I'm so depressed.



  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
  • tbear60
    tbear60 Posts: 16
    Sounds pretty normal in my world! Just got to stop beating yourself up about it. If you hate the elliptical that much, try something else. Take those kids and turn on some music and dance yourself silly! You will be exercising and building great memories for them and for you! Remember, every second of everyday is a new one so make it better than the last one. Smile, you are beautiful!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • r0mans12
    r0mans12 Posts: 3 Member
    I know getting motivated can be a challenge. Have you considered getting a fitbit? I have found that it is really helping me to be motivated, and to make small changes throughout the day that will translate into big results.
  • cloza12
    cloza12 Posts: 68 Member
    do you have time to get on the machine in the morning before the kids wake up?

    This^^^. And as someone else said, start with a small goal, maybe 10 or 15 minutes depending upon the last time you exercised. I don't know how old your kids are, but I assume they are young. Do they nap? Use that time for some exercise. Can you plant them in front of a video for a half an hour? Can you break out your stroller and go for a really brisk walk with them--maybe to a park where you and they can get some more exercise. I don't blame you for being exhausted at the end of the day; it is probably not the best time to plan to exercise.

    This ^^ Start small, your motivation will increase more and more. The thing is just start, even if it's 5 mins a day, something is something AND come on the message boards for support and motivation everyone here is sooooo supportive.
  • I look in the mirror every day and see this blob of a person. I just dont know what to do. By the time I get home at night and the kids go to bed all I want to do is sleep. I have no motivation or energy to get on my elliptical. I am at the end of my rope I feel. I watch everything that I put in my mouth but I lose my motivation and just give up. Help

    Try looking in the mirror and seeing a body which gave birth to and now cares for children, which has carried you to jobs and trips and all of your life's experiences, and CAN and WILL work towards living a full and healthy life. Love your body for all that you have been through with it and take good care of it- make that a goal. Everyone is giving good tips- Try small amounts on your eliptical, try to cut some calories, drink water or herbal tea when you're ready to eat out of boredom or depression. Find a little time here and there for you to care for yourself.
    You CAN do this! Good luck :)

    THIS!! We have all stuggled, that is why we are here... To get healthy with the support of people who understand what you are going through. It isn't going to be easy but nothing worth having in life is ever easy. Just start small. 5 minutes/day for a week then keep on increasing the amount. It really does get easier!! :smile:
  • cloza12
    cloza12 Posts: 68 Member
    I do have time in the morning if I set my clock a little earlier. All the positive feed back has been wonderful. I really felt like I was standing on the ledge ready to jump. But the positive information helped to lift that darkness. Its so hard when you feel all alone. thank you.

    You're not alone. We are all in the same boat, that's the beauty of this site.
  • Tymeshia
    Tymeshia Posts: 194 Member
    Start off the morning with jogging or walking in place for 15 minutes
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Two suggestions:

    1) Open your diary. The majority of weight loss is really about what you eat. We might be able to help.

    2) You can pick up additional calorie burn in simple ways. Some others here have mentioned them....when you are out and about (a) take one set of stairs at first, then the elevator the rest of the way up. Gradually increase the flights. (b) Park further away from wherever you're going. (c) Buy a set of handweights and do not turn on the TV without them in your hands. Ditto learning about simple isometrics. Lean against the wall and do 1/4 squats while watching TV (to start). (This all assumes you watch TV). (d) Dance to music.

    Most importantly, stop the self-hating self-talk. You can find other ways to motivate yourself - "I want to be healthier, I want to get into better shape, I want to do this for my kids...."

    You can do this. It's a choice.
  • iamkarent
    iamkarent Posts: 144 Member
    I am a single mom of 4..I know it can be hard. But you have to come to the point where you realize taking care of you needs to be high on the to do list. You will be a better mom for it. You will feel better, be less stressed, and have more energy to get things done.

    There can't be excuses. EVERYONE can fit in 10 minutes to start out...then gradually increase.

    I find that now that I take that time...I actually am more than productive the rest of the day to make up for it.

