh yeah!
  • That's right, that is the better thing to do! What about TurboFire, is that good for this results? So should I do an hybrid program?
  • Thank you! :) I think if I eat clean and spend that calories it will obviously work, but of course it's hard. I try to eat clean but I don't have the patience to count the calories (it makes me loose too much time as the great part of the things I eat is homemade, even the bread!). I can't do that much effort right now…
  • It's not that. I was working out and then I stopped because I got worse from my pains (I have got pain in some muscle insertions on the joints/bones). The doctors think is an auto imune disease but they don't know exactly, I'm better know but I don't want everything to come back. But I can workout and it feels good!
  • I've started her 30DS and the RI30 but I got bored to do it everyday! Did you do it 6 times a week and walking/cycling til you burn 500Kcal a day? That's great ! You can say 11 pounds is doable but I'm struggling with them my whole life, I've weighted this for ever :p As I don't have much weight to loose is more difficult…
  • That workouts are not too hard? I'm a girl, by the way :p I drink 2,5-3 Liters a day
  • I've tried insanity but I think I got injuried. I think I have to be in better shape so I can do ti properly! Yes, the HIIT workouts, if they're not too advanced, will do a great part of the job, thank you.