r0mans12 Member


  • I started it a few weeks ago. It's the first exercise program where I've been able to do most of the exercises. I followed the modifier and was super sore first week or so. Already I can tell a big difference in my endurance and strength. I'm working even harder and doing more than I started and am not as sore. Bottom line…
  • I know getting motivated can be a challenge. Have you considered getting a fitbit? I have found that it is really helping me to be motivated, and to make small changes throughout the day that will translate into big results.
  • I debated which to buy and ultimately chose the fitbit one. I think what you choose depends on what your needs are. I think heart rate monitors like polar ft7 are more accurate when it comes to calories burn but they are meant to be worn during short periods of exercise. The fit bit is only 90% accurate but it is meant to…