ladybosie Member


  • Was reading up on fasting, because a coworker of mine does it, and it seems best paired with keto diets--i.e., a great way to lose weight short-term, but not necessarily smart long-term. For a keto diet, you effectively clear carbs and sugars from your diet (you consume so few you might as well be clearing them tbh) so…
  • There's also the fact that I need to somehow create meals that aren't calorie dense, can accommodate and help alleviate the symptoms of IBS, and his palate.
  • Foods high in acidity, high in fat, high in refined carbs, or that cause gas, irritate IBS, either leading to long bathroom breaks or awful heartburn. The acidity can be an issue with certain fruits and veggies (see citrus fruits or tomatoes), fiber helps regulate digestion whereas more processed carbs will disrupt it.…
  • I'm not sure that he'd eat prunes, because that's one thing I've seen recommended for IBS. I know I'm gonna have to go whole grain, I think he'd like some chicken & avocado type wraps. Beans, unfortunately, cause gas buildup and agitate IBS, and since most chilis have a tomato base, the acidity can cause heartburn. I…
  • Equality and things that are (slowly) becoming more accepted (or at least understood/known), like gender identity. Just social politics. I mean, even stuff like tattoos being commonplace for sentimental or decorative purposes--back then, commies, criminals, and sailors had tats. FYI: the kids outta wedlock thing? Teen…
  • It sounds like your dieting and exercise is more of an eating disorder than a health tool--you should see a therapist, because I know I'm 5'10" and I was thin at 150... Even if you technically fall within an acceptable BMI, the lower numbers on those charts usually aren't incredibly healthy.
  • I'm sorry for you illness. I'd talk to your treatment team, because the way you're going to gain muscle instead of fat is through strength training, but I'm not qualified to recommend anything to you. Where the weight you gain falls is all about genetics, if you just want to avoid gaining all your weight in one place…
  • I'm 5'10" and female. During my weight loss period (which I'm at again, because I stopped tracking my calories and fell into convenience eating), I ate anywhere from 1500-1800 calories a day--maintaining, I could safely eat anywhere from 1800-2200 (sometimes 2500) as long as I kept up my healthy habits. It's really not a…
  • So many things can affect weight--always make sure to weigh yourself in the morning, before you've eaten/drank anything, and when you know your bowels are fairly empty. For women, don't weigh yourselves when you know your period's coming soon! Your period makes you retain water, and that lining in your uterus makes a…
  • Some things that were helpful for me and may be helpful for you...* If you love certain "bad" food, don't completely cut it from your diet--have cheat days every couple weeks or simply eat the food in moderation. Cutting it completely will only make you more likely to crash and binge. * Amendment to the above: I only…
    in Help Comment by ladybosie January 2016
  • Yeah I'd gotten that... I say past tense, because I slipped and gained some weight back. I'm 5'10" and, at my lowest, was around 150-155--a perfectly healthy weight, but compared to 220-240, a big drop (plus being tall, weight is distributed differently). When I hit that weight, I stopped trying to eat at a calorie…
  • Stylish glasses, an amiably lovely face, and sweet curly hairs OuO
  • The one before last ehehem
  • #2 (can see your lovely face better)
  • What I don't understand is why that video has been removed from youtube? It wasn't copyright infringement, since it was their own parody, a criticism of/commentary on the original, which is well within what they are allowed to do. Is it because it was profane? If so, I don't understand how it was more profane or offensive…
  • I know there's a new Nokia Lumia that has a fantastic camera... I know mine and the new ones have Windows 8, so you're good there. I have no complaints about my current (not quite so shiny and new) model, so I imagine that particular one should function fine--fun apps and all that rad stuff. Edit: If it helps, Nokia phones…
  • I like how there are some straight guys posting their girl crushes ahaha. Not quite what the phrase means, wouldn't you agree ladies? I mean, I'd welcome them to own up to their man crushes, but not a lot of dudes are comfortable with that =P
  • And it came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to father time As I stared at my shoes in the ICU that reeked of piss and 409 And I rationed my breaths as I said to myself that I'd already taken too much today As each descending peak on the LCD took you a little farther away from me Away from me Amongst the vending…
  • Body shaming... it's just what it sounds like. You are shaming another's body, typically based on your own personal taste or opinion. It is perfectly acceptable to have your own preferences, but insulting someone because of your own preferences or because of some social construct of, say, feminine beauty, is body shaming.…
  • Zooey Deschanel and Karen Gillan
  • Man, I really like Odin the best out of those options (why not Loki, hm?). Though please do consider: Livercurd Odysseus Bazzle That is all.
  • Mmmmm... that's a toughie ahaha... hey, when else in my life will I not feel guilty about eating a tray of desserts piled high? Probably a lot of chocolate things.
  • Also, I've got to make a comment about the clothing--particularly the yoga pants remark. If you're serious, then I'm afraid my response to you is no. No woman is obligated to dress a certain way for the sole purpose of indicating to you whether she is up for fulfilling anyone's sexual needs. My rule is: If you're…
  • Probably because they don't understand what eating at a deficit is; they're probably eating back their calories. But whatevs, they're building up some sort of stamina, and as long as they are actually using the services provided by the facility and are happy with their own appearance and fitness, then leave them be.
  • To me, it's not just a guy thing or a sensitive masculinity thing--the whole not wanting to be talked to when you're changing. It's a personal comfort thing. I, personally, don't much like changing in front of others to begin with, so when I'm deliberately trying to keep to myself and change quickly, it's kind of…
  • Dude no, those guys make it their job to flash people; I've talked to the people who work at the rec building, and they say they have problems with them all the time aha.
  • 1) Where I go, we have an actual track, and the weight room is in perfect view of said track, so the guys in the weight room line up to watch the women jog by. 2) People who jog/walk side by side on the track so you can't pass them if need be. 3) Old guys with short, loose running shorts who are basically deliberately…
  • (all of you are making me blush I never thought I'd be an "inspiration" to anyone)
  • Thanks for your support everyone, and good luck with your own road to health!