I'm so depressed.



  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Also... I highly recommend building a supportive and encouraging friend network in MFP. That is one of the very best things about this site!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,688 Member
    I look in the mirror every day and see this blob of a person. I just dont know what to do. By the time I get home at night and the kids go to bed all I want to do is sleep. I have no motivation or energy to get on my elliptical. I am at the end of my rope I feel. I watch everything that I put in my mouth but I lose my motivation and just give up. Help
    So what's your other choice? Stay the way you are and be more unhappy? Anything worth something takes sacrifice. Motivation starts with you and when you want it bad enough, there is no end of the rope.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    Do you want to change your life and feel fabulous about your body? Then COMMIT to it. Make that decision and as Nike says, just do it! Often it takes hitting rock bottom to make that change. If you're fed up, change it. Start small as everyone else has said. I got fed up with my whiney excuses! It's a numbers game and you've got to put some effort in and be consistent. Some days you can do more than other days. But do something!
  • peckish_pomegranate
    peckish_pomegranate Posts: 242 Member
    If you really aren't feeling like you can work out, just try cutting back calories first until you are ready to start an exercise routine. That will help lose weight if you don't dip dangerously low and you stick to it.

    Things like taking a walk or cleaning are also good easy things to start with! And don't feel like you need to put in an hour on the elliptical for it to be a "real" work out. Even 10 minutes is a great start. I started out that small with my work out and it makes it much easier over time.
  • johnhowson
    johnhowson Posts: 73 Member
    Love yourself just for who you are - you don't need any particular shape for that. Don't get depressed just remind yourself of all the good things about you. Don't give up on the exercise it is an important way forward and will help prevent you feeling down - if done regularly etc
    Believe in yourself you can get there for sure
  • MelodyBronson
    MelodyBronson Posts: 67 Member
    I've been in "your shoes"...so many of us that struggle with weight loss do get depressed and unmotivated...but like others have said already...You have taken the first steps by being here and also admitting being depressed and not motivated. You need to some "self-talk"...You can do this....little by little....Get on that machine and if you only to 3 minutes, that's 3 minutes you spent on the machine and not sitting on the couch....Increase your time each time you get on it....I know it can be tough to find the time and energy and motivation to exercise and eat right when you have to take care of children...but "mama has to take care of herself too!"....Look in the mirror and like yourself....and then LOVE yourself....it's hard, I know cause I struggle with this too. BUt you can do this!
  • debbluebird
    I am reading your thread, and I see so many good suggestions. We all know how hard it is. We've all been there. You need to change your routine. Do something different. Most of my life the best time to exercise was early in the morning before anyone gets up. I never felt like doing it at night. You shouldn't be tired in the morning. If you are still tired, you should go to the doctor. I hope you have a good one. Get a check up. Make an appointment and take that day off. Call in sick that day. I wish you the best. Feel free to friend me. DEB
  • angleckohr
    I do have time in the morning if I set my clock a little earlier. All the positive feed back has been wonderful. I really felt like I was standing on the ledge ready to jump. But the positive information helped to lift that darkness. Its so hard when you feel all alone. thank you.
  • MaxsMomTN
    MaxsMomTN Posts: 32 Member
    You've gotten a lot of good advice about starting slow and giving yourself small victories. I'll just add that although making healthy choices is harder than 'just giving up', you need to see yourself as worth working hard for. You work hard for your kids right? Well save a bit of that energy for yourself, show your kids that Mom respects herself enough to make the sacrifices necessary to live a healthier life. Then you become a role model for them! Hang in there!
  • JediMaster_intraining
    I like this quote: "Strive for progress, not perfection".