    If you are ready....the excuses not to have to end.

    Trust me ..I was there too...

    Set some goals...start small. Like people said. do 5 mins 3 days next week....the following week do 10...the following week do 15 etc etc
  • I would never feel like working out at the end of the day, I always had excuses. I get up everyday at 4:30am and I have everything I need for a good workout in my house. No excuses anymore from me. Down 60 lbs, on weekends I do long walks during the day, and sometimes during the week I throw in something different. Your motivation is yourself and watching the weight begin to come off. It just takes one step at a time, not big steps but little ones.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I have no motivation or energy to get on my elliptical. I am at the end of my rope I feel. I watch everything that I put in my mouth but I lose my motivation and just give up. Help
    The topic says you are depressed, but I realize that can be an expression that means a person is down in the dumps. If you need motivation, you've already been given a lot of good tips. If you are truly depressed, having people tell you to buck up is of no help and may just serve to make you feel worse. If you suspect you are depressed, please go for professional help.
  • Espresso345
    Espresso345 Posts: 42 Member

    First, this isn't easy. It's just NOT. If it were, we'd all look like supermodels.

    Something I"ve found helpful is to view myself as a science project. What would happen if I did X, Y, and Z. This may not work for you, but I'm a data junkie and I work in a very scientific environment.

    I respond best to bribes and cattle prods. I've got a big calendar in the kitchen, and for every time I exercise I get a big checkmark. I use a FitBook, and for the first 12 weeks, if I did all my exercises,I'd get myself some yarn (I'm a rabid knitter.) This quarter, I've adjusted the goodies so they're more substantial, and keyed to milestones. That's the bribe.

    The cattle prod is I'm enrolled in my company's wellness program, so I've GOT to keep up the exercise, or I will look bad. My husband has promised to kick me out of bed if I hit the Snooze button, and my three cats won't allow it either.

    Set a target - I really like using the Fitbit and the Polar Heart Rate monitor to make sure I'm getting the right kind of exercise and in the right amounts. The Nike slogan is a cliche, but it's accurate: "Just Do It."

    Good luck - we're all in this together!
  • ldwash405
    ldwash405 Posts: 23 Member
    Sounds like you want to give up. Pray for the discipline you need to stay on track and continue your weight loss goals. Make it a point to think positive about what you need to do to lose weight and take it one day at a time. I have been discouraged and quit just to end up at square one again. Keep going.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Excercise in the morning will give energy for the day. You can do this if you are determined. You are not alone. We all came here for help with weight issues. And the best thing here we all understand and really like to see people succeed
  • niknak2308
    niknak2308 Posts: 315 Member
    When I started with my treadmill, I had the same things happen. I would get home at night feel too tired to do anything and just looking at that machine sitting there gave me anxiety. Sooo I would go get something to eat to make me feel better. What worked for me , what got me moving was this: Start slow , start small. Just because you have an epilitical doesnt mean you have to pop on the for an hour day and be wonder woman. I actually started with 5 mins, yes thats right 5 mins each time I got on mine. It didnt "frighten" me so much then. So after the first few nights of 5 mins, the next night I have my self the goal of 10 mins. in another week. I added another 5 mins. After you get into the habit, you can keep adding the minutes. Trust me before you know you wil be comfortable with it and when you are losing weight and feeling better about yourself. You will look forward to it when you get home.

    I hope this helps. It worked for me , and I absolutely hate the thought of exercise.

    This, exactly.
  • The original post was months ago, so you may no longer need encouragement. However, if you do (or if anyone else does)...I talk myself into 15 minutes. Just do 15 minutes. If after 15 minutes you want to do more and have time? Great, do it. But just 15 minutes a day. It is almost over after you begin!

    Also, it is hard not to get discouraged when you don't look the way you want to, but Rome wasn't built in a day. None of us gained weight overnight, and we can't take it off overnight. We didn't get out of shape in a week, so we can't get in shape in a week.

    Hold your head up and know you are doing something good for yourself every time you eat a healthy meal, go for a walk, or do that 15 minutes (or more). Stay off the scale for a while - just focus on the lifestyle changes!

