snightingale27 Member


  • That's a great idea. I know when I used to belong to weight watchers, they celebrated every 10 pounds, I think. That was always something to look forward to.
  • You're almost there! That's great! when I get down a few pounds, my goal won't seem so distant and hopefully that will motivate me.
  • I am no expert on this topic, but I have done a lot of research because I don't want to waste time on trying different things that don't work. I usually look for things that are backed up scientifically and that make sense to me. I am just starting trying to lose weight and get in shape again, so I am not telling you this…
  • I have that same problem area and haven't tried this yet, so I don't know if it works. I just finished listening to the presentation from the link at the top of this page to "5 Foods never to Eat." It is an advertisement for an eating program, but it has some very good advise with the scientific explanation behind why it…
  • 5'8" tall 239 pounds (just started today, so no weight loss yet) 51 years old Goals: Get to about 150-170 pounds, lower cholesterol, lower blood sugar, basically get healthier and feel better with more energy Haven't tracked calories recently, but want to start out at about 1400 calories per day
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