    YOU CAN DO IT! Your future health depends on it and your children depend on you to set a good example of hard work! Good motivational starters to think about :flowerforyou:
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    Just remember that this is a journey and you never reach your destination immediately.
    How long did it take you to gain the weight? It wasn't overnight was it? Neither will your weight loss.
    Doing anything is better than doing nothing, even if its only 10 minutes on the elliptical. Little changes can make big differences too.
    When you go shopping, or park anywhere park as far away from the doors as you can and that walk to the door over the course of a year will burn thousands of calories!! Carry the bags from the hop to the car, instead of in a trolley.
    It's amazing what these little things will do, when done regularly and the don't take that much effort or time.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I look in the mirror every day and see this blob of a person. I just dont know what to do. By the time I get home at night and the kids go to bed all I want to do is sleep. I have no motivation or energy to get on my elliptical. I am at the end of my rope I feel. I watch everything that I put in my mouth but I lose my motivation and just give up. Help
    So what's your other choice? Stay the way you are and be more unhappy? Anything worth something takes sacrifice. Motivation starts with you and when you want it bad enough, there is no end of the rope.
    You and only you author your future.
    Make the time.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    I like this quote: "Strive for progress, not perfection".

    YOU CAN DO IT! Your future health depends on it and your children depend on you to set a good example of hard work! Good motivational starters to think about :flowerforyou:

    Ooh I like that! Mind if I borrow (steal) it :-)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Just get on the elliptical even for five minutes here and there throughout your day and keep LOTS of healthy foods always in the house. We all go through down periods, now think of how you're going to look and feel in six months and do it! :)
  • debbluebird
    I am reading your thread, and I see so many good suggestions. We all know how hard it is. We've all been there. You need to change your routine. Do something different. Most of my life the best time to exercise was early in the morning before anyone gets up. I never felt like doing it at night. You shouldn't be tired in the morning. If you are still tired, you should go to the doctor. I hope you have a good one. Get a check up. Make an appointment and take that day off. Call in sick that day. I wish you the best. Feel free to friend me. DEB
  • debbluebird
    Happy Weekend everyone. I have figured out a few things during this past week. I completed a week of water aerobics, which is huge for me. I went kicking and screaming on the first day. All these years I refused to go to the pool. I do think it helps now, that I'm no longer working. I've logged on 10 days in a row. I feel that is a very good start. And lastly I have found many good people here to help with my journey here. Thank you all for your support.

  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    If you really aren't feeling like you can work out, just try cutting back calories first until you are ready to start an exercise routine. That will help lose weight if you don't dip dangerously low and you stick to it.

    This can work really well. I did nothing but count calories for a whole month before I incorporated any real exercise. Easing myself into the lifestyle and not overwhelming myself was key. Plus those first few pounds that came off through diet alone were really encouraging and made me feel a lot more positive towards putting in more effort.

    (And I agree with the "start slow, start small" comment. 5 minutes is a start. No need to hurt yourself, physically or mentally.)
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Getting started is often the hardest part. But the good news is that these problems you're experiencing are linked; once you get going, you'll probably feel better on all fronts.

    No exercise and feeling exhausted go hand-in-hand. That can make it difficult to get into any kind of workout program or routine. I know that when I'm out of the habit, I feel completely wiped by the end of the day and can barely keep my eyes open, let alone do a tough workout. But when I exercise regularly I have a lot more energy, even though I'm expending extra energy on the workouts. It also helps my mood improve.

    Start small. Really small. Like what feels insignificantly tiny. 5 minutes on the elliptical, or 10 pushups, or 25 jumping jacks. Something where you'll finish and think, "Well that wasn't really hard at all." You might even feel like it's pointless because it's so little, but we're not going for results at this point; you just want to establish in your own mind that you are fully capable of performing these activities and it's no big deal.

    It won't take much time at all to master those couple of minutes. When you hit a point where you get to the end and think, "I bet I could do more," then do more. Add another few minutes. Do two exercises instead of one. Add another rep. It's about being able to make gradual progress without freaking yourself out and rebelling against the changes.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Keep going!
  • JosieJo2000
    JosieJo2000 Posts: 162 Member
    Exercise is hard when you have young kids - believe me, been there done that! I talked about it here:


    Even if you have to get up very early, try to get the exercise out of the way before the day begins. And try to move more in your day to day life (lunge to the kitchen sink, squat in front of the TV, dance with the kids to their favourite music DVD etc).

    You have taken the first step by saying you want to change, now take the next step. Just baby steps to start with. Cut out the junk and drink more water. Exercise 10 minutes a day. Build up from there, you can do it!!!