21 Day Fix - Anyone doing it?

Hello everyone,

My wife ordered the 21 Day Fix and it arrived yesterday. She read through the booklet last night and then we watched the exercise disks. These moves are not easy, even though the modifier seems doable. My wife hasn't worked out in a while, so she feels intimidated by the whole fitness routine.

Who's doing/done the 21 Day Fix? What's your experience? What's your advice?

I think my wife needs to be motivated and inspired.

Thanks in advance.


  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    There's a group here for people who are doing it, have done it, and are sharing their experiences with it.

  • r0mans12
    r0mans12 Posts: 3 Member
    I started it a few weeks ago. It's the first exercise program where I've been able to do most of the exercises. I followed the modifier and was super sore first week or so. Already I can tell a big difference in my endurance and strength. I'm working even harder and doing more than I started and am not as sore. Bottom line is make sure you're healthy enough for the exercises, take it easy and slow, and listen to your body while knowing your limits. We all start somewhere and even if you go at a snail's pace you're ahead of where you'd be if you quit. And there is no shame in following the modifier or taking breaks because it will get easier as you get better...the key is to not completely quit. As autumn says....if you want something you've never had then you must do something you've never done. Good luck!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    The reality is that programs like this try to make it a "one size fits all" program. There's no real consideration to the physical limitations of others trying to lose.
    Just know this: weight loss will come down just to having a calorie deficit, whether you exercise or not. Their exercise program won't magically help you lose weight any faster. In fact even just walking will help burn extra calories. Any exercise program your wife CAN DO is the one she should be doing in place of the exercise program she can't.
    How do I know this? Because dealing with so many clients who are built different and having different physical limitations, I've designed programs that they can do and still achieve weight loss.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