    And if you need someone to cheer you on, friend me!

  • Amyhue
    Amyhue Posts: 17 Member
    Here's a slightly different way to think about it... "This could be my last opportunity to ever get back on that thing, it's only 20 minutes of my life." sounds dramatic, but it isn't. I used to train for triathlons. Now I have MS, which leaves my legs weak and in chronic pain from falling. Now I am in the midst of breast reconstruction, after a double mastectomy for breast cancer. So the use of both my upper and lower body is gone for now. Mmm... who knew?! But there are times when I do feel like I can use those legs, so I grab those moments and say to heck with everything else I have to do. Yesterday, I got out my tennis racquet and did the motions in the kitchen. That's all I had in me, but it felt great. I ALWAYS feel better in the brain for it... always. And doing that, by the way, is the only way to get rid of those "I am a blob" feelings" at any weight. Good luck.
  • CharmCityBella
    CharmCityBella Posts: 37 Member
    Working out in the morning makes all the difference, and this is coming from someone who is NOT a morning person! When that alarm goes off at 4:55 AM (and then again at 5:00 AM... yes, it takes two alarms because I always try to ignore the first one!), I drag myself out of bed to the work out clothes I have laid out for myself already from the night before. I drag myself down to the basement, put on my tunes, and hit the treadmill. It's early, but it's my time for me and I know I'm doing something good for myself that I would not do when I get home from work. There's always something to be done in the evening, but nothing to be done at 5 AM. The first few days will be really hard, but once you see how much more energy you'll have after starting the day off right, you'll be glad you tried it. Good luck and put that depression away! We're all here to cheer you on! :drinker:
  • Melsy7
    Melsy7 Posts: 30
    I understand because that's me. My problem is that my kids don't sleep, so it's not like I can just do it when they go to bed or get up earlier in the morning because they are ALWAYS UP. Can't get them down before 10 and they're up in the night. I just don't have good sleepers right now, so I'm tired ALL THE TIME. I don't know how old your kids are, but I finally just started exercising while they are awake. It makes me a better mommy and with enough consistency, I've eventually gained more energy. I found something to occupy the kids for 20-30 minutes and go, whether it's a tv show, or games on the tablet.

    You just have to do it. There's no other way around it. Get on that elliptical and go. 6 minutes even. I've found that 5 minutes was my threshold...I just had to get past 5 minutes and after that, the burning wasn't so bad and I even felt good enough to keep going. Work up gradually if you need to, but always set your goal a little bit higher the next night. I promise once you do it, you'll feel so much better about yourself and have that energy that you'll want to keep going.
  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    I have felt this way. It helps me to remember that there is absolutely NOTHING that I can do to make myself thinner IMMEDIATELY. That may sound depressing, but for me it helps.

    Think about it: There is NOTHING that you can do to get to your goal TODAY, but there are goals that you can definitely reach TODAY. The one goal that you cannot get RIGHT NOW is to have the body size that you want. That will have to wait. But it will happen, so long as you reach all of that goals that you can reach today.

    Here are some goals that can help you today: Exercise, Eat more veggies, Practice good personal hygeine (for a depressed person, this can be effort, that's why I mention it! I've gone days without showering or brushing my teeth or hair when in a deep depression, and keeping up with this healthy habits really makes me feel better), wear nice clothes, track on MFP, etc. These goals will make you healthier and/or feel better RIGHT NOW. The goal of getting thinner will have to wait.

    Therefore it's silly to be upset about how fat I am today, because there is nothing that I can do about being fat today. However, what I do today can help me to not be fat some day in the future. If I sit around being upset about how fat I am TODAY, then I may never get off the couch and get my future healthy body.

    Okay, that was probably a big ramble.

    I hope that you aren't so depressed for much longer! There are so many more important things in life than what we look like. Health should be number one, not size. Work on getting healthier, by setting daily, weekly, and monthly goals, and your ideal body weight will find you some day. You'll get there!